[美國大選] 佛羅里達州早期投票首日,民主黨暫微幅領先

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2020-10-29 10:21:18
2020-10-29 10:22:16
2020-10-29 10:26:37
咩叫racist 左膠睇唔到糸列
2020-10-29 10:31:21
Reporting states with party registration data: AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, OK, OR, PA, SD

Democrats 17,350,160 47.3%
Republicans 10,797,816 29.5%
Minor 227,446 0.6%
No Party Affiliation 8,288,395 22.6%
TOTAL 36,663,817 100.0%

Last updated: 10/28/2020 08:52 PM Eastern Time
2020-10-29 10:37:03
我係呢個 post 都出左好多數據,都講左數據唔可以單面睇
你出呢啲,又唔出 return rate 又要撈 state 睇又唔見 2016 figure
唔怪之得你咁相信 poll 呢樣野,餵到埋口就食
2020-10-29 10:43:07
2020-10-29 10:47:10
2020-10-29 10:47:23
I don't fully trust polls. Here, I just post some quick data. The details of a lot of data have been posted on the post I created. You can go to read the data.
2020-10-29 10:48:57
If you post the data, pls also post the link like other brothers, not just copy and paste the data here as others dont have any chance to verify or examine, thank you
2020-10-29 10:50:17
2020-10-29 10:52:59
2020-10-29 10:57:08
我都想睇多方面 data 但好多時出面見到既都係一式 「呀,mail in Dem 佔一半所以嬴緊啦」
但問題係,佢登記個度多人幾多,每日回郵率有冇下跌,vote in 人數差距個啲都要一次出晒,咁先俾到個 picture 人

有巴打要數既我可以俾個 excel 有晒對上五日FL所有 County data, 不過其他 state 未見到
2020-10-29 10:57:53
2020-10-29 10:58:50
2020-10-29 11:00:13
我都係估 320 左右
買左十蚊 305-330 呢個 range
2020-10-29 11:00:32


2020-10-29 11:04:04
You should further elaborate the data, for example how swing states perform, it meaningless when adding NY and CA into it.
2020-10-29 11:04:38
Trump has closed the gap in the National polls significant in the past few days.

However, a new Wisconsin poll by ABC News/The Washington Post that has Biden 17 points ahead. Furthermore, Biden has gained a bit in Georgia so that several organizations have reduced the chance of Trump's winning is a little bit.

Although the rating of the ABC News/The Washington Post poll is A+, I believe that it is NOT conclusive to say so early that Biden has a big lead in Wisconsin. We need more polls result to confirm this.

At the moment, I draw the conclusion that there has been no significant change in the past two days.

The fact that Trump has clsoed the gap in national polls suggests that the race is still close.
2020-10-29 11:06:00
I have given the names of the organiztions in my own post. People like you are familiar with the organizations and you aresure able to find the source of the information.
2020-10-29 11:07:13
我乜鳩都唔信,見到 dems 雙龍出海都出,就知真係55波
2020-10-29 11:07:34
連登規矩係source 要比link

2020-10-29 11:07:46
公就我贏 字就你輸
2020-10-29 11:10:03
I am NOT looking to win the discussion. USA is such a big country and there are so many organizations that anyone of us cannot fully mastered all the available information. So, I just would to see what the other people have found, and I also try to present the information I found concisely so that we can have a better understanding of the situation.
2020-10-29 11:10:49
條英文人連538 嘅source都好意思post出黎
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞