3,590 new cases (new national record) and 2 new deaths in Iceland
Total cases is 40,037. Without today's new cases is 36,447. So, today's new cases is almost 10% the total cases since the beginning of the pandemic!
疫情內亂雙重打擊 喀麥隆辦非洲國家盃
全港幼稚園及小學周五或之前停面授課 直至農曆新年後
法國單日增逾9萬確診 當局修訂學校檢測要求
曾身處40個指明地方人士須強檢 包括北河街街市等
USA +1,483,656 new cases!
New World Record!!!!
[size=6]洪門派對|王詩雅據報曾與女友人到干諾道西155號聚會 非當局所指115號[/size=6]
新增8宗本地個案 破一月單日最高 當局懷疑屯門有隱形傳播鏈
WHO: 7 million new omicron COVID cases in Europe last week
Half of all Europe will catch omicron virus within two months, says WHO
英國單日增逾12萬確診 意國法國等都破單日確診紀錄
馬會指屯門疫情非常嚴峻 暫時關閉區內兩個場外投注處