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HaHaHello 2022-01-06 09:24:15



小小甜卜卜趣 2022-01-06 09:50:10
誠實香港市民 2022-01-06 09:50:52
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:19:16
Because the data of USA is not reliable due to a lot of at-home rapid test. Actually,I know the situation in USA more than in any country.

In short, New York refuses to close the schools even though the new cases is higher than ever. Schools in some states have been closed.
So many staffs are sick that several lines of the subway in New York City has been stopped, and many flights across USA have been cancelled.

Too many health care staffs are infected that they have been allowed to work if they show no symptoms so that the services provided by the hospitals will be maintained.

I can provide a lot of information about USA if you want.
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:20:16




誠實香港市民 2022-01-06 10:20:28
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:22:25


Chicago school leaders canceled Thursday's classes, the second consecutive day instruction was called off amid failed efforts to reach agreement with the teachers union over COVID-19 safety protocols in the nation’s third-largest school district.
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:22:55


The Grammy Awards, initially scheduled for Jan. 31, have been postponed for the second year in a row because of the pandemic. A new date has not been announced.
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:23:45


The U.S. averaged 491,000 new infections daily over the last seven-day period, almost double the previous seven days, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at a White House briefing Wednesday. Hospitalizations were up 63%, she said.
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:25:34


CDC isolation guidelines are confusing, counterproductive, AMA says
The CDC's new quarantine and isolation guidelines are not only confusing, they're putting people at risk. That's the contention of an organization that typically sides with the nation's health protection agency -- the American Medical Association.

The guidelines, issued Dec. 27, shortened the amount of time those infected with the virus or exposed to it are required to stay away from others to five days. After that, provided the person in question has no symptoms or those are resolving, the CDC recommends wearing a mask around others for five days.

That's not enough, says the AMA, which contends that based on the CDC's own information, about 31% of those who test positive for the virus could remain infectious five days later.

"Physicians are concerned that these recommendations put our patients at risk and could further overwhelm our health care system,'' the AMA's president, Dr. Gerald E. Harmon, said in a statement. “A negative test should be required for ending isolation after one tests positive for COVID-19. Reemerging without knowing one’s status unnecessarily risks further transmission of the virus.''
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:26:37


Supreme Court hears challenge to federal mandates amid historic surge
The Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in challenges to two federal vaccine requirements Friday at a time when the omicron variant is causing infections to soar. While the justices have repeatedly turned away challenges to state and local COVID-19 vaccine mandates, the Biden administration is all but guaranteed to face a tougher reception. Federal courts have long recognized the power state and local governments have to regulate public health. But the federal government is a different story.

Brandon Trosclair, a second-generation grocer and former Republican candidate for legislative office in Louisiana, filed suit challenging the federal requirement that his workers get vaccinated.

" I just thought it was incredibly wrong to put that burden on the employer as well as ... on the employee."
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:27:54


Spring semester revving up online at many schools

A new year and the new strain of the coronavirus are resurrecting familiar problems for the nation’s millions of college students. Some universities have already decided to offer the first weeks of the spring semester virtually. And those offering an in-person start say digital instruction is still a possibility. What’s more, some that had rolled back COVID-19 precautions have reinstated those measures, such as the University of Alabama, which reintroduced its masking requirements.

Davidson College professor Chris Marsicano, who leads the College Crisis Initiative to study how colleges respond to the pandemic, says about 10% of the 400 major universities the group has reviewed so far plan to start online for the spring semester.

"This is not like last fall, where going online for a little bit could mean going online forever," he said. "All indications are that any delay or remote start will be followed up shortly thereafter by a return to normal operations."
小小甜卜卜趣 2022-01-06 10:32:57
do u mean home text doesn’t reliable? so it should be more or less case compare with the report announced by the US government ?
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:35:55


Entertainment industry struggles amid latest surge

As COVID-19 cases fueled by the omicron variant continue to surge, entertainment specials and events are once again getting canceled or postponed. The Critics Choice Awards show set for Sunday was postponed. So was the New York Film Critics Circle awards ceremony, originally scheduled for next Monday. "Late Night with Seth Meyers" was canceled all week after the star tested positive. Broadway is also struggling. "Mrs. Doubtfire" producer Kevin McCollum announced the musical would take a hiatus from Jan. 10 to March 14.

“Mrs. Doubtfire has been in development for six years. We are doing everything in our power to keep the virus from prematurely ending our run on Broadway," McCollum said. "By taking this break we can afford to launch an extended run starting in March."
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:40:41
I mean that people have not reported their test results to the Authority.

On 3 Jan 2022, USA set the world record of 1.08 million daily new cases. But the actual number may be 1.5 millions. God knows the real number!

The anti-gen at-home rapidly tests have about 85% accuracy. However, the accuracy also depends on the manufacturer. One test kit from an Australian manufacturer has been banned in USA because of the low accuracy.
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 10:43:32
The number of infection in USA is very high but no one really know how high.
The Chinese virus is all over USA: many deer in several states across the country have been infected.
小小甜卜卜趣 2022-01-06 11:00:53
wtf…. however the omicron is not as strong as delta, which may become “just a flu” situation in the future
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 11:19:56
The government and the business sector cannot face the true and mis-direct the attention of the public.

First of all, there is a problem called Long COVID, infected people (including those asymptotic) can suffer Long COVID. There are very few studies on Long COVID and we know at this moment that about 10% to 30% of infected people suffered long COVID. The nature of long COVID is not yet well understood

There are much fewer studies on the effect of vaccines on long COVID. For the earlier variants of Covid-19, the studies suggest that the vaccines have no effect on long COVID. That is, no matter vaccinated or not, once infected by the Chinese virus, people have equal chance to get long COVID.

The death rate depends on whether the heart care system can handle so many sick people. Omicron makes many more people sick in such a short time that the hospitals may be overwhelmed by too many sick people and the death rate can go up a lot.

Finally, having so many infected people means having so many virus to replicate. This increase the chance of new variants that may be more deadly. Just think about Omicron is misleading because there are likely new variants created in the nature because of so many virus at here.

We would be very lucky if there are no new variants that create even larger problems to us.
小小甜卜卜趣 2022-01-06 12:27:08
does the long term effect refer to the omicron ? As there are no government talk about the long term symptoms caused by omicron
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 17:45:22
We don't know the long term effect of Omicron yet.
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 17:46:52

洪為民生日派對爆疫 邱達根徐英偉赴活動須隔離






HaHaHello 2022-01-06 17:49:54

Omicron蔓延|新增33宗確診 10人曾與確診者同時陸田園餐廳用膳未能聯絡






HaHaHello 2022-01-06 17:51:19


本港新增33宗新型冠狀病毒確診個案。 衞生防護中心傳染病處主任張竹君表示,初步確診個案中,沒有立法會議員。對於有報道指,民政事務局局長徐英偉曾與初步確診出席同一聚會,張竹君回應指,暫時未有相關資料。 張竹君說,一名63歲初步確診者曾到銅鑼灣皇室堡東海薈拉斐特吃早餐,另一名確診者曾在同一食肆用膳,相信很大機會因此受感染,餐桌位置較近,不排除餐廳內有傳播,現時起碼有兩間食肆出現傳播,衞生防護中心及機電署代表已到東海薈拉斐特視察。
HaHaHello 2022-01-06 17:53:40

培僑中學停課3天 因家長初步確診

HaHaHello 2022-01-06 17:56:27

今增33宗確診 30宗屬Omicron 維園跳舞群組持續擴散







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