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伍佰 2021-05-28 18:20:40
未經證實 2021-05-28 18:38:54
HaHaHello 2021-05-28 20:30:17
Health experts are investigating a new 'Thai variant' of COVID-19 which has been connected to more than 100 cases in the UK.

The variant, known as VUI-21MAY-02 (C.36.3), was first detected in Thailand in people who had travelled from Egypt, Public Health England (PHE) has confirmed.

There have now been 109 cases detected in the UK, PHE said in an update.

It has now been designated a 'variant under investigation' and PHE is carrying out laboratory testing to better understand the impact of the mutations on the behaviour of the virus and determine whether it reaches the threshold of being a 'variant of concern'.

An update on the government website said: "There is currently no evidence that this variant causes more severe disease or renders the vaccines currently deployed any less effective."

It added: "PHE is carrying out laboratory testing to better understand the impact of the mutations on the behaviour of the virus.

"All appropriate public health interventions will be undertaken, including additional contact tracing and targeted testing.

"Where cases have been identified, additional follow-up of cases, testing of contacts and if required targeted case finding will limit its spread."
予一人 2021-05-28 23:24:54

把聲勁溫柔. 2021-05-29 00:26:24

HaHaHello 2021-05-29 08:54:41
4,182 new cases and 10 new deaths in the United Kingdom.

Worsening rapidly.
HaHaHello 2021-05-29 08:57:07
8,290 new cases (new national record) and 61 new deaths in Malaysia

乳無倫翅 2021-05-29 09:34:20
予一人 2021-05-29 09:59:38
假新聞標題黨 2021-05-29 16:50:46
有樓玩晒 窮撚慘了 之後通脹一定好勁
把聲勁溫柔. 2021-05-29 18:20:53
不是說好要攬炒 ?
朂強手足 Covid
HaHaHello 2021-05-30 09:13:41

馬來西亞新增逾9千宗確診 連續5天創新高



伍佰 2021-05-30 10:14:38
有幾強? 有錢人仲有咗
予一人 2021-05-30 10:33:58
鮭のハーブ焼き 2021-05-30 16:02:04




30 May 2021 読売新聞オンライン

HaHaHello 2021-05-31 16:56:11





HaHaHello 2021-05-31 16:56:23
記得帶腦上連登 2021-05-31 18:24:24
Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine not expected to require a booster in 6–12 months; variant of concern-specific shot preferred but a third Comirnaty dose likely sufficient, experts say
HaHaHello 2021-06-01 10:34:18

South Africa returns to stricter lockdown, virus 'surging'

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced Sunday that his country will return to stricter lockdown measures in the face of a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases that indicate the virus is “surging again” in Africa's worst-affected nation.

Positive cases in South Africa in the past seven days were 31% higher than the week before, and 66% higher than the week before that, Ramaphosa said in a live TV address. He said some parts of the country, including the commercial hub Johannesburg and the capital city Pretoria, were now in “a third wave."

“We do not yet know how severe this wave will be or for how long it will last,” Ramaphosa said.

In response, Ramaphosa said that from Monday the nighttime curfew would be extended by an hour to start at 11 p.m. until 4 a.m. A maximum of 100 people would be allowed at indoor social gatherings and no more than 250 at an outdoors gathering. The number of people attending funerals will be limited to 100 people and after-funeral gatherings were banned completely, Ramaphosa said. Nonessential businesses must close by 10 p.m.

“We have tended to become complacent,” Ramaphosa said, warning virus infections were “surging again” at a time when the country moves into its winter months and people were more likely to gather together indoors, likely further increasing infections.

South Africa's decision to go back to a stricter lockdown reinforces — as the crisis in India has already done so starkly — how the global pandemic is far from over.

“We have seen in other countries the tragic consequences of leaving the virus to spread unchecked,” Ramaphosa said. “We cannot let our guard down.”

South Africa has more than 1.6 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 56,000 deaths, more than 30% of the cases and 40% of the deaths recorded by all of Africa’s 54 countries, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. South Africa recorded 4,515 new cases over the past 24 hours and Ramaphosa said the “positivity rate” among tests conducted was now “a cause for concern.”

South Africa had been under lockdown level one, the lowest of its five levels, but was now reverting to an “adjusted level two," Ramaphosa announced. Authorities did stop short of reimposing the strict measures like limits on people's movements during the day and a ban on the sales of alcohol and tobacco products that were in place at times last year.

South Africa has seen two previous surges in infections, the first in the middle of last year and a second, much worse wave in December and January, when the emergence of a variant pushed infections and deaths to higher levels than the first surge. The virus was currently following “the same trajectory" as those waves, Ramaphosa said.

Experts have warned that this wave, arriving with the Southern Hemisphere winter, might be even worse.

The surge in cases also cast more attention on South Africa's lagging vaccine rollout. Only around 1.5% of the country's 60 million people have received a vaccine. Health workers were the No. 1 priority but less than 500,000 of the 1.2 million health workers have been vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson one-dose shot. South Africa only began vaccinating its elderly citizens two weeks ago. In total, 963,000 South Africans had received a vaccine by Sunday, the government said, although half of those have only received the first of two required doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

South Africa has "secured" more than 50 million vaccines, Ramaphosa said, but currently has only 1.3 million doses in the country that are ready to be rolled out. More Pfizer-BioNTech doses are expected to arrive next week, and weekly after that, he said. South Africa hopes to vaccinate around 40 million people by the end of the year, a target that looks increasingly unlikely.
HaHaHello 2021-06-01 12:47:15
HaHaHello 2021-06-01 12:48:07
HaHaHello 2021-06-01 17:02:25
新增7宗新型肺炎確診 包括6宗輸入及1宗本地個案
HaHaHello 2021-06-01 17:02:53
HaHaHello 2021-06-01 17:03:06
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞