Anti vax,just a fool

You are a fool and a mad person! Go to see a mental doctor!
1. A lot of vaccinated people have been killed by the virus. How can vaccinated people can treat the virus as a flu!
2. Some people get killed by the vaccines.
Why can't you accept the truth and make sensible suggestion?
I want to remind the vaccine supporters and anti-vaxxiers that their crazy ideas can kill people:
If you recommend a person to reject the vaccine, then that person may be killed by the virus. On the other hand, if you recommend a person to get the jab, then that person may be killed by the vaccine. Whether to get the jab or not is a very serious question and one should consider carefully all the factors such as his/her health and the risk of being killed by the virus.
Be responsible and make sensible suggestion.
逸葵樓16宗個案涉12單位 袁國勇﹕暫不須撤離居民
南韓增6769宗確診 新冠口服藥用藥對象將擴大
漁護署譴責有人阻礙市民交出倉鼠 已就事件報警
法國下月初放寬防疫措施 奧地利將強制成年人接種疫苗
鄧飛質疑「默許接種」作用 徐德義指學童打疫苗具挑戰
新冠肺炎今本土增23例創新高、高雄相關達10例 境外移入45例
Hong Kong is falling down.
Hong Kong is falling down
Falling down
Falling down.
This is because Hong Kong has made the same mistake Europe and North American made.
東京都增逾9千宗確診創新高 多地要求落實防蔓延措施