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誠實香港市民 2022-01-20 20:46:48
Vaccinated,just a flu
Anti vax,just a fool

HaHaHello 2022-01-20 21:21:49

You are a fool and a mad person! Go to see a mental doctor!

1. A lot of vaccinated people have been killed by the virus. How can vaccinated people can treat the virus as a flu!
2. Some people get killed by the vaccines.

Why can't you accept the truth and make sensible suggestion?

I want to remind the vaccine supporters and anti-vaxxiers that their crazy ideas can kill people:
If you recommend a person to reject the vaccine, then that person may be killed by the virus. On the other hand, if you recommend a person to get the jab, then that person may be killed by the vaccine. Whether to get the jab or not is a very serious question and one should consider carefully all the factors such as his/her health and the risk of being killed by the virus.

Be responsible and make sensible suggestion.

HaHaHello 2022-01-20 22:49:54




誠實香港市民 2022-01-20 23:08:45
HaHaHello 2022-01-20 23:15:11
17,105 new cases and 29 new deaths in Serbia
39,920 new cases and 10 new deaths in the Netherlands
13,865 new cases and 25 new deaths in Chile
58,356 new cases and 67 new deaths in Germany
76 new cases in Saint Kitts and Nevis
1,240 new cases and 6 new deaths in the State of Palestine
4,885 new cases and 14 new deaths in Latvia
5,767 new cases and 5 new deaths in Iraq
78 new cases and 1 new death in Yemen
368 new cases in Kenya
151 new cases and 20 new deaths in Namibia
37,987 new cases and 15 new deaths in Denmark
5,591 new cases and 2 new deaths in Saudi Arabia
88 new cases in Bhutan
17,513 new cases and 2 new deaths in Switzerland
280 new cases in Grenada
11,343 new cases and 43 new deaths in Croatia
45 new cases in Saint Pierre and Miquelon
10,888 new cases and 4 new deaths in Bangladesh
251 new cases and 5 new deaths in Uganda
2,116 new cases and 7 new deaths in Indonesia
10,052 new cases and 4 new deaths in Nepal
3,294 new cases and 1 new death in Qatar
4,658 new cases and 20 new deaths in Iran
10,288 new cases and 7 new deaths in Slovenia
16,715 new cases and 152 new deaths in Vietnam
19,105 new cases and 39 new deaths in Romania
286 new cases and 6 new deaths in Malta
1,618 new cases and 16 new deaths in Belarus
8,368 new cases and 28 new deaths in Finland
1,302 new cases in Iceland
799 new cases and 2 new deaths in Zambia
265 new cases and 4 new deaths in Senegal
38,850 new cases and 684 new deaths in Russia
3,014 new cases and 4 new deaths in the United Arab Emirates
49 new cases in Burundi
HaHaHello 2022-01-20 23:26:30
A lot of vaccine supporters have been killed by Covid-19 too.

Furthermore, some of the vaccine supporters have been killed by the vaccines. But none of the anti-vaxxers have been killed by the vaccines.

You cannot accept the above reality, so you should go to see a psychiatrist for Schizophrenia (精神分裂症) which is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal behavior and misinterpretation of reality.

HaHaHello 2022-01-20 23:43:14

逸葵樓16宗個案涉12單位 袁國勇﹕暫不須撤離居民

Linked to the hotel group.

Too many people in this building to quarantine.

All the people in this building should not leave this building.

( I cannot type Chinese so I am still waiting the detailed report in Chinese on various media.)
HaHaHello 2022-01-20 23:58:53


Mo_Salah10 2022-01-21 02:02:16
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 02:03:25

衞生防護中心傳染病處首席醫生歐家榮說,由於發現逸葵樓早前確診個案涉及變異病毒Omicron BA.2,因此翻查與檢疫酒店海景絲麗酒店女住客引發的群組情況,發現確診的巴基斯坦婦人的一名46歲男家人,本月13日曾到訪葵涌邨3幢大廈,包括逸葵樓的垃圾房收集物品,再到南昌街近北河街街市擺賣。

歐家榮說,受感染居民所住樓層包括:1、3、4、5、7、 8、11、14、22、26及32樓,當中7樓有兩個單位;至於涉及的座向包括01、03、07、11、14、15、16及20單位。


HaHaHello 2022-01-21 02:17:38
One thing I wanted to do before the end of this 討論區 series is to fully support vaccination. However, the first generation of vaccines are just not good enough to gain my full support.

Unfortunately, I have to spend a lot of time to fight the anti-vaxxers and the vaccine supporters because what they can do can kill a lot of people. If I do not fight, a lot of people can be killed by these crazy people. Some of these crazy people are simply crazy, but some of these people are simply very bad people.

A hero of the anti-vaxxers has been a leading mRNA vaccine expert and was the CEO of Pfizer. He is not really an anti-vaxxer, he keep on attacking the mRNA vaccines such as Moderna and BioNtech/Pfizer vaccines because he want to promote the anti-Covid-19 medicine his company developing.

Some of the so called vaccine supporters are not really supporting vaccination. They support vaccination just because they have brought a lot of stocks of the vaccine manufacturers.

After more than 5 million people have been killed, there are still so many bad people and so many crazy people who are doing something to kill more people. I have no choice but to fight all these people.
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 10:16:28





HaHaHello 2022-01-21 12:41:39

南韓增6769宗確診 新冠口服藥用藥對象將擴大




HaHaHello 2022-01-21 12:42:45

漁護署譴責有人阻礙市民交出倉鼠 已就事件報警




HaHaHello 2022-01-21 12:44:33




HaHaHello 2022-01-21 12:46:39



4間寵物店包括I Love Rabbit在元朗教育路及銅鑼灣利園山道的分店,及Little Boss在旺角通菜街187號及通菜街142-146號啟運大廈的分店,4間店鋪的員工會被安排到檢疫中心進行強制檢疫。4間店舖亦會被納入強制檢測公告,在本月7日至18日期間,曾身處4間店舖的人士,須接受強制檢測。

另外,衞生防護中心正跟進兩宗與寵物店相關的初步陽性個案。一名30歲女子,居於天水圍天盛苑盛謙閣H座,她到銅鑼灣Little Boss購買倉鼠,曾與確診員工有接觸。另一名23歲女子,居於石硤尾邨美如樓,她在通菜街其中一間Little Boss購買倉鼠,兩人都已接種兩劑復必泰疫苗。
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 12:48:26



漁護署回覆查詢時說,署方為銅鑼灣Little Boss寵物店內的21隻兔子、69隻倉鼠和7隻龍貓,以及該寵物店位於大埔倉庫內的138隻兔子、861隻倉鼠、2隻金倉鼠、31隻龍貓、81隻天竺鼠和3隻白老鼠作人道處理外。署方預計本周內完成為全港35間可售賣倉鼠的寵物店內的倉鼠作人道處理。


署方說,本月17日在銅鑼灣Little Boss寵物店抽取的125個動物樣本中,有7個分別抽取自7隻倉鼠的樣本證實對新型冠狀病毒測試呈陽性反應。同日從該寵物店位於大埔的貨倉內抽取的511個動物樣本當中,1個抽取自1隻倉鼠的樣本對測試呈陽性反應。
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 12:53:22

法國下月初放寬防疫措施 奧地利將強制成年人接種疫苗


The population of USA is 5 times that of France, so it corresponds to over 2.1 millions cases in USA!



躺平360 2022-01-21 13:36:43

HaHaHello 2022-01-21 14:45:13

鄧飛質疑「默許接種」作用 徐德義指學童打疫苗具挑戰





HaHaHello 2022-01-21 14:50:02

新冠肺炎今本土增23例創新高、高雄相關達10例 境外移入45例




HaHaHello 2022-01-21 15:13:29
(1) UK and Denmark have given up half year ago.
France, USA and Australia have also given up.

Almost all the well developed countries do not have enough people. About 20 years ago, Germany gave bonus to those parents to give birth. Therefore, what you said about too many people is only partially correct.

The real world is much more complicated than we believe. The birth control introduced in the well developed countries since 1970s creates a large problem in almost all well developed countries.

(2) From day one, many countries just care about money and do not really want to fight the virus. These countries imposed lockdowns because they had no choice. With the arrival of vaccine, they use vaccination to replace the lockdowns and try to business as usual. Unfortunately, the first generation of vaccines are no where as powerful as lockdowns. The result is using vaccination to kill people. Just look at the death curve of Australia, you will understand how many more people have been killed after mass vaccination.

Some of the vaccine supporters are not trying to save lives, they are saving their business by murdering people using vaccination. At the beginning, I have only to fight those mad anti-vaxxers. In the past half year, I spend more time to fight these bad vaccine supporters.

Therefore, you may say that 英法have not 放棄 saving the economy, they just 放棄 lives.
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 15:29:54
64,520 new cases and 88 new deaths (new national record) in Australia

The above curve shows clearly how many more Australians have been killed by using vaccination to replace lockdowns. Notice that the above curve does not include today's national record deaths. If we include today's data, the curve will show even more deaths!

The Australian Government knew a lot more will be killed even before the re-opening of Australia, see for example,
Ending lockdowns with 80% vaccinated could cause 25,000 Australian deaths, new modelling suggests at https://uk.yahoo.com/news/ending-lockdowns-80-vaccinated-could-173210411.html

Therefore, this is murder. Now, I hope people can understand why I have used such strong language to fight the crazy vaccine supporters. These crazy vaccine supporters are murderers.
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 15:47:55




It is all too late now. It is 19 days too late. All schools (including universities) should stop in-person learning 19 days ago.

I knew very well the pain of partial or full lockdowns, so when I said
near the end of last year that 777 should take action; it is actually the last minute call.

Earlier this year when I said:

#4438 HaHaHello • Jan 2, 2022 14:26:51
Hong Kong is falling down.

#4492 HaHaHello • Jan 4, 2022 17:56:24
Hong Kong is falling down
Falling down
Falling down.

This is because Hong Kong has made the same mistake Europe and North American made.

Hong Kong has already lost the war on Covid-19. A lot of Hongkongers don't like to hear what I said earlier, but this is the truth.

All I can say right now is protect yourself as best as you can. I have already tried my best to save Hong Kong, but 777 did not listen.
HaHaHello 2022-01-21 17:15:07

東京都增逾9千宗確診創新高 多地要求落實防蔓延措施




吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞