Japan reports record single-day number of new coronavirus cases for the fifth consecutive day
7,855 new cases and 75 new deaths in Japan
Both are new national records!
Japan reports record single-day number of new coronavirus cases for the fifth consecutive day
本港新增31宗確診 28宗屬本地個案有9宗源頭不明
10:19 GMT+8, 11 Jan 2021
Brazil health regulator says application for Sinovac vaccine lacks information
I will definitely not take the Chinese vaccines!
新增41宗確診 38宗本地個案中有11宗源頭不明
10:42 GMT+8, 12/ Jan 2021
疫苗並非救命仙藥 英國科學家:新冠肺炎永遠不會消失
北部驚傳有醫院感染? 不尋常!陳時中下午臨時要親自說明
Taiwan: 新冠肺炎今增1院內感染、1社區感染、2境外移入 染疫醫師足跡公布
新增60宗確診全部為本地個案 當中13宗源頭不明
瑪嘉烈職業治療師初步確診多5人檢疫 曾逗留人士需檢測