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HaHaHello 2021-01-01 11:07:06
Our answer to 熱狗/熱狗仔 is
keep on posting a lot of news on 支那武漢肺炎 around the world.

I have posted almost 20 comments in this morning.
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 11:09:31

街頭民調:七成三人不接種新冠疫苗 憂慮疫苗成效





福斯的背叛 2021-01-01 11:36:29
韓國+1,029 Confirmed,+17 deaths,+682 recovered
Total cases:61,769
Total deaths:917
Total recovered:42,953

HaHaHello 2021-01-01 11:47:02

除夕夜街上人流多 不排除有隱形個案 專家:確診數字或增


HaHaHello 2021-01-01 11:52:26
Thank you for your detail information on South Korea.

Happy New Year.
福斯的背叛 2021-01-01 12:33:31
Happy new year
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 13:25:00
Trump-backing anti-maskers storm California shop: ‘I don’t want underwear over my face!’

A crowd of around 50 maskless people stormed into a grocery store in California, flouting safety guidelines, in what they said was a protest against mask restrictions getting “out of hand”.

Los Angeles police were called to the grocery store in Erewhon Market in the Fairfax district after the crowd began aggressively questioning the store’s employees and customers, according to a report by KTLA TV.

The police said the crowd was protesting safety guidelines by either taking off their masks inside the store or entering without a face covering.

The protesters were heard chanting slogans like “Open up LA!” One person yelled: “They want you to wear a mask, they want you to lock down!”

A bystander, Ira Brian Miller, posted the video of the crowd chanting and aggressively pushing people in order to enter the store. Speaking to the LA Times, Mr Miller, a resident of West Hollywood, said the crowd was “pushing their way in.”

A crowd of around 50 maskless people stormed into a grocery store in California, flouting safety guidelines, in what they said was a protest against mask restrictions getting “out of hand”.

Los Angeles police were called to the grocery store in Erewhon Market in the Fairfax district after the crowd began aggressively questioning the store’s employees and customers, according to a report by KTLA TV.

The police said the crowd was protesting safety guidelines by either taking off their masks inside the store or entering without a face covering.

The protesters were heard chanting slogans like “Open up LA!” One person yelled: “They want you to wear a mask, they want you to lock down!”

A bystander, Ira Brian Miller, posted the video of the crowd chanting and aggressively pushing people in order to enter the store. Speaking to the LA Times, Mr Miller, a resident of West Hollywood, said the crowd was “pushing their way in.”

I was just trying to buy some groceries at @ErewhonMarket when 50 anti-maskers stormed the entrance in a stampede. Wtf. Please stay safe, everyone. Wear a mask. 😷 pic.twitter.com/yy9IZAYpui

— ira brian miller (@irabrianmiller) December 29, 2020

“They were trying to push the workers out of the way for them to enter the store,” said Mr Miller. He also said he heard protesters asking people to take off their mask.

A woman who was part of the protest wearing a red "MAGA" hat told the Daily Beast: "The masks do nothing! That's why you can wear anything! I don't wear underwear over my face! I'll pull off my underwear right now and put them over my face."

KTLA News quoted another protester saying they showed up because they feel coronavirus restrictions have gotten out of hand.

“We’re not here coughing everything, smearing everything,” said Jason Traver, one of the organisers of the protest. “We just want to shop, we want to take our own precautions that we’ve been doing all of our lives, and we’ll be fine.”

Mr Traver also said he feels the vaccine will be “a whole can of worms” and he’d “rather people just step up and fight.”

The police said the situation was eventually brought under control and the protesters left the store. They said no arrests were made in the incident.

Los Angeles County has seen over 746,000 cases of coronavirus so far with over 9,000 deaths. A record 7,181 people were hospitalised with Covid-19 in LA on Tuesday.
船文 2021-01-01 14:08:24
我又9up 下

覺得防疫=endorse 政權
所以先會有一班人走出嚟話武漢肺炎just a flu, 肺炎係政府用嚟扼殺市民自由嘅工具

10 幾單就嘈話要lockdown
南澳試過其中1 日有15 單就即晚lockdown

港共政權係有心用疫情扼殺市民自由,例如黑警用599G 係咁罰人錢

HaHaHello 2021-01-01 15:32:37
班熱狗 should then blame the 香港特衰政府 rather than play down the 支那武漢肺炎.

I just blame the 香港特衰政府 without down playing the 支那武漢肺炎.
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 15:39:54

深水埗區單日急增13人中招 又一居上疫榜






●深水埗 又一居 7 座

●深水埗 麗翠苑麗榕閣

●深水埗 友聯大樓

●深水埗 醫局街 193 號

●深水埗 元州邨元滿樓

●深水埗 福田大廈

●深水埗 成都大廈

●深水埗 盈達樓

●深水埗 華寶樓

●深水埗 南昌街 170 號

●九龍城 御龍居 1 座

●九龍城 何文田邨靜文樓

●九龍城 德朗邨德瑜樓

●九龍城 華景大廈

●黃大仙 慈愛苑愛仁閣

●黃大仙 彩虹邨丹鳳樓

●黃大仙 民豐樓

●黃大仙 黃大仙下邨龍澤樓

●黃大仙 東匯邨匯智樓

●黃大仙 景福街 73 號

●黃大仙 天馬苑駿威閣

●黃大仙 彩雲(二)邨豐澤樓

●黃大仙 彩雲(二)邨啟輝樓

●觀塘 順利邨利康樓

●觀塘 德福花園 H1 座

●觀塘 康華苑頌康閣

●觀塘 鳳儀大廈

●觀塘 寶達邨達峰樓

●觀塘 啟業邨啟盛樓

●觀塘 鯉魚門海傍道

●觀塘 寶達邨達峰樓


●灣仔 積福大廈

●南區 田灣邨田健樓

●南區 嘉隆苑嘉昇閣


●離島 香港天際萬豪酒店

●離島 逸東(二)邨傑逸樓

●荃灣 豪景花園富儷閣

●屯門 湖景邨湖翠樓

●屯門 兆隆苑

●元朗 俊宏軒 2 座

●元朗 天恒邨恒健樓

●沙田 雲疊花園 4 座

●沙田 雲疊花園 1 座

●沙田 金禧花園 5 座

誠實香港市民 2021-01-01 15:40:23
Happy New Year
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 16:05:15
3,322 new cases and 131 new deaths (new natinal record) in Lithuania
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 16:29:19

15 countries have more than 1 death per 1000 population

1 death per 1000 population corresponds to 7,500 deaths in Hong Kong

These data are from Worldometers
1. San Marino 0.1737% of total population
2. Belgium 0.1681% of total population
3. Slovenia 0.1297% of total population
4. Bosnia and herzegovina 0.1238% of total population
5. Italy 0.1227% of total population
6. North Macedonia 0.1201% of total population
7. Peru 0.1135% of total population
8. Bulgaria 0.1094% of total population
9. Czechia 0.1093% of total population
10. Spain 0.1087% of total population
11. Montenegro 0.1086% of total population
12. Andorra 0.1086% of total population
13. UK 0.1080% of total population
14. USA 0.1067% of total population
15. Liechtenstein 0.1021% of total population
真夏の気圧配置 2021-01-01 16:42:06
NHK【速報】:東京都 783人感染確認 週五紀錄第二高
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 17:05:41

新增42宗確診 36宗本地個案中13宗源頭不明



HaHaHello 2021-01-01 20:19:02
More infectious COVID-19 variant found in Florida - state officials

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A more infections variant of COVID-19 that has swept through the United Kingdom has been identified in Florida, state health officials said on Thursday, marking the third known U.S. state to identify such a case.

The Florida Department of Health said the case involved a male in his 20s in Martin County with no history of travel. Two other cases involving the UK variant have been identified in Colorado and California.

"The Department is working with the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) on this investigation," it tweeted.

On Wednesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom said the coronavirus variant B.1.1.7 had been identified in Southern California.

A day earlier, Colorado Governor Jared Polis said the variant had been identified there, while another state health official said a second possible case was being investigated.

The cases, found in individuals who had not recent traveled, showed the likely community spread of the variant from person-to-person in the United States. Health experts have said they believe the new variant is more infectious but recently approved vaccines should provide protection against it.
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 20:42:42

Bangkok to close schools for two weeks as number of COVID-19 cases rise

BANGKOK (Reuters) - The Thai capital of Bangkok will close all schools for two weeks after the New Year holiday as it tightens measures to control a new wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the city said on Friday.

Thailand confirmed 279 new coronavirus cases on Friday, with the majority of them linked to a cluster among migrant workers in Samut Sakhon province south of Bangkok, and another cluster linked to illegal gambling dens that started in the eastern province of Rayong.

These new clusters have started to spread into Bangkok, prompting the city's administrator to tighten measures to curb the spread of the virus.

"We begin to detect new cases linked to students and other service businesses," said Pongsakorn Kwanmuang, the spokesman for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.

"Therefore we decided to close more places," he said.

All schools, daycare centres for the young and elderly, preschool and tutorial centres will be close from January 4 to 17 while other public facilities including amusement parks, playgrounds, public baths and massage parlours will be closed starting from Saturday, he said.

Pongsakorn also said the city is considering restrictions on eating-in at restaurants but said that more discussions were needed with the government COVID-19 taskforce on Saturday.

Thailand recorded two new deaths from coronavirus on Friday, taking the total number of infections to 7,163 and the number of deaths to 63 since the outbreak started last January.

The majority of the new cases resulted from local transmission of the disease while six were imported from abroad, the government COVID-19 taskforce said.
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 21:57:32

新冠肺炎:世衞證有4種變種病毒 部分傳播力更強


世衞正式通報新冠病毒自出現以來的主要變異情況,首先見於去年1月底至2月初,新冠病毒出現「D614G」突變,逐漸取代最初發現的毒株,更具傳染性,至去年6月成為全球主要傳播形式。丹麥北日德蘭半島去年8至9月發現另一種被稱為「Cluster 5」的變種病毒,與養殖場水貂之間的感染有關,隨後傳染人類,但未有廣泛傳播,當時只發現12宗病例。

英國上月14日向世衞通報告一種命名為「VOC 202012/01」的變種病毒,最初在英格蘭東南部出現,更具傳染力,但不會引起更嚴重的疾病,亦不影響檢測。世衞表示,組織在全球按地域劃設的6個區域中,其中5區出現英國變種新冠病毒,涉及其他31個國家和地區。南非上月18日亦宣布,發現命名為「501Y.V2」的變種病毒,在該國迅速傳播,並在另外4個國家發現其蹤迹。

食完砂糖未 2021-01-01 21:58:02
[求推] 衞生署 強制檢測名單 又双叒叕有錯?
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
HaHaHello 2021-01-01 22:33:46

This is the tradition of 香港特衰政府

食完砂糖未 2021-01-01 22:35:16
HaHaHello 2021-01-02 09:05:42
Turkey slammed its doors to travelers from Britain on Friday, saying that it had found 15 infections with the new, more transmissible variant of the virus that first emerged in England. All were among recent arrivals from the United Kingdom.

Turkey’s health minister, Fahrettin Koca, issued a statement saying that the 15 people infected with the variant were in isolation and that their contacts were being traced and placed under quarantine. In countrywide checks, the statement said, the virus had not been detected in anyone other than travelers who arrived from Britain.

The finding brings the number of countries that have detected the variant to at least 33 since Britain announced finding it on Dec. 8, and the number of countries barring travelers arriving from Britain to more than 40. Some countries are also imposing restrictions on travelers, including U.S. citizens, who in recent weeks visited the countries where the variant has been detected.

The Philippines expanded restrictions on travelers from Britain and 18 other countries, adding the United States after a third state, Florida, reported an infection involving the variant. Many countries have already restricted travel from the United States because of its staggering number of infections — the most in the world.
HaHaHello 2021-01-02 09:08:07

If it can 改正, then it is not 香港特衰政府.

Do not have any hope for 香港特衰政府.

Get your BNO passport and leave Hong Kong fast.

HaHaHello 2021-01-02 09:14:13
The list of countries that have identified infections with the variant has been growing rapidly, and as of Friday includes — besides the United States, Britain and Turkey — Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United Arab Emirates.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞