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HaHaHello 2021-08-04 19:15:28
19,819 new cases (new national record) and 257 new deaths (new national record) in Malaysia

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-08-04 19:53:39
39,357 new cases (new national record) and 409 new deaths in Iran

Keep worsening rapidly!
HaHaHello 2021-08-04 21:23:22
Greece's entire artistic swimming team is out of Tokyo Olympics because of COVID cases

TOKYO — Greece will miss the team competition in artistic swimming after five members of the 12-woman team tested positive for COVID-19 and the others were deemed to be close contacts, Tokyo organizers announced Wednesday.

Evangelia Papazoglou and Evangelia Platanioti had already been ruled out of the technical prelims of the duet event, which were Tuesday. They had been 10th in Monday’s preliminaries for the free routine. The team competition begins Friday.

All 12 team members have been moved out of the Olympic Village and are in quarantine, Tokyo 2020 spokesman Takaya Masa said Wednesday.

“We judged the monitoring had to be strengthened, and it was decided to do it outside the village,” Takaya said. “They had made a huge effort and actually came to Japan under difficult circumstances. I imagine the expectations from the Greek people for these athletes were quite high so it’s painful to think of them.”

Tokyo organizers reported 29 new cases of COVID-19 among Olympic personnel on Wednesday, a single-day high since they began tracking on July 1. Four of those were athletes, also a single-day high.
HaHaHello 2021-08-05 11:18:06


HaHaHello 2021-08-05 11:22:27
112,279 new cases and 656 new deaths in the United States

Keep worsening rapdily
HaHaHello 2021-08-05 11:58:32


+683,085 new cases
+10,105 new deaths

The number of new cases in the past week has surpassed the number in last November and has reached the level in early December 2020.

God knows what will hapen in this coming winter.
HaHaHello 2021-08-05 12:00:10

歐洲疫情回升 暑期外遊或成爆發點



HaHaHello 2021-08-05 12:07:32

澳門出事逾周 料有千人返港


HaHaHello 2021-08-05 12:23:57
New research indicates that some people who are fully vaccinated can get infected with delta. A study published Friday found that 74% of the people who tested positive for COVID-19 in a recent outbreak in Massachusetts had been fully vaccinated.
HaHaHello 2021-08-05 16:09:44

再降回個位數!今僅增6例本土確診 未有死亡案例

HaHaHello 2021-08-05 17:19:38

Missouri county coroner removed covid from death certificates to 'please' grieving families

A small county in Missouri undercounted the number of fatalities caused by the coronavirus after a coroner agreed to remove covid-19 as a cause of death from some death certificates upon being asked by families of the deceased.

The undercount in coronavirus-linked deaths in Macon County, home to around 15,000, as a result of the coroner's actions is relatively small. The Kansas City Star, which first broke news of the story, pegged the figure at a half-dozen or more. But it comes amid broader recognition that the number of covid fatalities in the United States is probably higher than the official tally of 614,000.

In Macon, some requests came from people who wanted to avoid being reminded of how they could not see family before their deaths because of restrictions on visits to hospitals and nursing homes. "A lot of families were upset. They didn't want covid on the death certificates," the county coroner, Brian Hayes, told the Star.

Hayes, a Republican elected official who is also a partner at a local funeral home, said he obliged requests to alter or omit covid as the cause of death only when there was a factual alternative that could be listed. "I won't lie for them, it's gotta be true, but I do what pleases the family," Hayes said, according to the Star.

He did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent early Wednesday.

Jerris R. Hedges, a medical professor at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, wrote in an email that it was understandable for families to want to keep the cause of death private. But coroners should report both the presence of a coronavirus infection, and any associated underlying disease under the cause of death, he said, as it could help persuade those with preexisting conditions to get vaccinated.

"Although some deaths are uniquely related to covid, many, many more are where covid has pushed those with preexisting conditions into a literal death spiral," he wrote.

It isn't clear the extent to which a potential nationwide undercount may have been affected by intentional distortions of data or other factors, like an inability to test patients who later die of covid-19.

In January, New York State Attorney General Letitia James said the state had undercounted coronavirus-related deaths at nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

In May, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington said the actual number of deaths in the United States caused by the pandemic could be over 900,000 - higher than the roughly 580,000 deaths logged at the time.

Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that month that he had "no doubt" there was an undercount of coronavirus-linked deaths, though 900,000 sounded "a bit more than I would've thought."

The United States, which has the world's highest official coronavirus death toll, is not the only country where an undercount in fatalities is likely. The May report from the University of Washington listed India, Mexico and Brazil among countries with likely wide variances between officially reported covid deaths and actual fatalities.
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 09:15:15
20,596 new cases (new national recoed) and 164 new deaths in Malaysia

One more country has surpassed 20,000 new cases!
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 09:16:40
14,211 new cases (new national record) and 9 new deaths in Japan

Worsening rapidly!
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 09:39:59

Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus, CDC chief says

(CNN)Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday.

"Our vaccines are working exceptionally well," Walensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."
That's why the CDC changed its guidance last week and is now recommending even vaccinated people wear masks indoors again, Walensky said.
Last week, the agency released a study that showed the Delta variant produced similar amounts of virus in vaccinated and unvaccinated people if they got infected -- data that suggests vaccinated people who get a breakthrough infection could have a similar tendency to spread the virus as the unvaccinated.
"If you're going home to somebody who has not been vaccinated, to somebody who can't get vaccinated, somebody who might be immunosuppressed or a little bit frail, somebody who has comorbidities that put them at high risk, I would suggest you wear a mask in public indoor settings," Walensky said.
The dangerous Delta variant has fueled the country's latest surge of Covid-19 cases and if more Americans don't get vaccinated and mask up, the country could soon be seeing "several hundred thousand cases a day," similar to the winter surge, Walensky said.
And while states across the South -- including Florida and Louisiana -- have seen exponential rises in cases, Walensky said, they have not reached their peak just yet.
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 09:54:00

Only six ICU beds available in one state

Even after the development and release of Covid-19 vaccines that so many health care professionals had hoped for, rising cases have led to overwhelmed hospitals.
Arkansas health officials reported a "record low number of available ICU beds," Wednesday. According to Arkansas Department of Health public information officer Danyelle McNeill, the state had just 25 ICU beds available.

According to Arkansas' Covid-19 dashboard, there was a total of 1,232 Covid-19 positive admissions. The total number of Covid-19 positive admissions in the ICU is 466, and the total Covid-19 positive admissions on ventilators is 260.
As of Wednesday morning, Mississippi had only six open ICU beds available in the entire state, Dr. Jonathan Wilson, chief administrative officer and Covid-19 incident manager, said during a Covid-19 briefing with University of Mississippi Medical Center leaders.
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 10:01:33
7,244 new cases and 393 new deaths (new national record) in Vietnam
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 10:24:48
120,945 new cases and 559 new deaths in the United States

Surpass 120,000 new cases again.
The 7-day moving average of new cases has aslo surpassed 100,000.

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 10:27:26


+702,055 new cases
+10,288 new deaths

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 10:28:38
308 new cases and 1 new death in Australia

Keep worsening!
今期流行 2021-08-06 11:33:55
今期流行 2021-08-06 11:34:16
HaHaHello 2021-08-06 17:10:39

新冠肺炎今增10例本土、添3死 陳時中:8/10到8/23維持二級警戒



HaHaHello 2021-08-06 17:37:57

大阪確診創單日新高 東京都增逾4500宗


HaHaHello 2021-08-07 10:59:58
21,838 new cases (new national record) and 212 new deaths (new national record) in Thailand

Keep worsening
我不是洪卓立 2021-08-07 11:06:18
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞