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HaHaHello 2021-11-04 22:19:56
2,598 new cases and 5 new deaths in Denmark

Keep worsening.
Denmark is the second country to surrender to the virus: No mask, no social distancing, no washing hands frequently and no other public health measures because Denmark had declared that Covid-19 is not a major disease.

Many more deaths will come in the coming months.
HaHaHello 2021-11-04 22:22:07
6,310 new cases (new national record, old record was 4620) and 32 new deaths in Croatia
HaHaHello 2021-11-05 08:52:20
35,662 new cases (new national record) and 140 new deaths in Germany

Worsening rapidly.
HaHaHello 2021-11-05 09:06:42

Wuhan Virus 聯賽排名準則

From 【支那武漢肺炎】全球討論區 02 #341:
1-20 武超
21-40 武冠
41-60 武甲
61-80 武乙
81以下 非職業聯賽

The above was invented in 支那武漢肺炎-全球疫情 討論區 01.
HaHaHello 2021-11-05 09:08:29
10,214 new cases and 23 new deaths in the Netherlands

Worsening rapidly
HaHaHello 2021-11-05 09:11:37
1,382 new cases and 4 new deaths in Portugal

Worsening again
村民(兼職) 2021-11-05 10:40:18
Covid: WHO warns Europe once again at epicentre of pandemic
HaHaHello 2021-11-05 15:54:46
166 new cases and 1 new death in New Zealand

Keep worsening.
HaHaHello 2021-11-05 16:53:08
9,388 new cases and 32 new deaths in Austria

Keep worsening
HaHaHello 2021-11-06 10:36:43
10,911 new cases and 20 new deaths in the Netherlands

Keep worsening
HaHaHello 2021-11-06 10:38:03
7,504 new cases and 70 new deaths in Vietnam

Keep worsening.
HaHaHello 2021-11-06 10:40:46
204 new cases (new national record) and 2 new deaths in New Zealand

Keep worsening.

New Zealand and Vietnam were two of the most successful countries dealing with Covid-19. Now, both are in deep trouble.
HaHaHello 2021-11-06 10:43:01
35,806 new cases (new national record) and 178 new deaths in Germany

Worst than ever!
今期流行 2021-11-06 14:05:44
HaHaHello 2021-11-06 20:08:10
41,335 new cases (new national record) and 1,188 new deaths in Russia

HaHaHello 2021-11-06 20:13:24
25,063 new cases and 793 new deaths (new national record) in Ukraine

Keep worsening
想個名金色 2021-11-07 03:00:09
支那 9 萬 確診 死4 千
HaHaHello 2021-11-07 09:05:45
2,097 new cases and 10 new deaths in Denmark

The deaths has begun to increase!
HaHaHello 2021-11-07 09:30:07
As we blocked more and more people, those people who want to downplaying the risk of COVID-19 have kept quite. As well as for other reasons, this 討論區 hs been slowed down rapidly.

Later, Member 'A ' reported the daily new cases and new deaths for the whole world every day in 討論區09. This member stated that he/she did this for those who have been killed by the virus. This means that the reporting will go on forever. As a result, another member who wants to downplaying the pandemic fucked off member 'A' for the daily report.

Member A was very unhappy and said during his/her last reporting, "Some people at LIHKG are really low quality". So, member A has stopped reporting the pandemic at 討論區09 and this 討論區 was in great danger of being killed.
辛坦拿杜尼 2021-11-08 01:19:29

重症: 100
死亡: 0

HaHaHello 2021-11-08 20:47:05
7,988 new cases and 67 new deaths in Vietnam

Keep worsening.
HaHaHello 2021-11-08 20:49:09
17,834 new cases (new national record) and 214 new deaths in Hungary

Keep worsening rapidly.
HaHaHello 2021-11-09 16:47:24
39,160 new cases and 1,211 new deaths (new national record) in Russia
HaHaHello 2021-11-09 16:51:01
18,988 new cases and 833 new deaths (new national record) in Ukraine
HaHaHello 2021-11-09 19:01:55
Some people hate this 討論區 and want to downplaying the pandemic for several reasons:
(10 A few of them want to go out protesting on the street just as a lot of Hongkonger did during 2019. They blame this 討論區 for spreading the message about the danger of the virus so that people prefer to stay at home rather than go out to protest on the street.
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