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HaHaHello 2021-04-07 14:19:50
Do you remember the Brazilian president? If you do, then you know the current situation is reasonably.

And do forget this: Winter is coming to Brazil. God knows how many wil die in the winter.
松浦夏希 2021-04-07 15:22:05
【4月7日 15時41分】東京都單日新增555宗確診,相隔兩個月以來再度突破單日五百宗,亦是3月緊急事態宣言解除以來最高紀錄。
HaHaHello 2021-04-07 20:54:32
'Double mutant' coronavirus variant is found in California


Key information given by the above report:

The same combination of these two mutations, known as L452R and E484Q, the latter of which is closely related to a more well-known mutation known as E484K.
The L452R mutation became well known in California as one found in the California variant (B.1.427/B.1.429), resulting in a strain that is believed to make the virus more infectious and might cause reduced immunity in people who have been vaccinated.
The E484Q mutation is closely related to the E484K mutation, which has been found in variants first identified in South Africa (B.1.351); Brazil (P.1 and P.2) and New York (B.1.526). The E484K mutation is also concerning because it might give the virus the ability to partly evade the immune system's protective response among inoculated people or those who have survived a conventional COVID-19 illness.
"What we don't know is how those [two mutations] will behave when they're put in the same virus," Pinsky said. "There's a reasonable amount of information about those [two mutations] individually. But will it be worse if they're together? We don't really know how they're going to interact."
The Stanford lab routinely performs genetic analysis for coronavirus specimens among COVID-19 patients in the Bay Area. They screen for three worrisome mutations: L452R, E484K, and N501Y. The N501Y mutation — thought to increase the transmissibility of the coronavirus — is found in the U.K. variant (B.1.1.7), as well as the South African variant and one of the Brazilian variants (P.1).
HaHaHello 2021-04-07 21:49:23

Japan's Osaka cancels Olympic torch run

Japan's western region of Osaka on Wednesday cancelled Olympic torch events scheduled across the prefecture, as record infections prompted its government to declare a medical emergency.

Health authorities fear a virus variant is unleashing a fourth wave of infections just 107 days before the Tokyo Olympics begin, with a vaccination drive still at an early stage.
HaHaHello 2021-04-07 22:22:11

本港新增8宗確診 包括2宗源頭不明本地個案





6宗輸入個案,分別1人由埃及、2人由印度、 2人由巴基斯坦及1人由菲律賓抵港。
佢好煩 2021-04-08 00:04:42
HaHaHello 2021-04-08 07:03:19
All the government want to kill their citizens.

Just think about Hong Kong, we (Hongkongers) have done a good job to fight the Chinese virus, so 777 wants us to take the vaccine. Since the vaccinating started, 15 deaths after taking the vaccine, while only 4 Covid-19 deaths in Hong Kong.
HaHaHello 2021-04-08 07:04:20
54,740 new cases and 276 new deaths in Turkey

Both are new natioanl records!
HaHaHello 2021-04-08 07:28:44
126,315 new cases (new national record after new national record and after new natioanl record) and 684 new deaths in India
假新聞標題黨 2021-04-08 20:54:07
HaHaHello 2021-04-08 21:01:26

本港新增10宗確診 包括1宗源頭不明本地個案



HaHaHello 2021-04-08 21:06:23


在歐洲藥品管理局表示,阿斯利康疫苗與血栓可能存在關連後,澳洲首席醫療官員建議五十歲以下民眾,轉打輝瑞疫苗。 官員說,雖然相關風險極低,但國內專家已經改變對那些面臨最大風險的人士作出的建議。 澳洲將繼續為七十歲以上的人士注射阿斯利康疫苗。 總理莫里森則表示,民眾仍然可以選擇接種阿斯利康疫苗,認為阿斯利康疫苗風險好低,但這是一個嚴重的風險。 他又說,澳洲對是否採購其他疫苗保持開放。
HaHaHello 2021-04-08 21:26:06
大阪府新增905宗確診 連續三日創新高




HaHaHello 2021-04-09 07:28:07
23,683 new cases (new national record) and 290 new deaths in Argentina
HaHaHello 2021-04-09 08:03:31
131,893 new cases (new national record) and 802 new deaths in India

Keep worsening.
HaHaHello 2021-04-09 09:03:41


Sao Paulo, the country's biggest city, on Wednesday said it would begin opening some 600 new graves per day, well beyond the record of 426 burials in a day on March 30. The city is also preparing plans for a "vertical cemetery," a crypt with 26,000 drawer-like graves that can be build in 90 days once approved.
HaHaHello 2021-04-09 09:07:31

Countries worldwide hit new records for virus cases, deaths

source: https://us.yahoo.com/news/countries-worldwide-hit-records-virus-174913741.html
HaHaHello 2021-04-09 09:25:46


+737,425 cases (The worst since 15 Jan 2021 and the 5th record in history)

+13,827 deaths ( also worsening rapidly)

Three countries have over 80,000 cases yesterday:
Indian +131,893
Brazil +89,293
USA +80,161
HaHaHello 2021-04-09 09:32:17

法國增近8.5萬人確診 德國專家促政府更嚴厲封城



HaHaHello 2021-04-09 09:33:33

HaHaHello 2021-04-09 09:38:19


本港再多9人接種新冠疫苗後不適送院, 分別是3男6女,年齡介乎37-69歲;其中8人接種復必泰,1人接種科興。全部情況穩定,1人要留院觀察。

香港樂迷已死 2021-04-09 12:37:17
what’s the world’s record
肥_仔 2021-04-09 14:11:23
tokyo +537
福斯的背叛 2021-04-09 14:32:30
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞