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HaHaHello 2022-01-09 17:34:06

另1名居於大埔美新大廈的66歲女子染疫被列為初步個案,她與早前確診的外傭一家三口並不相識,但同樣居於D單位,即在他們樓上。該大廈上周四(6日)晚上曾封區檢測,她當時無驗出病毒,上周六(8日)再檢測就初步確診,目前懷疑大廈有環境污染,導致她染疫。該66歲女子平時去大快活食早餐,及到翠屏花園購物,亦曾去過大埔八號花園「Market Place」、太和路「錢大媽」、蓬瀛仙館長者鄰舍中心畫畫等。

HaHaHello 2022-01-09 17:55:31

當局暫未找到理貨員與其他個案有關連 憂社區隱形傳播



HaHaHello 2022-01-09 18:02:13

大埔美新大廈現垂直傳播 6至24樓D單位住戶須撤離

HaHaHello 2022-01-09 18:27:45



落閘放狗狗血淋頭 2022-01-09 18:41:16



HaHaHello 2022-01-09 22:59:42




Mo_Salah10 2022-01-09 23:40:04
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 10:18:00

2 years later, latest surge derails basic services again

The omicron-fueled coronavirus infections slamming the U.S. are causing a breakdown in basic functions and services. Many police, fire and emergency medical services, hospitals, schools and government agencies have employed an all-hands-on-deck approach. But it's not clear how long that can last. And many businesses are also struggling. It's the latest illustration of how COVID-19 keeps upending life more than two years into the pandemic.

“This really does, I think, remind everyone of when COVID-19 first appeared and there were such major disruptions across every part of our normal life,” said Tom Cotter, director of emergency response and preparedness at the global health nonprofit Project HOPE. “And the unfortunate reality is, there’s no way of predicting what will happen next until we get our vaccination numbers – globally – up.”
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 10:19:06

US averaging 700K new COVID cases per day

he U.S. is now averaging more than 700,000 new coronavirus cases per day, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data shows.

The country reported about 4.91 million cases in the week ending Saturday. That's more cases in seven days than in April, May, June and July 2021 combined. At the latest pace, eight Americans are testing positive every second. Each of the last five days ranks in the top five of the entire pandemic for highest case counts.

"I would not be surprised at all if we go over a million cases per day," Dr. Anthony Fauci, the president's chief medical adviser, told News 4 New York in an interview Saturday. For perspective, at one point in June the U.S. average daily caseload over a week was just above 11,000.

And while the prevalent omicron variant is milder on a per-case basis, fast-swelling numbers of new cases are burdening hospitals. A federal report released Saturday shows about 138,000 COVID-19 patients in hospital beds, up 32% from the previous week.
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 10:28:42
Last week, multiple UW Medicine locations in Washington started prioritizing testing solely for people "who have symptoms of respiratory illness or who have a known exposure to COVID-19," spokesperson Susan Gregg told CNN. People without symptoms are not being tested, Gregg said, "due to the high volume of omicron cases that are being processed in our laboratory."

The University of North Carolina Medical Center in Chapel Hill is also restricting Covid-19 tests to those exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms, as well as university employees and those requiring a test prior to a surgery, according to UNC Health Director of News Alan M. Wolf.
Some localities are now seeing the most new cases they've seen the whole pandemic, including Los Angeles County.

On Saturday, the county reported more than 200,000 confirmed cases over the previous seven days -- the highest number of cases in one week since the start of the pandemic, according to a news release from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Hospitalizations doubled over the week to 3,200 and there were 135 Covid-related deaths, the department said.

The rise in infections is also hitting Los Angeles' children hard.

At Children's Hospital Los Angeles, the positivity rate for children tested for Covid-19 has increased from 17.5% in December to 45% to date in January, according to CHLA Medical Director Dr. Michael Smit.

CHLA currently has 41 patients in-house who have tested positive for Covid-19, and roughly one quarter of the children admitted to the facility with Covid-19 require admission to the pediatric ICU, with some requiring intubation, Smit told CNN on Saturday.
The rise in cases comes just as Los Angeles students are preparing to return to in-person classes Tuesday.
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 11:20:44




HaHaHello 2022-01-10 14:27:03

東京都新增1223人確診 連續兩日過千人染疫


HaHaHello 2022-01-10 15:38:08

COVID-19 cases fill hospital beds in parts of Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick

Hospitals in several parts of Canada are straining under the weight of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, with Quebec hospitalizations reaching an all-time high on Sunday and Ontario's admissions to intensive care units surging past the 400 mark.

New Brunswick's hospitals also hovered near their highest levels since the pandemic began, with 79 people in hospital, one in five of whom are in intensive care.

Dr. Bob Bell, former CEO of the University Health Network and Ontario deputy health minister from 2014 to 2018, said Canada is in good company when it comes to seeing its health-care system tested by COVID-19.

Every Western country dealing with Omicron has a stressed hospital system right now, he said, but Canada has a lower tolerance for measures like death than places like the United States so will pursue lockdowns and restrictions sooner.

"We're being prudent, as Canadians usually are," he said in an interview.

Quebec hospital admissions leapt by 140 on Sunday to 2,436, and the added pressure has prompted several hospitals across the province to delay surgeries and medical appointments.

Ontario reported 2,419 patients hospitalized due to the virus on Sunday, down from Saturday's count of nearly 2,600 -- though the province notes not all facilities share data over the weekend.

Some regions, such as British Columbia, do not report cases or hospitalizations on the weekend.

Relative to its peer countries, Bell said Canada has a "solid" health-care system when it comes to quality of care. It also adapted to the pandemic by adding critical care beds, ventilators and moving surgeries.

Where it tends to fall down on international comparisons is access to primary care, he said.

Bell warned that stressed hospitals can be a symptom of inadequate "upstream" care like access to family doctors, home care and community care. When those services aren't available, people show up in emergency departments for help, he said.

"The hospital is the canary in the coal mine in many ways for health system challenges," he said.

In a November 2021 report called "A Struggling System," the Canadian Medical Association said the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the health of Canadians that is broader than the effects of contracting the virus itself.

Among its findings, there was a 68 to 94 per cent decrease in in-person visits for chronic disease care visits in April 2020 compared with April 2019, and cancer screening remained 20 to 35 per cent below pre-pandemic levels as of January 2021.

"The backlog in hospital procedures is growing, and numerous forms of care have been delayed, cancelled or otherwise affected," the report said.

"The demand for extra capacity poses a significant risk to the sustainability of the health care system at a time when health care workers are burned out, exhausted and demoralized, and the pressures on the system are being exacerbated by the increasing shortage of health human resources."

While the wave of Omicron infections continues, public health officials are working to reduce the impact to places like the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.

In order to protect the essential workforce conducting critical on-site diagnostic and lab research, all personnel who can work remotely have been asked to do so starting Monday, the Public Health Agency of Canada said in a statement Sunday.

Dr. Mike Haddad, Chief of Staff at Bluewater Health in Sarnia, Ont., said his hospital is currently seeing higher levels of COVID-19 admissions than at the peak of the first wave in April 2020.

Haddad said that while his staff has remained in high spirits, they're exhausted by Omicron's incessant spread. Roughly five per cent of them are currently isolating after an infection or high-risk exposure.
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 15:50:08

日本確診連續兩日逾8千宗 駐日美軍將減少外出



q160765803 2022-01-10 16:03:15
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 16:18:40
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 16:20:12
Note that I am writing at many websites to talk about Covid-19 so that I might not repot all the latest developments here.
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 16:25:01
33,169 new cases (new national record) and 145 new deaths in the Philippines

Worsening rapidly.
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 17:33:40

本港新增24宗確診 5宗屬本地個案



HaHaHello 2022-01-10 17:35:57

竹篙灣「爆廠」 密切接觸者檢疫縮短至14日 加家居自我監測7日

HaHaHello 2022-01-10 17:48:40
新增的輸入相關確診個案,涉及在有線大廈工作、曾去「洪門宴」、跑馬地賽馬會用膳的43歲女子(個案編號: 12962);在大埔美新大廈D室居住的66歲獨居女士(個案編號: 12941);確診的51歲女子(個案編號:12960)曾在「足福履」為確診者12860按摩,當時是每個客人處於各自房間內由按摩師服務,兩人當時大部分時間都有戴口罩,她的家人、1名88歲女士今日確診(個案編號: 12944)。曾去「足福履」的人士須去檢疫。

張表示,昨日(9日)公布屬源頭不明、曾於銅鑼灣祟光百貨做兼職銷售員的20歲女子(個案編號: 12945)有新一步進展,其父親初步確診,比女兒更早發病,他1月1日出現發燒、咳等病徵,一同居於愛琴海灣8座,因他曾有不適,被送到屯門醫院。平日該患者主要於屯門愛定商場215號東亞大藥房逗留,他幾乎每日、一日三餐去同層的都城餐廳用餐,本月7日曾去VCity的老虎冰室。上月29日曾去屯門友愛邨、同月30日曾去歡喜麵家,同月31日曾到新城市廣場的Outback。該售貨員的其他家人亦出現病徵。上月27日至本月9日曾去屯門安定廣場的人需作檢查。由於望月樓播毒的國泰空少(個案編號: 12611),曾於該藥房購物,懷疑與「望月樓」群組相關,但亦要基因排序分析判斷兩者是否關連。而初診患者的其他家人亦出現病徵

HaHaHello 2022-01-10 18:30:16
HaHaHello 2022-01-10 18:49:58
衞生署衞生防護中心傳染病處主任張竹君表示,初步確診個案中,包括縉景台確診個案的兩位家人,其中一名36歲女子為「榮源茶行」的職員,1月4日與家人入住檢疫中心,她於1月2日曾與家人到元朗一個士多啤梨園,本月4日及5日曾檢測均呈陰性,至1月9日發燒送院。另一名家人是38歲男子,與36歲女子同時送往檢疫中心,他為在地盤工作的測量師,在灣仔工作,1月9日發燒,隨後確診。他於1月4日早上曾到銅鑼灣757 逗留購物,1月3日晚上8時曾買外賣。1月2日下午3時亦有到該農莊,1月2日曾到香港仔運動場踢波。



HaHaHello 2022-01-10 20:01:26

澳洲確診病例破百萬宗 逾半於過去一星期通報



HaHaHello 2022-01-10 21:02:35





吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞