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HaHaHello 2021-06-19 09:45:37
28,790 new cases and 590 new deaths in Colombia

The trend is still worsening.
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 09:47:00
12,990 new cases and 290 new deaths in Indonesia

Worsening rapidly.
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 13:02:06

'Significant' problems linked to Sinovac vaccine in other countries: MOH official

SINGAPORE — There is a significant risk of "vaccine breakthrough" with the Sinovac vaccine, or CoronaVac, with international evidence showing that many who had taken it were later infected with COVID-19, said the Ministry of Health's (MOH) director of medical services Kenneth Mak on Friday (18 June).

Addressing reporters at a virtual media briefing by the multi-ministry taskforce on the coronavirus, Associate Professor Kenneth Mak said that Singapore has been assessing the experience of countries such as Indonesia, which has vaccinated a "larger proportion" of the population using CoronaVac.

Alluding to recent reports that more than 350 doctors and medical workers in Indonesia were infected with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated with CoronaVac, Associate Professor Mak noted, "It's not a problem associated with Pfizer. This is actually a problem associated with the Sinovac vaccine, and in other countries, they are now starting to think about booster vaccinations, even six months out from an original vaccination for some of these vaccines as well.

"So it does give the impression that the efficacy of different vaccines will vary quite significantly," said Prof Mak, stressing that Singapore has "great confidence" in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, of which more than 4.7 million doses have so far been administered in the country.

Prof Mak was responding to a question on whether Singapore intends to introduce the Sinovac vaccine into its national vaccination programme. On Wednesday, 24 healthcare institutions were licensed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to provide the Sinovac vaccine to those who wish to take it.

The 24 institutions were selected under the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act (PHMCA) to be licensed providers under the Special Access Route (SAR). A number of the approved institutions have been seeing long queues of individuals forming at their premises, with some saying their telephones lines have been ringing non-stop in recent days, according to local media reports.

Sinovac remains unregistered and is not authorised by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), and is to be provided only under the SAR framework. As such, it will not be covered under the Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme (VIFAP) meant for the national vaccination programme.

Prof Mak noted that there still is some "outstanding data" on the vaccine that Sinovac has not provided to HSA, which is required to give "complete assurance" about its quality and safety profile. "We look forward, if data becomes available for us, then to (commence) this process of evaluation but unfortunately we're not able to do so."
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 13:03:18
2,635 new cases and 14 new deaths in Mongolia

Keep worsening. The Chinese vaccine cannot help.
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 13:05:31
3,667 new cases and 32 new deaths in Thailand

Worsening again!
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 13:16:55

Covid: UK at ‘pre-peak stage of third wave’, warn scientific advisers

Scientific advisers in Wales believe the UK is at the “pre-peak stage of a third wave”, first minister Mark Drakeford has warned.

Mr Drakeford told a press conference eight out of 10 new cases of coronavirus in Wales are believed to be from the Delta variant.

“In just a few weeks, the Delta variant has entered Wales and spread quickly throughout the country,” he said.

“There is a sustained and accelerating pattern of transmission, not just in the north and southeast of Wales but in all parts of the country.

“That means that we are, once again, facing a serious public health situation. Our scientific advisers believe the United Kingdom is now at the pre-peak stage of a third wave of this pandemic.

“Wales may be two to three weeks behind what is happening in England and in Scotland, where tens of thousands of cases have been confirmed, where there is widespread transmission and reports of increased hospital admissions as well.”

Mr Drakeford said both Nicola Sturgeon and Boris Johnson had paused plans to relax coronavirus restrictions due to the Delta variant.

"Today, I have to announce that we will be doing the same in Wales," he added.

The Welsh government will pause further easing of coronavirus restrictions for four weeks to allow for more people to be vaccinated, Mr Drakeford told reporters.

He said this would help Wales, which has the lowest Covid-19 rates in the UK, “manage the impact of this new wave of infections”.

“A four-week delay could help to reduce the peak number of daily hospital admissions by up to half,” Mr Drakeford said.

Delta variant infections in the UK have jumped by 78 per cent in just one week, according to the latest Public Health England (PHE) data.

The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases involving this more transmissible variant - also known as the Indian variant - rose by 33,630 to 75,953 over seven days, with general coronavirus infections now at their highest levels in the UK since mid-February.
鮭のハーブ焼き 2021-06-19 15:13:09
ファイザー製ワクチン 既感染者は1回接種で十分な抗体
6/17(木) 17:45配信




HaHaHello 2021-06-19 16:33:15


HaHaHello 2021-06-19 17:10:44
17,906 new cases and 466 new deaths in Russia

Worsening rapidly in Moscow so the whole country is worsening.
Out of this 17,906 new cases, 9120 new cases are in Moscow!

Since more than half ot the new cases are ib Moscow, we cannot use the national data provided in various international websites to understand the trend in Russia. So my earlier data analysis using the Russia national data provided by Worldometers is useless.

I hope I have time to study the data of the Russia capitol, Moscow.

The lower left graph is the new cases time series provided by the Russian Government. Anyone would like to study the data of Moscow?
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 17:14:03
The address of the Russian Government's website for Covid-19 is
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 17:37:59


As of 19 June 2021, 12pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed 14 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection. 10 are linked to previous cases, amongst whom 7 have already been placed on quarantine, and 3 were detected through surveillance. The remaining 4 cases are currently unlinked. Based on our investigations so far, the cases are in the community, and there are no new cases in the dormitories.

2. In addition, there are 7 imported cases, who have already been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore. All of them are returning Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents.

3. In total, there are 21 new cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore today.

4. We are still working through the details of the cases, and further updates will be shared via the MOH press release that will be issued tonight.

19 JUNE 2021
HaHaHello 2021-06-19 22:07:05



壹拳超人King 2021-06-20 01:58:01
HaHaHello 2021-06-20 10:01:19

烏干達9人奧運代表團抵達日本 一人病毒檢測呈陽性


HaHaHello 2021-06-20 10:32:41


Coronavirus Cases: 17,883,750
Deaths: 500,868 The second country surpasses 500,000 deaths




HaHaHello 2021-06-20 10:47:02

Reminder: What we have said more than 1 year ago:

Those countries that have Sunday/Monday effect also display this trend:
The daily new cases increases from the beginning of a week towards the end of a week. So we cannot say the situation is worsening just because the daily new cases have been increasing from Monday to Friday. Brazil demonstrates the strongest of this effect among all countries. The effect is so strong in Brzail that even the 7-day moving average still show this weekly oscillation as the above graph shown. For Brazil, the 3-day moving average is completely useless as the following graph shown:

Please notice the large oscillation in the above 3-day moving average curve. This is the reason why I taught the world to use 7-day moving average rather than the usually better 3-day, 4-day or 5-day moving average last year.

The 7-day moving average can solve both problems of Sunday/Monday effect and the increasing reported new cases toward the weekend.

Russia is notice exception in that both effects do not appear in Russian's data.
HaHaHello 2021-06-20 10:57:11
Taiwan is improving rapidly

The following 7-day moving average shows very clearly that Taiwan is improving rapidly:

Notice that the data from Taiwan shows both the Sunday/Monday effect and the increasing reported new cases toward the end of a week.

So remember this: the increased reported new cases from 15 June to 18 June (Friday) do not mean that the situation is worsening. Actually, the situation is improving rapidly in Taiwan.

I hope you all can remember what we said more than one year ago in the 【無了期唔知幾時完嘅武漢肺炎】國際疫情討論區 series.
This series of posts MAY be the best in the world!

We should believe ourselves that we are really that good.
HaHaHello 2021-06-20 11:49:57


據報導,BioNTech 執行長 Ugur Sahin 在週三 (16 日) 警告表示,最初在印度所發現的 Delta 變種病毒 (B.1.617.2),很可能會導致疫情捲土重來,使某些地區遭遇第四波疫情。

Sahin 表示:「近期在印度發現 Delta 變種病毒,可能導致疫情重燃。在英國,大約有 50% 的人已經接種了第二劑疫苗,但是 Delta 相關的確診病例數卻仍在增加。如果我們不小心謹慎,某些地區可能會遭遇到第四波疫情。」
HaHaHello 2021-06-20 14:45:48

新冠肺炎今增107例本土、2例境外 增11死、累計549人病逝



Keep improving!
HaHaHello 2021-06-20 15:00:27

全台67人接種後猝死!昨增18例死亡 「9人死因出爐」1人驗出新冠病毒

HaHaHello 2021-06-20 15:25:19
More than 350 Indonesian healthcare workers vaccinated with China's Sinovac vaccine got COVID-19 and dozens are hospitalized, raising questions about the vaccine's efficacy on variants

Details at https://us.yahoo.com/news/more-350-indonesian-healthcare-workers-033630480.html
HaHaHello 2021-06-20 17:39:06

Thank you for creating 國際疫情討論區 series so that I can learn so much from other Hongkongers and ex-Hongkongers who have migrated to other countries years ago.

I can still remember:
(1) We all waited for the Italian data coming out at almost 3:00 A.M. (Hong Kong time).
(2) We talked about the smell of the 'tude' in London. ("tude" = MTR in Hong Kong = subway in U.S.A).
(3) We talked about going to work in New York State from New Jersey, U.S.A.
(4) and many others so that we all know much more about the other parts of our planet, the Earth.

I believe that you have used BNO and have started a new life in U.K. that you don't have time to talk at 國際疫情討論區09. I will try my best to keep this post going.

Thanks again for creating this series of posts for us.

HaHaHello 2021-06-20 21:04:00

港大研究: 科興抗體水平低到驗唔到

HaHaHello 2021-06-21 10:47:43





吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞