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HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:52:14

Russia extends UK flight ban until January 12

Russia has extended a ban on flights to and from the UK until Jan. 12 in light of the new coronavirus variant circulating across the UK and several other countries, the Russian coronavirus task force said according to state-run news agency TASS.

“In order to prevent the import and the spread of the new coronavirus infection the task force has decided to extend the suspension of flights with the UK," the statement said, according to TASS. “To ensure the protection of public health, the restrictions have been extended until 23:59 on January 12, 2021.”

Some background: Since the UK imposed a lockdown on Saturday, over 40 countries in Europe, Asia, South America, the Caribbean and the Middle East have restricted travel from the UK and in some cases, also travel from other countries that have documented cases with the variant.

Experts say the new variants can spread faster than others.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 10:07:57
29 Dec, 2020. 10:07 GMT+8

Coronavirus Cases: 81,669,201
Deaths: 1,781,438
Recovered: 57,795,502
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 10:31:02

Thailand imposes entertainment curbs in capital to thwart virus spread

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand announced its first coronavirus death in nearly two months and tightened restrictions on entertainment businesses in its capital on Monday, in a bid to contain an outbreak that has reached more than half of the country's provinces.

Authorities confirmed 144 new infections on Monday as new clusters emerged stemming from its biggest outbreak yet, prompting a ban in Bangkok on betting businesses and midnight closures for its bars, nightclubs and music venues until Jan. 4.

Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said he was undergoing two weeks of quarantine after exposure to an infected provincial governor, while house speaker Chuan Leekpai asked 29 parliamentary staffers to seek tests after meeting a person who contracted the virus.

The baht eased 0.3% on Monday while the stock market fell 2.3%, amid concerns about new curbs.

Thailand, the first country outside China to report a coronavirus infection, has recorded just 6,285 cases and 61 COVID-19 deaths, having brought earlier outbreaks under control.

Its success has been attributed to tight restrictions on inbound travel and swift testing and contact-tracing.

Bangkok's tighter measures follow similar regulations in some of the 43 provinces with cases since a big outbreak was discovered 11 days ago among migrant workers at a seafood market in Samut Sakhon, a province near the capital.

A cluster has been found in the eastern province of Rayong linked to a gambling den, with 92 infections in three days and one death, a 45-year-old man.

Pongsakorn Kwanmuang, spokesman for the Bangkok authorities, said a field hospital would also be set up in the capital and the restrictions reviewed next week.

The outbreak could hamper efforts to revive a crucial tourist industry devastated by the pandemic, as authorities ease some restrictions on foreigners and offer incentives to boost domestic travel.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 10:57:34

Increase in coronavirus admissions prompts a Los Angeles hospital to use chapel, gift shop for new patients

HaHaHello 2020-12-29 10:58:17
Death bodies are all over the hospital again.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 13:02:55




將軍澳日出康城領凱9座(左翼) Almond Blossom再增一名患者,為一名1歲男嬰,累計4人確診,料為一家人。鯉魚門邨鯉隆樓新增一宗確診,涉及一名20歲男子,於本月20日發病,累積7人染疫。油翠苑沃美閣亦相繼有5名住戶確診,最新染疫是46歲女子,她在24日發病。

福斯的背叛 2020-12-29 13:51:09
韓國+1,045 Confirmed,+40 deaths,+1,435 recovered
Total cases:58,725
Total deaths:859
Total recovered:40,703

肥_仔 2020-12-29 14:05:09
tokyo +856 record on TUEs
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 14:14:48

India finds six cases of new coronavirus variant in UK arrivals

BENGALURU (Reuters) - India has found six people who returned from Britain in recent weeks infected with a more infectious strain of the coronavirus that has prompted a wave of panic and border closures around the world.

All six patients have been kept in isolation, the health ministry said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that their fellow travellers were being tracked down.

"Their close contacts have also been put under quarantine," the ministry said.

India has suspended all flights from Britain until the end of the month but about 33,000 passengers had flown in from late November, before the ban came into place, the ministry said.

Of those arrivals, 114 people were found positive for the coronavirus and their samples were being checked for the new variant, which has been detected across parts of Europe and Asia, the ministry said.

India on Tuesday reported 16,432 new cases of the virus, taking its total up to 10.22 million confirmed infections and 148,153 deaths.

The country has the second-highest case load in the world, behind only the United States. Health authorities expect to start a vaccination drive for some 300 million people early next month.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 17:16:59

今增53宗確診 不明個案佔14宗 3名豐澤樓居民中招



HaHaHello 2020-12-29 17:21:26






My god: The big three (USA, India and Brasil) are not in the list.

HaHaHello 2020-12-29 17:27:50
駐紅磡分區女警初步確診 上周三最後上班

Whole family, please.
30,000 more. Please.

HaHaHello 2020-12-29 21:29:06

以色列75歲老翁接種輝瑞疫苗後 死於心臟病

週一 (28 日) 以色列衛生部宣布,以色列一名 75 歲老翁在注射輝瑞疫苗後 2 小時,死於心臟病發。

以色列於 20 日開始在 10 家醫院和疫苗接種中心擴大施打新冠疫苗,71 歲的以色列總理納坦雅胡公開接種新冠疫苗,鼓勵 60 歲以上年長者盡快注射疫苗。

以色列衛生部局長 Chezy Levy 週一宣布,一名 75 歲老翁在以色列貝特謝安 (Beit She'an) 衛生診所施打疫苗後短暫的待了一下,該診所確認老翁身體良好、且無副作用後,便讓他回家。然而,這名老翁卻在返家後兩小時內死於心臟病發。

Chezy Levy 稱:「我們同家屬深感悲傷。」

Chezy Levy 提到:「目前以色列衛生部已成立調查委員會調查此事,初步結果顯示,該名長者的死亡原因和疫苗並無直接關係。」長者家屬公開表示,切勿將死因與新冠疫苗聯想在一起。

以色列健康組織 Midaat 表示,可能會傳出不幸的情況,但我們不應從中推斷出疫苗的安全性,而是應該鼓勵 (輝瑞) 製藥公司在藥品審批過程中保持應有的透明度。成千上萬的大型試驗中,死亡可能與試驗沒有任何聯繫,但輝瑞等公司必須通報這些死亡數據。

目前以色列優先為醫護人員、60 歲以上長者和罹患慢性病的族群接種疫苗。

截至週一,以色列已為 38 萬人民接種第一劑疫苗,預計一個多月內為 225 萬以色列人民接種疫苗。據衛生部長稱,上週日已有 99,000 人接種疫苗。
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 09:06:31

Colorado confirms first known US case of new COVID-19 strain believed to be more contagious

Colorado has confirmed the first known U.S. case of a new coronavirus strain that was first identified in the United Kingdom.

"Today we discovered Colorado’s first case of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7, the same variant discovered in the U.K.," Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said on Twitter Tuesday afternoon. "The health and safety of Coloradans is our top priority and we will monitor this case, as well as all COVID-19 indicators, very closely."

The Colorado state laboratory confirmed the case and notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the governor's office said in a statement. The patient is a man in his 20s who is recovering in isolationin Elbert County, outside Denver. He has no travel history and no close contacts. Public health officials were conducting an investigation.
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 09:16:42
53,135 new cases (new national record) and 414 new deaths in the United Kingdom

United Kingdom becomes the 4th country ti have more than 50,000 new cases!
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 09:20:31
10,299 new cases and 257 new deaths (national record) in Canada

Keep worsening.
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 10:28:02
30 Dec 2020. 10:27 GMT+8
Coronavirus Cases: 82,321,358
Deaths: 1,796,269
Recovered: 58,331,298
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 10:30:52
California Total 2,234,765 cases

If California is a country, it is the seventh worst in the world.
福斯的背叛 2020-12-30 12:17:10
韓國+1,048 Confirmed,+20 deaths,+732 recovered
Total cases:59,773
Total deaths:879
Total recovered:41,435

L.Messi 2020-12-30 12:27:33
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 15:43:46

新冠肺炎台灣出現首例英國變種病毒 明年1/1起禁外國人入境

HaHaHello 2020-12-30 15:56:19

美國護理師接種輝瑞疫苗 8天後確診武漢肺炎

美國聖地亞哥一名急診室護理師馬修(Matthew W.)近日施打輝瑞疫苗,不料接種後出現身體不適症狀,8天後確診武漢肺炎(亦稱新冠肺炎、COVID-19)。


聖地亞哥家庭健康中心傳染病專家拉默斯醫師(Dr. Christian Ramers)指出,馬修可能在接種疫苗前就染疫,因為病毒潛伏期有2週,他會出現這些症狀,是可以預料的。


真夏の気圧配置 2020-12-30 15:57:49
NHK:東京都新增944宗確診 單日宗數第二高
HaHaHello 2020-12-30 17:02:50

今增54宗確診 13宗屬源頭不明 聯合醫院2D病房添1護士中招


吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞