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HaHaHello 2021-09-15 09:51:19

南韓新增2080宗確診病例 當局憂疫情中秋期間蔓延


HaHaHello 2021-09-15 09:54:41

約翰遜籲更多人接種疫苗應對秋冬疫情 已制定後備方案





HaHaHello 2021-09-15 09:59:24
HaHaHello 2021-09-15 10:07:17

Child deaths from COVID double in Florida as cases among children climb across the country

Florida's COVID-19 response took a hit this week as the number of COVID-related child deaths in Florida more than doubled in just over a month, according to data from the Florida Department of Health.

A Florida Department of Health weekly report showed seven children under the age of 16 died from coronavirus complications from the start of the pandemic to July 30 - a 15-month period. Per the Department's latest report from September 3, the number has jumped to 17 deaths since July 30.

Though the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Florida chapter said most of these deaths were aligned with underlying health conditions, this sharp climb has pediatric experts worried and uncertain about the COVID Delta variant in the coming months.

"We're all worried because we're not sure what's going to happen in the future," AAP Florida President Lisa Gwynn said, according to Politico.

The AAP did not respond immediately to Insider's request for further comment on rising mortality or morbidity rates among children by publication.

As of September 8, the CDC reported a national total of 486 deaths in children ages 0-18.

"Children are not supposed to die," Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a tense US Senate hearing in July about an overwhelming statistic on child COVID deaths.

Meanwhile, COVID cases among children across the US are up as students return to school. In August, days into a new school year, thousands of students across the country were forced to quarantine after schools reopened and case loads in children jumped. Several schools in the state have already announced closures in response to rising numbers. Pediatric hospitalizations also hit a record high last month, with 1,900 children hospitalized for COVID.

As of September 2, those 12 years and older are eligible to receive the vaccine, but vaccine coverage in children ages 12-17 is lower than older age groups, the CDC said.

"After declining in early summer, child cases have increased exponentially, with over 750,000 cases added between August 5 and September 2," the AAP said in a report, which makes up a quarter of new weekly COVID cases.

This comes as GOP governors like Florida's Ron Desantis continue to fight individual school districts over mask mandates in school settings. A judge ruled in August that Desantis could not issue a mask ban, which was upheld in a court decision on Wednesday, allowing school districts to continue imposing a mask mandate. However, the decision was overruled when an appeals court ruled in favor of the governor's ban on Friday. The US Department of Education opened a civil rights investigation into mask bans in six states, including Florida.
HaHaHello 2021-09-15 10:10:01

UK would not have approved Valneva COVID vaccine, health secretary says

LONDON (Reuters) -Britain cancelled its contract for about 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine being developed by France's Valneva in part because it was clear it would not be approved for use in the country, UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said on Tuesday.

"There are commercial reasons that we have cancelled the contract, but what I can tell her is that it was also clear to us that the vaccine in question that the company was developing would not get approval by the MHRA here in the UK," he said in response to a question from a Scottish lawmaker.

Shares in Valneva plunged 35% on Monday after it said the British government had ended a COVID-19 vaccine supply deal that could have been worth up to 1.4 billion euros ($1.65 billion).

The shares made up some of the lost ground on Tuesday, regaining more than 8%, to close at 12.60 euros. At that level, they're still up 62.6% since the start of 2021.

A French government source told Reuters discussions between Valneva and the European Commission were ongoing and advanced.

"The EU is still interested in this vaccine", the source said, adding Valneva was also being positioned, in France at least, as a booster shot, same as would be Sanofi, which has yet to have COVID-19 shot authorised.

Valneva's COVID-19 vaccine candidate, VLA 2001, relies on an inactivated virus, similar to flu vaccines, and is seen by some as having the potential to win over people wary of vaccines that use new mRNA technology.

The company said on Monday that the British government had alleged it was in breach of its obligations under the supply agreement. It said it strenuously denied the charge.

The vaccine is being produced in Livingston, Scotland, using an adjuvant made by U.S. company Dynavax. The facility has capacity to produce around 200 million doses in 2022.

Valneva has said the UK government had options that could have brought the order to 190 million doses by 2025.

Javid said the British and Scottish governments would be working together to see what they could do to secure the future of the facility.

(Reporting by Paul Sandle; Additional reporting by Sarah White in Paris, Editing by Alistair Smout and Steve Orlofsky)
HaHaHello 2021-09-15 16:47:02

桃勤染Delta女員工足跡公布 鄭文燦:將進行國境防疫體檢










HaHaHello 2021-09-15 16:48:30
4,640 new cases and 93 new deaths in Ukraine

Worsening again!
HaHaHello 2021-09-15 17:50:04
1,835 new cases and 7 new deaths in Croatia

Keep worsening
HaHaHello 2021-09-15 19:26:49
4,004 new cases and 81 new deaths in Romania

Worsening rapidly
HaHaHello 2021-09-16 09:57:49

衞生署:已預約接種第二劑復必泰青少年 可取消預約


HaHaHello 2021-09-16 10:15:22

菲律賓一間修道院出現新冠群組 過百人確診


HaHaHello 2021-09-16 10:50:58

Florida's county-level COVID-19 death reports publicly available for first time in months

Figures on COVID-19 deaths in Florida's counties quietly rematerialized this week on a federal website tracking the pandemic, more than three months after state officials stopped publicly reporting the information.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now shows seven-day mortality figures for counties, but only for a recent week. For months, the CDC site showed zero deaths for all counties in Florida, though aggregate death numbers for the state were available.

The new data appeared one week after a USA TODAY Network - Florida report on the lack of accessible county death data. The state of Florida stopped reporting county-level data in early June. Most local public health officials won't release it. At least one county acknowledged it didn't have the data. Federal websites showed either incomplete or inconsistent data for Florida's counties.

Florida Department of Health officials say they have consistently reported death data to the CDC and had no control over how that information is displayed. The CDC had shown county-level COVID-19 data for all U.S. states except Florida and Nebraska until this week.

Florida has not said why it's not displaying the data itself, and Health Department spokeswoman Weesam Khoury gave no indication the department intends to return those local death statistics to its weekly reports, even though Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a recent news conference that releasing local death totals would be “appropriate.”

Long essay, read more at https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2021/09/15/florida-releases-county-covid-19-death-data-first-time-months/8347397002/
HaHaHello 2021-09-16 10:53:51

More than 5K Chicago students in COVID-19 quarantine

By the end of the second week of school in the nation’s third-largest school district, Chicago Public Schools had directed more than 5,600 students and nearly 100 staff members to quarantine, according to district data provided by the Chicago Teachers Union.

Meanwhile, Chicago Public Schools data posted online suggests nearly 3,000 students were close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases since the first day of classes Aug. 30. A district spokesperson did not respond to USA TODAY inquiries about the discrepancy.

The district has more than 340,000 students.
HaHaHello 2021-09-16 15:58:28

普京解釋自我隔離決定 指身邊數十人確診新型肺炎




HaHaHello 2021-09-17 09:42:51

US launches study of long Covid in tens of thousands of patients

The US National Institutes of Health said Wednesday it's starting a $470 million study to try to understand what's become known as long Covid—the long-term, sometimes serious effects of Covid-19.

The study will aim to include 30,000-40,000 people and will make use of digital data -- including input from wearable devices, the NIH said.
"We know some people have had their lives completely upended by the major long-term effects of Covid-19," NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins said.
"These studies will aim to determine the cause and find much needed answers to prevent this often-debilitating condition and help those who suffer move toward recovery."

The study, called Researching Covid to Enhance Recovery or RECOVER, will include researchers at more than 30 institutions across the country, the NIH said. They'll study existing and new patients with some of the mystifying conditions that show up after people supposedly get over the intense, acute effects of a bout with Covid-19.
"These post-Covid conditions are often referred to as long Covid, long-haul Covid, post-acute Covid-19, long-term effects of Covid, or chronic Covid. NIH refers to this scientifically as PASC- post-acute sequalae of SARS-CoV-2," Collins told a briefing.
"Persistent symptoms originate in multiple organs. The most common symptoms include pain, headaches, fatigue, what's called brain fog, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, fever chronic cough and sleep disorders. PASC also includes multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children or MIS-C and also in adults -- MIS-A."
It's not clear what causes these symptoms and the study will seek to find what they might be.
"Is it a misfiring of the immune system that fails to reset after the infection with this coronavirus? Is it a triggering of some metabolic dysfunction?" Collins asked.

"We don't know. The diversity of symptoms and presentations leads us to believe that long Covid is not just one condition," he added.
"The only way, therefore, we're going to sort this out is with very large studies that collect lots and lots of data about symptoms, physical findings and laboratory measures."
The NIH said it would encourage researchers to recruit a variety of patients -- people of all ages, ethnicities, pregnant women and other. Researchers will be including input from the patients -- an unusual approach that Collins said is important to make sure the study covers all the bases.
Studies will also include data from wearable devices. Collins said the study has been put together in months, rather than the usual multi-year process for something so big and complex.
The NIH has set up a website where people who would like to volunteer can sign up.
Funding for the study comes from $1.15 billion Congress appropriated specifically for studying long Covid as part of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan President Biden signed into law last March.
Collins said the $470 million for the study will leave money over to start research into possible treatments.
The study will look into whether various treatments used for severe cases of Covid-19 affect the risk of long Covid, whether vaccination affects risk, and will include people who had only mild symptoms of coronavirus infections, the NIH said.
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 10:05:33

新加坡增910宗確診 去年5月以來單日最多




HaHaHello 2021-09-17 10:09:54

澳洲維州擬引入面容識別系統 助查證須隔離者位置

HaHaHello 2021-09-17 10:10:10
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 10:27:31


<匯港通訊> 英國政府周四公布的數據顯示,新增26911宗新冠病毒確診病例,再多158人不治。


英國衞生大臣賈偉德(Sajid Javid)向傳媒表示,住院人數增加為當地公共衞生系統帶來壓力,當局或需要引入新措施應對疫情,不排除再次引入封鎖措施的可能性。

HaHaHello 2021-09-17 10:50:29

'I want to see the Premier of Alberta prosecuted’: Canadians stunned as Kenney refuses to apologize for easing COVID-19 restrictions

The Alberta government has now declared a statement of public health emergency as COVID-19 continues to significantly spread across the province.

"We may run out of staff and intensive care beds within the next 10 days," Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said at a press conference on Wednesday.

"Unless we slow transmission, particularly amongst unvaccinated Albertans, we simply will not be able to provide adequate care to everyone who gets sick, based on current trends."

Alberta has now introduced stricter COVID-19 restrictions across the province in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Full article at https://us.yahoo.com/news/alberta-covid19-jason-kenney-pandemic-response-181121537.html
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 12:28:55

Hong Kong Tests Boosters for Sinovac

Hong Kong is testing whether people given Sinovac Biotech Ltd.’s Covid vaccine will fare better if they get a booster using BioNTech SE’s more potent mRNA technology, as evidence emerges about how quickly antibodies from the Chinese-made vaccine fade.

Questions have swirled about the effectiveness of the Sinovac shots, which were the first to be rolled out in Hong Kong starting in February and account for about one-third of immunizations given in the city. As recent research shows that protection from all the available immunizations ebb with time, Hong Kong officials decided to study the importance of which booster was used.
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 12:30:08

Manila Under Second-Tightest Curbs

The Philippine capital region will be under the second-strictest movement restrictions until end-September as coronavirus cases remain elevated, the Department of Health said.

Metro Manila, which accounts for a third of economic output, will be under Alert Level 4, where businesses like restaurants and beauty salons can operate at limited capacity, and where only vaccinated people can dine in. Curbs will be reviewed weekly, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said at a virtual forum Friday.
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 12:31:25

N.Z. Extends Travel Bubble Suspension

Quarantine-free travel with Australia will remain suspended for a further eight weeks, New Zealand Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said in emailed statement.

The suspension will be reviewed again in mid- to late-November.
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 12:32:28

Thailand Cases Rise for a Third Day

Thailand’s new daily Covid-19 infections rose for a third straight day to 14,555, the highest tally since Sept. 11, according to government data on Friday.

The cumulative case-count climbed to 1.45 million. The Southeast Asian nation reported 171 Covid deaths in the past 24 hours, taking total death toll to 15,124.
HaHaHello 2021-09-17 12:33:52

Tokyo to Cancel Marathon For First Time

The Tokyo Marathon will be canceled for the first time in its decade-plus history due to the virus emergency in the capital, broadcaster NHK reported, without citing anyone.

The decision will be made at the Tokyo Marathon Foundation’s extraordinary board meeting Friday, according to the report. Under the organizer’s guidelines, the event will be canceled if the state of emergency is imposed within a month prior to the date. The marathon, scheduled for Oct. 17, meets that requirement after Japan extended its fourth state of emergency for Tokyo through September.
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