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HaHaHello 2020-12-27 14:52:10


Jo Marie Hernandez doesn’t know how she and her four-year-old daughter will survive after her unemployment aid lapsed this weekend.

Hernandez, who lives in Olean, New York, is on the brink of losing her home in days after she lost her job as a customer service associate at a gas station in the spring. Following prolonged unemployment, she's struggled to make ends meet and has nothing left in savings to keep her afloat.

I only have $100 left to my name. My whole world is shattered,” says Hernandez, 32, who has been forced to put her car up for sale to make ends meet. “We can’t wait a few weeks for help. We’re starving and will be out on the street soon.”
誠實香港市民 2020-12-27 14:59:09
HaHaHello 2020-12-27 15:12:25

全球抗疫排名 台灣成亞洲之冠 香港十甲不入


第1位: 紐西蘭85.6分
第2位: 台灣82.4分
第3位: 澳洲 81分
第4位: 挪威 77分
第5位: 新加坡 76.2分
第6位: 芬蘭 75.8分
第7位: 日本 74.5分
第8位: 南韓 73.3分
第9位: 中國 72分
第10位: 丹麥 70.8分

支那: My fake data still cannot put 支那 to win the first position!

HaHaHello 2020-12-27 17:12:38


聯合醫院2D懷安科及內科病房至今19人確診或初步確診,當局將發強制檢測令,凡15-27/12 於2D病房及深切治療部逗留的病人、醫護及探訪者,都要強制檢測。
HaHaHello 2020-12-27 17:25:38





HaHaHello 2020-12-27 18:02:27

HaHaHello 2020-12-28 09:40:19

9:38 HKT, 28 Dec, 2020

Coronavirus Cases: 81,133,330
Deaths: 1,771,419
Recovered: 57,281,276
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 12:20:35

More than 2.6 million coronavirus cases, 60,000 deaths across Africa

Countries across Africa have reported more than 2.6 million coronavirus cases, with a continent-wide death toll of over 60,000, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control.

Africa CDC reported 2,623,086 total cases and 61,954 total deaths Saturday. South Africa has the highest number of cases, at 994,911, with 26,276 deaths.

A new variant of the coronavirus was detected in South Africa this week, causing some countries to close their borders to travellers from the African nation, over concerns the variant could be related to or as infectious as one first discovered in the United Kingdom, which appears to spread more easily than previous variants of the virus.
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 13:30:49

South Africa tops 1 million Covid-19 cases

South Africa registered 9,502 new cases of Covid-19 Saturday, pushing the total number of cases to 1,004,413 according to data from the country's health ministry.

There were also 214 more fatalities reported, leaving the total death toll at 26,735.

South Africa has the highest total number of reported cases in Africa, according to data from Africa CDC. More than 2.6 million cases have been reported across the continent.

Earlier this week a new coronavirus variant was reported in South Africa, which is different than the strain causing so much concern in the United Kingdom, the World Health Organization’s technical lead for Covid-19, Maria van Kerkhove, said Monday.
肥_仔 2020-12-28 14:10:15
tokyo +481 record on MONs
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 16:09:59

再多兩名新型肺炎患者離世 其中1人屬聯合醫院群組

再有兩名確診新型肺炎的病人離世,至今共有139名新型肺炎確診者死亡。 其中一名離世患者屬聯合醫院2D病房群組,是有末期病患的74歲女病人。她在本月16日晚上因氣促入院治療,情況持續惡化,延至今日凌晨1時19分離世。 另一名離世患者屬歌舞群組,是有長期病患的73歲男病人。他上月24四日確診入住明愛醫院,情況持續惡化,延至今日凌晨2時38分離世。
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 16:12:22

確診者遍布港九新界 觀塘及黃大仙新增28宗個案





新界區方面,曾爆發小型感染的天水圍俊宏軒再有新增個案,2座一名49歲女子於上周日(20日)發病,為不明源頭個案;一名27歲男子在上周五(25日)發病,與本地個案有關連。將軍澳日出康城領凱9座(左翼)Almond Blossom有3宗確診,患者分別是9歲男童、42歲女子和43歲男子,估計為一家人,與之前個案有關連。


HaHaHello 2020-12-28 16:27:38





案790為英國籍20多歲男性,曾於8月29日在英國確診,12月9日至21日採檢4次核酸檢驗均為陰性;12月23日來臺處理事務,持有登機前3日內核酸檢驗陰性報告,入境後至集中檢疫所檢疫,迄今無症狀;12月27日因「英國專案」採檢,於今日確診。已掌握個案接觸者18人,其中3人為前後兩排旅客列居家隔離,餘15人未入境,將透過國際衛生條例國家對口單位(IHR National Focal Point)通知相關國家。


HaHaHello 2020-12-28 16:32:19
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 16:32:55
醫管局暫不分流確診者到聯合醫院 院方會減非緊急服務
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 17:41:07
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 21:08:24

Brazil's vice president tests positive for coronavirus

Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourão has tested positive for Covid-19, CNN Brasil reported late Sunday, citing a statement from the vice presidency press office.

“The press office states that the vice president will remain in isolation at the official residence of Jaburu,” the statement said, according to CNN Brasil.

In early July, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro also tested positive for the virus and recovered after isolating at the Presidential Palace in Brasilia.

As of Sunday, Brazil has reported 7,484,285 cases of Covid-19 and 191,139 virus related deaths.
HaHaHello 2020-12-28 21:09:13

Saudi Arabia extends entry ban because of Covid-19 variant concerns

Saudi Arabia is extending its entry ban to the kingdom by air, land and sea for another week because of the spread of the new coronavirus variant to several countries, state-run Saudi Press Agency reported Sunday.

The ban first went into effect last week after the United Kingdom announced it had detected a new, more contagious coronavirus variant. Since then, the new variant has been detected in more than a dozen countries.

Saudi Arabia's Interior Ministry, according to SPA, said it will only allow travelers to fly into the country under exceptional cases. Non-Saudis can take a flight out of the kingdom if they wish to depart, the ministry said.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 08:08:56
41,385 new cases (new national record) and 357 new deaths in the United Kingdom
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:15:12

Cuba will impose new travel restrictions following rise in Covid-19 cases

Cuba will restrict international flights coming from several countries and tighten border restrictions starting Jan. 1, 2021 after a rise in new coronavirus cases in the island, according to the Cuban state-run Cuba Debate.

The new measures include temporarily restrict the arrival of travelers from the US, Mexico, Panama, Bahamas, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. From Jan. 10, travelers from the rest of the countries will be required to show a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken 72 hours before traveling, and follow health protocols established by authorities upon arrival to Cuba, according to Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health.

The country has seen a surge in new coronavirus cases recently after international travelers started arriving in the country, Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health said on its website.

Cuba reopened its international airports in November after partially closing them in March in an effort to reduce Covid-19 infections.

At least 71.5% of the new cases detected were traced to travelers arriving from the US, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the Bahamas, among other countries, Cuba Debate reported.

The ministry’s National Director of Epidemiology, Dr. Francisco Duran Garcia, said that 3,783 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in the country between the beginning of November and Dec. 23, according to the state-run news outlet.

Reducing the number of travelers will decrease the number of cases that are being “imported into the country,” Garcia was quoted as saying by Cuba Debate.

Cuban health officials on Monday reported a total of 229 new Covid-19 cases and one new death in the past 24 hours. Cuba has so far registered a total of 11,434 coronavirus cases and 143 deaths, according to the country's health ministry.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:21:31
The UK recorded a further 41,385 coronavirus cases on Monday, breaking its daily record since the pandemic began.

A further 357 people have died, according to government data.

Responding to the data, Dr. Yvonne Doyle, Medical Director for Public Health England, said the very high level of Covid-19 infection in England is of "growing concern."

The increase comes at a time when "hospitals are at their most vulnerable, with new admission rising in many regions," Doyle added.

Figures from NHS England show 20,426 hospital beds are currently occupied by confirmed Covid-19 cases.

This is worse than the figure forecast by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Health Service Journal (HSJ) earlier in December, when they warned the government should reverse its decision to relax Covid-19 restrictions over Christmas. They predicted hospitalizations in England on New Year’s Eve could be just short of the pandemic’s peak in April (19,000) unless tighter measures were brought in.

The government did ultimately bring in tougher restrictions in many parts of England. It reversed a plan allowing people in the rest of England to get together for five days around Christmas, cutting the window down to just one day – Christmas Day itself. The U-turn came in response to the detection of a new variant of Covid-19 that appears to spread more rapidly.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:32:42

Spain's Covid-19 death toll surpasses 50,000

Spain has reported an additional 298 coronavirus deaths since its last data was published on Thursday. That brings the country's total death toll to 50,122 since the pandemic began, according to Spain’s health ministry.

The country currently sits 10th in the global coronavirus death toll list, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

The health ministry also reported 24,462 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of cases to 1,879,413, the data shows.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:39:47

Military personnel being deployed to California to combat coronavirus

At least 75 US Army and Air Force medical personnel have been deployed to California to assist in the pandemic response.

“At the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, approximately 75 U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force military medical personnel deployed to California as part of a Department of Defense COVID-19 response operation,” a statement from the Army said on Monday.

The latest situation: Since the Thanksgiving holiday, California has faced a surge of Covid-19 infections unparalleled across the United States, leading to continued daily record highs in hospitalizations and deaths.

Most of the state remains under stay at home orders triggered by a region's intensive care unit capacity falling below 15%. According to the state Department of Public Health, intensive care unit bed capacity in both the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California regions are at 0%, and it's likely the stay home orders will be extended for most of the state.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:41:33

Premier League match postponed between due to Covid-19 outbreak

Monday night's English Premier League fixture between Everton and Manchester City has been postponed following positive Covid-19 test results within the City squad. The game was slated to kickoff at 8 p.m. local time at Goodison Park in Liverpool, England.

Manchester City did not disclose how many cases the team has in total but in a Monday statement, the team said the additional positive tests are in addition to four cases previously announced on Christmas Day.
HaHaHello 2020-12-29 09:50:22

Five cases of UK Covid-19 variant detected in southern Spain

Five cases of the new coronavirus variant, first detected in England, have been found in southern Spain among travelers who returned to the region of Andalusia from the UK in recent days, according to local authorities.

A statement released by the Andalusia regional government on Monday said these are the first known cases with the variant to be detected in the region. Three of these cases are patients in Malaga province and the other two are in Granada province. Four other cases are under study, it said.

This comes after Madrid’s health advisor Antonio Zapatero said Saturday that the city had detected four cases of the variant. One of the cases is a person who arrived from the UK, and the three others are family members, he said.

Cases have also been detected in Finland and Sweden.
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