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2021-10-07 19:52:29

本港增源頭不明初步確診本地個案 患者機場貨站工作



2021-10-07 21:38:54
希望多d人中 之後又可以wfh
2021-10-08 09:57:16
30,019 new cases and 217 new deaths in Turkey

Keep worsening
2021-10-08 10:19:22

San Francisco to ease indoor mask mandate

San Francisco is planning to relax its mask mandates next week. Mask requirements for many indoor gatherings of less than 100 people will be lifted, including at offices and gyms, for those fully vaccinated. And people will no longer be required to mask up at smaller college and religious gatherings as long as they meet the requirement.
"I'm excited that we're once again at a place where we can begin easing the mask requirements," Mayor London Breed said in a written statement. Breed added that it's the direct result of the fact that the city has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country.
"Our cases have fallen, and our residents have done their part to keep themselves and those around them safe," Breed wrote.
The city said when gathering unmasked, indoor venues must be properly ventilated. The Department of Public Health said the easing of masking rules could be suspended if hospitalization rates start to go up again.
2021-10-08 10:27:07
47 new cases and 1 new death in New Zealand

Keep worsening
2021-10-08 10:33:34
2,523 new cases (new national record) and 16 new deaths in Australia

Keep worsening
2021-10-08 10:44:56
Health authorities in Spain say the key 14-day infection rate of coronavirus cases per 100,000 people has dropped below 50 for the first time since July 2020, which Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called “a crucial milestone.”
2021-10-08 10:45:09
2021-10-08 10:49:27

Woman who died after J&J vaccine was opposed to vaccinations

A 37-year-old woman died Sept. 7 from a rare and severe condition causing blood clots that has been linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Jessica Berg Wilson, a mother of two, was opposed to COVID-19 vaccinations, according to her obituary. During the last weeks of her life, “the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates,” it reads. “Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom.”

2021-10-08 18:36:55

機場貨站一名男子確診 帶有變種病毒感染源頭不明





2021-10-08 19:14:40




「我們正在密切監測局勢,並迅速採取行動,以確保Covid-19疫苗在提供防護的同時儘可能安全,」 瑞典首席流行病學家Anders Tegnell表示。

瑞典和丹麥建議使用輝瑞公司和BioNTech SE的疫苗來替代Moderna疫苗。兩種疫苗均使用信使RNA技術來引發免疫反應。

2021-10-09 08:56:28
3,590 new cases (new national record) and 6 new deaths in Singapore

Keep worsening
2021-10-10 16:01:11
3,703 new cases (new national record) and 11 new deaths (new national record) in Singapore

The result of high vaccination rate!
2021-10-10 16:05:40

意大利羅馬有示威 反對政府強制僱員須獲新冠健康證明




2021-10-11 10:10:14
2,809 new cases and 9 new deaths in Singapore
2021-10-11 10:12:36
28,647 new cases and 962 new deaths in Russia

Keep worsening
2021-10-11 10:14:41

南韓新增1297宗確診 連續三日低於1300宗


2021-10-11 23:03:43
29,409 new cases and 957 new deaths in Russia

Keep worsening
2021-10-11 23:06:27





2021-10-12 10:14:44
40,224 new cases and 28 new deaths in the United Kingdom.

2021-10-12 17:30:31




2021-10-12 21:42:51

A Covid-19 vaccine mandate won't force staff at this rural Missouri hospital to get the shot, CEO says. It will make them quit

Dr. Randy Tobler, CEO of Scotland County Hospital in Memphis, Missouri, has struggled to retain staff during the Covid-19 pandemic, losing 10 of his 57 nurses in the main hospital and three rural health clinics.

So Tobler can't afford to alienate any more health care workers, but he believes a Covid-19 vaccine mandate could do just that. Such a requirement won't make his unvaccinated staff get the shot, he says. It will make them quit.
"Our reality is we need staff to work. And in return for your working, we're not going to ask you to get a vaccine mandate," he told CNN. "There were people in the hospital that freely shared that if the vaccine mandate happened on our account or on anyone else's, they would not work here. That's just something they weren't going to put in their body."

That's why Tobler disagrees with the vaccine mandate announced by President Joe Biden last month that will apply to millions of health care workers across the country.
These are arguably the most crucial group of workers to have inoculated, because the vaccines would protect them and their patients, and keep the staff healthy so they can continue working. That's why they were among the first to be offered a Covid-19 vaccine.
There are indications that vaccine compliance is high among health care workers. Many professional health care associations have surveyed their members, the majority of whom have said they are already vaccinated. But despite evidence vaccines are safe and effective, some health care workers have resisted.
At Scotland County Hospital in rural northeastern Missouri, the difference is stark: Just 60% of the staff is vaccinated, according to the hospital.
Among those who are not is Sheila Balch, who works the hospital's front desk and is often the first person people see when they arrive. So far, she has decided not to get a Covid-19 vaccine, but that's not because she doesn't think the virus is a threat, she told CNN.
"I do believe Covid is terrible. I believe it's dangerous," she said. "I watch people every day. And I watch the fear in people's eyes every day ... But I do not think the government has the right to step in and mandate and tell us what we have to do."
Asked what she would do if Scotland County Hospital mandated that she get vaccinated, Balch said she'd look for another job. She doesn't want to, she added -- she cares for her patients and the people she works with.
"But at the same time, I'm not going to personally go against something that I feel very, very deeply in my soul, would hurt me," she said.

Read more at https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/12/us/unvaccinated-missouri-hospital-covid-19/index.html
2021-10-13 12:01:38
55 new cases in New Zealand

Keep worsening
2021-10-13 12:08:41

施打莫德納第三劑疫苗 遭FDA專家否決

美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)科學家周二(12 日)拒絕支持莫德納施打第三劑疫苗的申請,並且援引數據稱,接種兩劑疫苗已足以預防重症與死亡。

FDA 的科學家在網路上公布一份長達 45 頁的文件寫道:「真實世界的有效性研究表明,隨時間推移莫德納疫苗對新冠病毒有症狀感染或變種病毒 Delta 的有效性會逐漸下降,但整體而言,目前兩劑新冠疫苗已足以預防重症與死亡。」

目前 FDA 科學家們的立場似乎偏向不接種第三劑疫苗,輝瑞上月曾提出向年輕族群施打第三劑疫苗也遭拒絕,不過當局表示免疫力較弱者可施打補強保護力。

科學家們的這份報告將匯報給 FDA 疫苗和相關生物產品諮詢委員會(Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee),該委員會將在周四(14 日)舉行會議審查莫德納申請施打第三劑疫苗的提議。

FDA 委員會的評估報告可能會在下周出爐,當局會將報告送交給美國疾病管制預防中心(CDC)及疫苗諮詢委員會,讓該機構做出決定。

莫德納這次提出接種第三劑疫苗的族群是針對 65 歲以上長者、高危險感染族群、職業上有高機率接觸到病毒的 18 歲以上工作者。

莫德納上周在 FDA 公布的一份文件中強調,第三劑疫苗的副作用與第二劑疫苗相當,接種後出現嚴重不良反應的情形較少,並稱受測者施打第三劑疫苗的 29 天後,沒有出現罕見的心肌炎或心包膜炎的病例。

隨 Delta 病毒蔓延,拜登政府希望能提供給民眾更有效且更長期的保護,預防重症住院與死亡,目前多數住院病例多數是未接種疫苗民眾,不過 CDC 數據顯示,部分接種過疫苗者也會再次遭到感染,截至 9 月 20 日,有近 2 萬人接種過疫苗者因新冠病毒住院或死亡。

市場對此消息反應冷淡,截稿前,莫德納 (MRNA-US) 上漲 0.62%,每股暫報 307 美元。
2021-10-14 09:38:48
31,248 new cases and 236 new deaths in Turkey

Keep worsening
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞