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HaHaHello 2021-07-09 10:35:17
1,314 new cases (new national record) and 2 new deaths in Vietnam

Worsening rapidly!
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 10:38:07
19,347 new cases and 261 new deaths in the United States

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 10:48:10
32,551 new cases and 35 new deaths in the United Kingdom.

NOTE from the UK government [source: cases > about]: "The way cases are reported in England changed on 21 May 2021. Reported cases are sometimes removed if subsequent tests are negative. This happens when cases identified through a positive rapid lateral flow test are followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests within 3 days that are all negative. These cases are removed daily from 21 May 2021. Because of this, the number of newly-reported cases may not be the same as the difference between the total number of reported cases from one day to the next. The number of newly-reported cases in England and the UK is adjusted to take this into account, but the numbers for regions and local authorities are not adjusted. This means that for regions and local authorities, this figure does not show the actual number of new cases reported on that date."

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 13:14:06

南韓新增確診再創新高 首都圈將實施最高防疫級別




HaHaHello 2021-07-09 13:15:20
9,276 new cases and 72 new deaths in Thailand

Keep worsening rapidly!
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 13:26:19

Tokyo Olympics to be held without fans amid COVID state of emergency

There will be no fans at the Tokyo Olympics, organizers said Thursday following the declaration of a new state of emergency in the host city.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced the state of emergency for Tokyo is to take effect Monday and last through Aug. 22. The Games begin July 23 and end Aug. 8.

“The priority will be to determine safe and secure Games,” Tokyo 2020 president Seiko Hashimoto said at a news conference following a meeting with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the government of Japan, the International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee.

Organizers had previously announced that foreign spectators would not be allowed at the Games, but until Thursday there was still hope Japanese fans could attend venues at partial capacity.
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 14:15:47

新冠肺炎增32例本土、4例境外 添12死、累計730人病逝



Keep improving! The 7-day moving average drops below 40.
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 17:36:46
25,766 new cases and 726 new deaths in Russia

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 17:37:39
38,124 new cases and 871 new deaths in Indonesia

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 17:38:46
9,276 new cases and 72 new deaths in Thailand

Keep worsening rapidly!
把聲勁溫柔. 2021-07-09 18:54:25
幾時到香港呀 !
HaHaHello 2021-07-09 19:35:58

星洲突不認可科興 逾百萬港人難入境




HaHaHello 2021-07-09 19:43:01
9,180 new cases (new national record) and 77 new deaths in Malaysia

Keep worsening!
假新聞標題黨 2021-07-09 21:40:24
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 08:27:35
35,707 new cases and 29 new deaths in the United Kingdom.

Keep worsening rapidly!
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 08:34:20
38,124 new cases and 871 new deaths in Indonesia

Keep worsening!
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 09:08:51
Africa marked its worst pandemic week ever last week, surpassing its second wave peak, the World Health Organization said. COVID-19 cases have risen for seven consecutive weeks in the region, the organization said.
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 09:09:24
Australian authorities are further tightening restrictions in Sydney after reporting 44 new community cases, the largest number since a coronavirus outbreak began there last month. The city of more than 5 million is already in lockdown.
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 09:13:52
Officials in Thailand have announced a seven-hour curfew and other restrictions for the capital and nine other provinces to try to slow a growing number of cases and deaths in a coronavirus surge.
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 09:57:32
8,636 new cases and 32 new deaths in Iraq

Keep worsening rapidly.
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 10:42:04
1,378 new cases (new national record) and 2 new deaths in South Korea
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 10:44:14
9,326 new cases and 91 new deaths (new national record) in Thailand
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 10:45:46
27,237 new cases and 366 new deaths in the United States

Worsening rapidly
HaHaHello 2021-07-10 10:48:07
11,324 new cases and 212 new deaths (new national record) in Bangladesh
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞