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ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 02:15:38
E•MO•TION 2020-05-02 02:16:11

熱血軒達臣 2020-05-02 02:41:27
洗鬼咩 全世界帶口罩帶足一年
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 02:42:04
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 02:45:35
this probably also contributed to the collapse of iron curtain

之後Russian(唔止俄羅斯政府同俄佬官媒,連Russian平民都係咁既心態)日日Loop笑愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞同立陶宛仲窮過波蘭,波的三國窮到得番緬甸水平(俄國想借緬甸對付羅興亞人黎抽水,俄羅斯 "潤" 愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞同立陶宛歧視佢地俄羅斯人),笑到而家2020年佢地Russian都仲o係度笑波的三國同波蘭一樣纜住腐爛既北約過人世


熱血軒達臣 2020-05-02 02:55:39
除非你係好鐘意捽眼個D 因為呢隻病係接觸傳播多過兜口兜面噴

減慢傳播鏈已經夠做 如果隻病毒R0=3 傳播10既話

ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 03:20:40
話九個月內會有武漢肺炎疫苗規既人(包括歐美傳染病醫生同bill gates)

wtfcfw1030 2020-05-02 03:23:19
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-05-02 03:43:56
熱血軒達臣 2020-05-02 03:44:39
喇叭吧 2020-05-02 05:17:54
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 07:34:43



愛沙尼亞於1918 年已宣佈獨立,並在兩年後與蘇俄簽訂《塔爾圖和約》正式建國。其民族意識在二戰時期以前已非常濃厚。愛沙尼亞的民族主義若細分下來有兩種。第一種是被社會建構,建基於愛沙尼亞獨立時期,並於冷戰時代被蘇聯統治下更被進一步深化,極為純粹的民族主義——這些人認為蘇聯的入侵與殖民是違反國際法且不人道的,故強烈反對蘇聯帝國主義與意識形態,支持恢復愛沙尼亞共和國獨立。而第二種是被「蘇聯化」愛沙尼亞國民身份認同,一般出現在較年輕、想法更為靈活變通的一代身上,他們普遍接受活在蘇聯政權底下,但在可能的情況下均盡力利用相對寬鬆的行政管理和本地自治,藉此在蘇聯內部裡推廣愛沙尼亞民族主義。


國民身份認同是這樣煉成的 — 二元對立刻劃的香港民族主義
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 07:38:55
bill gates(雖然條友已經唔係m$主席)個垃圾 win10
肥_仔 2020-05-02 07:41:40

香港人就成日玩deadline fighter仲要10次有4,5次玩爆咗
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 07:53:15
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-02 09:23:05

3樓 wow tony19960611推
2020-04-23 17:16:07 編輯
讚 立陶宛的遊俠乃騎兵最強

反觀某些國家 連基本的禮貌都不會


台灣10萬片口罩運抵 立陶宛高官舉國旗、寫正體中文致謝
HaHaHello 2020-05-02 10:24:58

Florida curtails reporting of coronavirus death numbers by county medical examiners

Florida health officials have halted the publication of up-to-the-minute death statistics related to the coronavirus pandemic that have, by law, been compiled by medical examiners in the state.

The death count compiled by the Medical Examiners Commission was often found to be higher than the figures provided by Florida’s Department of Health, the Tampa Bay Times reported, prompting a review of the data and a suspension of its publication.

State officials have not specified what they find objectionable about the medical examiners’ count, nor when they might allow it to be made public again, the Times said.

According to the state Department of Health, 34,728 people in Florida have tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and 1,337 people have died from it, as of Friday morning.

Dr. Stephen Nelson, chairman of the state Medical Examiners Commission, told the Tampa Bay Times that state officials informed him that they would remove the cause of death and a description of each case from statistics published by the examiners.

“This is no different than any other public record we deal with,” Nelson said. “It’s paid for by taxpayer dollars and the taxpayers have a right to know.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday that the state would begin lifting coronavirus restrictions for some businesses everywhere but Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties, which have been particularly hard hit by the virus.

“These counties have seen the lion’s share of the state’s epidemic,” DeSantis said, “but they are trending in a positive direction.”

The day before DeSantis’s order, Florida reported 83 deaths from COVID-19, the highest number to date. On Friday the state reported another 47 deaths and 1,038 new cases of COVID-19.

Fewer than 2 percent of Florida’s 21.5 million residents have been tested for the virus, the Miami Herald reported on Friday. Of residents who have been tested, 9 percent have come back positive for the virus, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Cover photo: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. (Lynne Sladky/AP)
HaHaHello 2020-05-02 10:43:56
1 May
6729 new cases (new dail high) and 509 new deaths in Brazil


Brazil is facing an extreme surge in COVID-19 cases after the government left the virus to spread virtually uncontrolled for weeks, all while the country's president mocked stay-at-home policies and pushed against directives from the World Health Organization.

As of Friday evening, Brazil, which has a population of 209 million, had 91,589 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 6,329 deaths from the virus, according to Johns Hopkins data. That makes the country's per-capita death rate 3.02 deaths per 100,000 people.

Experts told The Associated Press that the numbers of cases and deaths could be much higher because Brazil does not yet have widespread testing.

Since the novel coronavirus started to spread across the world, countries have issued lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and curfews to help contain outbreaks. Even Sweden, which has left restaurants, schools, and public spaces open, has urged its residents to social distance and stay home when necessary.

But in Brazil, there's an alarmingly relaxed approach from the country's president, Jair Bolsonaro — the only stay-at-home orders in place have been issued by governors, borders are still open, and there are very few countrywide quarantine regulations.

Bolsonaro has downplayed the coronavirus pandemic for weeks and even encouraged protesters who pushed against lockdown measures put in place by 25 out of the country's 27 governors.

Across the country, cities are facing the bleak realities of the virus, which experts say is still weeks from its peak.

Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonas, has started digging mass graves for COVID-19 victims, and funeral homes fear they'll run out of wooden coffins in days. In Rio de Janeiro, pictures posted on Twitter showed bodies lined up outside a hospital because the morgue was full.

Brazil's extraordinarily low testing rate — 32 times lower than in the US, which is still looking to ramp up its own testing, according to The Washington Post — is so low that hospital patients and medical workers are not being tested for the virus.

According to the latest report from Pantheon Macroeconomics, an economic-research consultancy firm, Brazil wasn't hit hard by the virus until late March or early April, but the number of new cases is growing by the day.

Pantheon's report suggested Brazil's surge in cases was likely a consequence of Bolsonaro's "unhinged view of the virus."

As Bolsonaro downplays the virus, he has also argued with governors over state-imposed lockdowns and suggested the World Health Organization encouraged masturbation and homosexuality among children, according to the AFP.
HaHaHello 2020-05-02 10:56:37
6 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea

Coronavirus Cases: 10,780
Deaths: 250
Recovered: 9,123

Remain to have single digital new cases.
HaHaHello 2020-05-02 10:57:55
1515 new cases (new daily high) and 113 new deaths in Mexico

Coronavirus Cases: 20,739
Deaths: 1,972
Recovered: 12,377

法蘭西檸七 2020-05-02 11:07:40
27/4 1500: 3M (支82k 外2.918M)
29/4 0100: 3.1M (支82k 外3.018M)
30/4 0300: 3.2M (支82k 外3.118M)
1/5 0500: 3.3M (支82k 外3.218M)
2/5 0900: 3.4M (支82k 外3.318M)

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞