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UST南亞仔 2020-05-06 17:21:53
果然係bad time good men good time bad men
Fin.Grasshopper 2020-05-06 17:28:12
無可能咁樣give in
唔去到唔裝罰錢/ 無medicare都唔會裝
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-06 17:28:45


如果巴勒斯坦係支蟈同俄佬咁大既體形,以色列一定打呢個 "支俄型態既「巴勒斯坦」" 一定打得勁吃力(好似當年英美完全食花生睇住烏克蘭、波蘭、波羅的海三國同芬蘭孤獨抗蘇)
UST南亞仔 2020-05-06 17:30:12
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-06 17:45:41




In reality, however, Israel continues to train Palestinian doctors and supply medical assistance to the West Bank to mitigate against a COVID-19 outbreak in areas controlled by the PA. Instead of encouraging Israeli-Palestinian cooperation, the PA would rather incite against the Jewish state amid a pandemic that does not discriminate against its victims.

FrankLampard_BB 2020-05-06 17:50:52
又唔敢claim支那狗, 成班都冇撚用
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-06 17:58:52

“Russian leadership does not believe that the Kremlin’s messages to Brussels [should] go through Helsinki or that Finns would provide significant additional value in rationalising Russia’s views or interests,” the report stated.

The report implies that Moscow considers Finland joining NATO and allowing the military alliance a continued presence on Finnish soil to be a concrete threat.
In the region, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are NATO members, but Sweden and Finland only have a strategic partnership.

Finland’s possible NATO membership remains red flag for Russia
HaHaHello 2020-05-06 18:07:10
I do not think your growth factor is useful. One of the main problems of growth factor is still the Sunday/Monday effect.

The simplest method to eliminate the Sunday/Monday effect is the 7-day moving average I suggested. If we really spend time to think about this mathematical problem, then we might have some even better method. However, I do not want to spend time on this mathematical problem.

The temperature can have a strong effect both in increasing and decreasing the new cases. Here, we need to make clear what we are talking here. In April, Sweden did not have any improvement. Only in the first few days in May, we begin to see an improvement. In April, they still turned on the heaters. If the temperature went up, they were likely to go out more often and hence, the chance of get infected would be increased.

So, let's concentrate on what happen in May. In May, I believe that they still turn on the heaters and close the windows. Hence, the improvement due to higher temperature is not large. However, the higher temperature in May may just overcome the problem of going out more often. So, the situation seems to have some improvement.

Anyway, it is better to watch a few more days to see what actually happen because we have only five days data.

Got to go! No time to check what I have typed.
喇叭吧 2020-05-06 18:21:29
Just want to clarify that the growth factor in the graph is already 7_day_moving_average[n]/7_day_moving_average[n-1]. So, Sunday/Monday effect is probably eliminated.
Let's forget about the temperature. If it is too cold, everyone is turning on heater. If it is too hot, everyone is turning on the air-conditioner. After all, if the environment is favorable to human, it is also favorable to virus, too.
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-06 18:44:45
推 lmc66: 不看外勞只看本土還是依舊每天穩定增加啊 可憐哪 05/06 16:26

作者NeVerEnouGh (魯呆)
標題[爆卦] 新加坡確診武漢肺炎人數突破2萬
時間Wed May 6 15:26:16 2020
JKS98 2020-05-06 18:45:45
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-06 18:45:54
→ mudee: 臺灣阿伯眼見新加坡防疫鬆散 趕緊逃回台灣 新加坡人還猛酸 05/06 17:06
→ mudee: 台灣 結果也被他們政府婊了 搞到很嚴重了才封機場封城 Er 05/06 17:06
→ mudee: r夫人順便開酸臺灣轉移注意力 結果讓新加坡國際關係陷入低 05/06 17:06
→ mudee: 點 人權問題 又跟臺灣結怨 可憐哪! 05/06 17:06
JKS98 2020-05-06 18:46:55
淋病西萎 2020-05-06 18:48:47
比利時death rate 16%
三俘 2020-05-06 18:51:34
見網上數據 人均都好高
淋病西萎 2020-05-06 18:51:41
JKS98 2020-05-06 18:59:47
九指連環 2020-05-06 19:07:42
UST南亞仔 2020-05-06 19:10:39
ee-fi_wg仔 2020-05-06 19:13:55
連極右既瑞典人(已經唔係瑞典左膠)都話唔想捲入東歐國家同俄羅斯之間既政經同歷史爭議,仲串波羅的海三國同波蘭一樣做左美國主義打手+串"Eesti cannot into Nordic, Eesti is NATO puppet!!!"(波羅的海三國、波蘭明明同美國關係只係「盟友」而非「朋友」 - 各有所需)

HaHaHello 2020-05-06 19:16:54
I don't think the households in Sweden have air-conditioners.
HaHaHello 2020-05-06 19:21:12
1,680 new cases and 78 new deaths in Iran

Coronavirus Cases: 101,650
Deaths: 6,418
Recovered: 81,587

The new cases have kept increasing in month.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞