
4506 回覆
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2020-05-05 06:58:03
仲有聯邦政府喺funding同埋providing test kit方面都唔太掂,之前仲走去搶州政府自己買嘅物資,搞到好多州政府而家都要用各種渠道去偷偷哋買物資
2020-05-05 07:22:58
另一個原因係Trump之前tweet咗'LIBERATE MICHIGAN/MINNESOTA/VIRGINIA',呢三個州佢出tweet嗰時都有人出嚟protest lockdown,所以d tweet對呢班protesters嚟講應該係huge morale boost嚟
2020-05-05 07:25:05

2020-05-05 07:28:22
2020-05-05 07:34:25
你又吹脹佢真係有受控跡象,大部份州新增個案同支那坡差唔多,同埋 serious case 跌到去 active case 既 1.5% 左右,大多可以居家隔離

2020-05-05 07:36:53
2020-05-05 07:43:15
2020-05-05 07:45:05

世道人生:美國人為甚麼反封禁 - 李怡 - 生果日報 - 20200505 - https://hk.news.appledaily.com/local/20200505/JUEIVWZCRFTA3PBKYYYUJ777WA/

我出少少其他你地 click 入去睇

2020-05-05 07:52:38
日落國唔講都唔知 on9 成咁


英國武肺死亡數字是意大利以外第二嚴重的歐洲國家,但未如新加坡、澳洲等要求入境旅客隔離,只派發防疫冊子。運輸大臣夏博思(Grant Shapps)說,確診個案正在減少,本地人既遵守社交隔離令,外來者亦應配合防疫,故積極研究要旅客接受隔離檢疫。英國曼徹斯特等三個機場已宣佈,本周起旅客經他們航運站登機時,必須佩戴口罩(或圍巾)和手套,並作健康申報,但當中不包括港人最常到的倫敦希思路機場。
2020-05-05 08:28:24
英國係民主國家, 所以有咩人民就有咩政府
2020-05-05 08:30:49
The differences are due to the meaning of the date. Different websites use different time zone to define the date.
2020-05-05 08:36:11
2020-05-05 08:41:21
墨西哥+1434 Confirmed,Total:24905, +116 Deaths,Total:2270
牙買加+2 Confirmed,Total:471
巴拉圭+19 Confirmed,Total:415
阿根廷+104 Confirmed,Total:4887, +11 Deaths,Total:260
尼日利亞+245 Confirmed,Total:2802, +6 Deaths,Total:93
捷克+20 Confirmed,Total:7819, +1 Death,Total:+ Confirmed,Total:252
烏干達+8 Confirmed,Total:97
烏拉圭+2 Confirmed,Total:657
圭亞那10+ Confirmed,Total:92
開曼群島+1 Confirmed,Total:75
突尼斯+5 Confirmed,Total:1018, +1 Death,Total:43
哥倫比亞+305 Confirmed,Total:7973, +18 Deaths,Total:358
尼日爾+5 Confirmed,Total:755, +1 Death,Total:37
布基納法索+10 Confirmed,Total:672, +1 Death,Total:46
海地15+ Confirmed,Total:100, +3 Deaths,Total:11
加蓬+32 Confirmed,Total:367, +1 Death,Total:6
科特迪瓦+34 Confirmed,Total:1432
科索沃+4 Confirmed,Total:855, +4 Deaths,Total:26
秘魯+1444 Confirmed,Total:47372, +58 Deaths,Total:1344
盧旺達+2 Confirmed,Total:261
南非+437 Confirmed,Total:7220, +7 Deaths,Total:138
澳洲+22 Confirmed,Total:6847
2020-05-05 08:42:50
6,697 new cases (new daily high) and 303 new deaths in Brazil

Coronavirus Cases: 107,844
Deaths: 7,328
Recovered: 45,815

2020-05-05 08:46:04
3,932 new cases and 175 new deaths in India
Both are new daily highs

Coronavirus Cases: 46,437
Deaths: 1,566
Recovered: 12,847

Worsening a lot.

India has the potential to enter top 10.
2020-05-05 09:06:32
2020-05-05 09:10:06
2020-05-05 09:16:51
24,713 new cases and 1,324 new deaths in the United States
This is the Monday effect: lowest new cases and second lowest new deaths.

USA has just a little improvement from the peak. Mexico has not yet reach the peak. Canada had a new daily high new cases two days ago.
Russia is considered as an European country.

So North America and Europe have not yet finish.
India and Brazil have just joined them.
2020-05-05 10:12:58
China official:+1 imported case confirmed

得一宗 confrrmed case
2020-05-05 10:13:38
2020-05-05 10:24:53
I have never reported the Chinese data at here because the data from China is completely useless.
2020-05-05 10:25:44
New Zealand: The total number of cases has decreased by one after a probable case was reclassified. This is also the second day in a row that the country has no new cases.

2020-05-05 10:26:43
3 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea

Coronavirus Cases: 10,804
Deaths: 254
Recovered: 9,283

2020-05-05 10:33:16
2020-05-05 10:38:37
22 new cases in Australia

First set of data. It seems that Australia begins to turn worst again. Need a few more days to confirm the trend. Well, winter is coming to Australia.
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