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法蘭西檸七 2020-04-24 22:13:45
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:17:21
66 new cases (new daily high) and 1 new death in Senegal

Coronavirus Cases: 545
Deaths: 7
Recovered: 262

UST南亞仔 2020-04-24 22:18:07
I see thx
九指連環 2020-04-24 22:20:38
Why u call so many places worsening
Nearly half the number recovered
With just 7 deaths
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:38:31
66 new cases is almost double the previous daily high.

The trend is determined by the number of new cases.
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:40:18
5386 new cases and 768 new deaths in the United Kingdom

Coronavirus Cases: 143,464
Deaths: 19,506
Recovered: N/A

Remain poor.
法蘭西檸七 2020-04-24 22:40:37
英國+5386 cases
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:42:23
The number of new cases in the past few days are (from old to new):
8, 17, 10, 35, 30 , 37, 66

Do you agree that it is worsening?
人生可否重來 2020-04-24 22:42:56
九指連環 2020-04-24 22:44:58
UK is the only country in the world hv not implement any fly restriction and restrict all non-essential business

Herd immunity at its best
春袋了無痕 2020-04-24 22:45:35
九指連環 2020-04-24 22:47:35
英撚recovery number N/A
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:48:10
Although we have a silence agreement that different people provide different information, you are welcome to do it for 蛇巴.
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:48:39
Several countries are doing the same thing.
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 22:51:31
91 new cases (new daily high) and 2 new deaths in Bulgaria

Coronavirus Cases: 1,188
Deaths: 54
Recovered: 193

Worsening. The new cases in the past few days are (old to new):
16, 35, 46, 49, 73, 91
吉利蛋汽車 2020-04-24 22:52:52
Still got 5,386 after lock down for so long
外遊狗死全家 2020-04-24 22:54:21
無外遊狗禍港嘅day就是good day
人生可否重來 2020-04-24 22:54:23
窮人生仔真仆街 2020-04-24 22:55:42
機關槍 芬蘭 荷蘭
人生可否重來 2020-04-24 23:00:13
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 23:06:05

Explanation from Spain

6740 new cases and 367 new deaths in Spain. To date, a total of 219,764 confirmed cases of COVID19 have been reported. The total includes cases confirmed by PCR tests (202,990) and cases confirmed with antibody tests (16,774)
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 23:07:11
181 new cases and 29 new deaths in Switzerland

Coronavirus Cases: 28,677
Deaths: 1,578
Recovered: 20,600

HaHaHello 2020-04-24 23:08:28
48 new cases in Sri Lanka (new daily high)

Coronavirus Cases: 416
Deaths: 7
Recovered: 109

HaHaHello 2020-04-24 23:10:46
525 new cases and 8 new deaths in the United Arab Emirates
Both new cases and new deaths are new daily high.

Coronavirus Cases: 9,281
Deaths: 64
Recovered: 1,760

Similarly to most Middle East countries, the situation is worsening.
HaHaHello 2020-04-24 23:12:04
9 new cases and 1 new death in Cyprus

Coronavirus Cases: 804
Deaths: 14
Recovered: 98

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