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2020-05-06 21:27:00
2020-05-06 21:27:59
I don't expect a linear function or a quadratic function can model the real world perfectly. Thanks for commenting on the toy project. I look forward to your insightful posts.
2020-05-06 21:38:12
塔吉克+86 Confirmed,Total:379, +3 Deaths,Total:8
塞爾維亞+114 Confirmed,Total:9791, +3 Deaths,Total:203
喀麥隆+161 Confirmed,Total:2265, +44 Deaths,Total:108
南蘇丹+6 Confirmed,Total:58
沙特阿拉伯+1687 Confirmed,Total:31938, +9 Deaths,Total:209
2020-05-06 21:45:30
It depends on what you try to do.

If you just do this as a school project, then you have done a good job. On the other hand, if you are doing real research, then you have to meet the current standard. The editor can refuse to send your paper out to peel review.

Until 10 or 15 years ago, your method is up to standard. However, in the past 10 to 15 years, big data took over the whole world if you are using statistical data approach.

The following are some of the stuff in just one email in my Inbox:

Coming to Grips with COVID-19’s Data Quality Challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic is generating enormous amounts of data. Large amounts of data about infection rates, hospital admissions, and deaths per 100,000 are available with ... Read more...

Localized Models Give Hospitals Flexibility in COVID-19 Response
Hospitals have been re-allocating resources and delaying elective surgeries in anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 patients over the past month. That surge didn’t materialize in most locations, and now, as the number of COVID-19 patients nationally begins to peak, hospitals are... Read more...

More Free Software Offered in Response to COVID-19
Organizations researching treatments for the novel coronavirus have an abundance of software and services at their disposal, including a range of additional offerings that analytics vendors are ... Read more...

You can see that there are a lot of efforts here. You have to be competitive because people do not have the time to read all those research results.
2020-05-06 21:53:36
2020-05-06 22:15:42
More relevant articles in the same email I have just mentioned:

New COVID-19 Model Shows Peak Scenarios for Your State
The United States is waiting with bated breath to see its crucial coronavirus curves – daily cases, hospitalizations, and deaths – flatten, peak, and begin to decrease. Read more...

Cal State LA Introduces COVID-19 Dashboard, AI-Powered Mortality Risk Prediction Tool
COVID-19 is producing a deluge of data, from cases and hospitalizations to ventilator supplies and protein forms. Researchers at Cal State LA are leveraging that data, producing two tools. Read more...

COVID-19 Roundup: Apple, Palantir, Rolls-Royce & More
As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the globe, big data and AI have emerged as crucial tools for everything from diagnosis and epidemiology to therapeutic and vaccine development. Read more...

So, in just one email, there are 6 research results need to be read. The whole world just into the research of Covid-19. It is just too busy to read, work and write.
2020-05-06 22:20:20


同埋大學都冇停,政府行政部門都冇停呀。政府只係停左非必要服務,工程個D back office根本照樣番緊工。如果香港半封城,復活節D人去西貢做乜春?

封城就唔係解決方法。封城個目的係為左分流有病同冇病既人,而又唔想有病既人傳得快過檢測既速度,分得7788咪解封。就好似依加NY咁,最初爆發係50% positive rate,到左最近跌到12~13%。到左最後,防疫個工作都係要算番追蹤同隔離同埋個人衛生防線。

2020-05-06 23:08:18
Singapore + 2 deaths - - > 20 deaths
2020-05-06 23:09:09
One 97 years old woman
One 73 years old man
2020-05-06 23:12:54
2020-05-06 23:16:52
I told you earlier that one should use 7-day moving average earlier today. Now, Worldometers has changed from using 3-day moving average to 7-day moving average.

Are you working for Worldometers?
2020-05-06 23:26:20
St Marino +19 cases - - > 608 cases
2020-05-06 23:27:08
159 new cases and 6 new deaths in Algeria

Coronavirus Cases: 4,997
Deaths: 476
Recovered: 2,197
2020-05-06 23:38:29
2020-05-06 23:39:51
No, I am not but I think it just took some time for them to figure out 7-day moving average is better.
2020-05-06 23:46:15
2020-05-07 00:02:55
1,444 new cases and 369 new deaths in Italy

Coronavirus Cases: 214,457
Deaths: 29,684
Recovered: 93,245

2020-05-07 00:05:34
2,940 new cases and 75 new deaths in India

Coronavirus Cases: 52,340
Deaths: 1,768
Recovered: 14,911

Stay at the peak
2020-05-07 00:08:02
全球死亡率(累計死亡 / 感染人數)
2020-05-07 00:10:33
Hmm, I just found it interesting to model the pandemic data. So, watched a few video from YouTube, read a few articles, and started trying in Excel.

However, at some point, I found that it is more interesting to explore features in Excel. The model is now a by-product. There are a lot of manual work at the moment. It would be great I could automate most parts of it in Excel without writing code. It might or might not be possible but it's just fun.

Big data might be a better tool for data modeling but it is not for me right now.

P.S.: Thanks for sharing what the research community is doing. 獲益良多
2020-05-07 00:22:37
2020-05-07 00:52:48
Italy +1444 cases & 369 deaths - - > 214457 cases & 29684 deaths

UK +6111 cases & 649 deaths - - > 30076 deaths

Turkey +2253 cases & 64 deaths - - > 3584 deaths
2020-05-07 00:53:36
UK has 201101 cases
Turkey has 131744 cases
2020-05-07 00:56:17
英國真係長爆長有,唔覺噁覺死亡總數已過意大利,仲係日日幾千確診、幾百死亡.... 仲話打算通關..
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