
4506 回覆
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2020-05-09 23:36:15
2020-05-09 23:37:18
Stable means that herd immunity has not been achieved yet. The daily new cases will decrease when herd immunity has been achieved.
2020-05-09 23:39:24
3,896 new cases and 346 new deaths in the United Kingdom

Coronavirus Cases: 215,260
Deaths: 31,587
Recovered: N/A

2020-05-09 23:40:41
525 new cases and 8 new deaths in South Africa

Coronavirus Cases: 9,420
Deaths: 186
Recovered: 3,983

Still at the peak.
2020-05-10 00:07:21
Wu Lei recovered.
2020-05-10 00:18:16
2020-05-10 00:18:26
AC Milan announces that, based on the medical tests carried out so far on both the First Team players and staff, there have not been any positive cases of Covid-19.

The team will continue their individual training programmes at Milanello. All of the appropriate medical screenings will be completed for all of the players at the coach's disposal in the coming days.

A米官方:無人中 球員教練職員
2020-05-10 00:23:28
2020-05-10 00:25:06
2020-05-10 00:31:27
Bojo: relax restrictions~
英超: 開波啦喂~
2020-05-10 01:51:16
I tend to believe this is the weekend effectthe number of daily cases in uk fluctuated a lot
2020-05-10 01:59:49
2020-05-10 02:00:26
2020-05-10 02:09:48
He infected before.
2020-05-10 02:10:37
2020-05-10 02:11:42
2020-05-10 02:18:30
2020-05-10 02:18:44
2020-05-10 02:21:01
出場時間少咗 都有球對巴塞入波逼和嘅
2020-05-10 02:22:09
而家已經比9/5 2030多30K……
2020-05-10 06:05:20
推 Arpia: 它這也算爆了吧,國家就那麼丁點大,每天都 05/09 20:52
→ Arpia: 約有將近10個本土例 05/09 20:52
→ kuma660224: 不可考,因為蓋牌太久了 05/09 21:44
→ kuma660224: 客工宿舍裡面已不知傳多少代了 05/09 21:44
→ kuma660224: 傳播複雜到不可能疫調. 05/09 21:45
→ kuma660224: 1個群聚幾十人百人勉強還能調查 05/09 21:46
→ kuma660224: 它用千或萬為單位,顯然已經很多代 05/09 21:47
推 tyriel: 封城都沒有降下來,這是什麼原因? 05/09 22:13
推 erilinda: 移工都擠在宿舍 跟遊輪容易傳染差不多吧 05/09 22:25
→ erilinda: 沒改善移工生活環境 怎麼封城都沒用 05/09 22:26
→ kuma660224: 封在狹窄大規模宿舍反而加速感染05/09 22:41
→ kuma660224: 去戶外上工也許還比較不會中 05/09 22:42
→ kuma660224: 雖然封不封最後結果也是一樣 05/09 22:43
→ kuma660224: 對客工的醫療照顧福利實在太差了 05/09 22:43
→ kuma660224: 不利於早期發現早期隔離治療 05/09 22:44
推 kuma660224: 等到爆了,開始把客工關在宿舍, 05/09 22:47
→ kuma660224: 全擠在室內,反而比平時更危險 05/09 22:47

作者debb0128 (Debbie * 呆比)
標題[新聞] 新加坡+753 境內9例
時間Sat May 9 17:52:32 2020
2020-05-10 08:43:39
This is a real improving in this cycle. But we do not know what will happen in the next cycle due to the partially re-opening of the country.

Some of the fluctuations you mentioned is due to the change of the policy. This is also the reason why we need big data science.
2020-05-10 08:46:45
No. The improvement is real. Please read my reply to another member for the same question.
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