咪on9 Ching 有vision係evolutionist 唔表示唔洗business viable… d project 永遠都有capitalist 去支持先搞得成
SpaceX已經係commercialise 左既一盤生意,已經講緊break even,Elon musk 呢頭話夠錢轉頭就fund raise 谷估值,上市都係呢幾年既事,上左市你同investor 同個board 講,yo我個project 50年之後先搞得起,有無興?
無錯佢係做實事,亦都係呢代最偉大既創業家同發明家,但你真係有留意就知佢係一個切切實實既生意佬黎,睇佢既track record,佢一搞起就會賣間公司,唔好live in a dream…
SpaceX also projected that "Starlink will make money" in 2023, having achieved a cash flow positive quarter last year. It won a Pentagon contract last month to provide Starlink service in Ukraine, for an undisclosed amount.
SpaceX chief Elon Musk laughed off a question about a potential IPO for the company's satellite internet business during a live Twitter audio interview with Bloomberg on Saturday, saying it wouldn't be "legal" for him to comment.
Behind the question: The business, Starlink, is the primary driver of SpaceX's valuation, investors say.
“Musk is selling insider shares of his SpaceX firm — those are shares currently held (owned) by early investors, employees, and perhaps Musk himself — to qualified institutional investors at about $80 per share,” said Peter C. Earle, an economist with the American Institute for Economic Research.