你睇睇係唔係DIPN38 para 43 Example 4 non HK employment 都係睇vesting period 有幾多日響香港,同邊度exercise 冇關
雞胸飯走汁2023-06-05 01:39:53
雞胸飯走汁2023-06-05 01:45:18
咁你要解釋到點解係incurred in the production of chargeable profits 呀嘛
因為太多人鳩篤entertainment啦,個個都話是旦講係食飯傾生意,玩串晒個party搞到稅局咁樣問令到你覆唔到。有呀,你有責任去答到咁詳盡,香港稅制個burden of proof 係taxpayer而唔係稅局架,你要自己證明俾稅局睇點解係可以扣
基本上只要係carrying on trade and business in HK就要BR。個人名義收錢都要開返間sole proprietorship 報稅
稅局:"Business" Required to be Registered: any form of trade, commerce, craftsmanship, profession, calling or other activity carried on for the purpose of gain