(嘈交要自貼身材) 健身資訊討論區77

1001 回覆
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2020-06-03 14:35:39
2020-06-03 14:46:57
2020-06-03 14:52:00
Now you've got the hang of it. You're on the tight track now. Keep up the good work. You're getting better every day. You're doing fine. You've almost mastered that.
2020-06-03 14:52:58
That's coming along nicely. Keep it up! You're doing fine.
2020-06-03 14:55:59
2020-06-03 14:56:18
You're learning fast. You're getting better every day. You've almost mastered that. Keep it up! That's coming along nicely. You're on the right track now.
2020-06-03 14:58:20
I'm rooting for you. I'm there for you. It's going to be okay in your next competition. I support you. I've got your back.
2020-06-03 14:58:36
You're almost there! You got this! I believe in you!
2020-06-03 15:04:03
What7you talking about?
2020-06-03 15:04:38
( Show Blocked User - prokofiev )
2020-06-03 15:14:03
佢free weight位好細 好似得一個架 機就好7多位
而且重點 好撚多人 仲要係一班班

2020-06-03 15:22:47
2020-06-03 15:30:09
仲要係成班人圍住d機嘻嘻哈哈,one man doing、few men laughing...
2020-06-03 15:37:48
2020-06-03 15:52:51
2020-06-03 16:08:52
My friend Joe is a gym membership salesman who's gonna make a follow-up call and send a follow-up email to a customer who's interested in joining the ten year membership. I used to work in a gym and whenever a customer paid a visit to the gym, I always followed it up with a call or an email. Some of my colleagues followed it up with a visit to the customer. My friend Rika is interested in joining his gym. She had a meeting yesterday and a follow-up has been scheduled for tomorrow. She's also writing a follow-up to the acclaimed "The Invisible Man" so she's so busy that she won't have time to pay a follow-up visit to the gym for the time being. Therefore, I handed her the membership agreement for Joe and will follow up with her in the next couple days. The membership costs five hundred dollars a month which is well worth it for the whole range of facilities you can use. They sell a tub of whey protein for three hundred dollars which is well worth it as it's normally two times more expensive. The agreement grants you access to the swimming pool as well as the gym. The cost of soy protein has edged up by three dollars while that of caesin protein has edged lower by four dollars. The cost of creatine has edged higher to four hundred dollars while that of nitric oxide has edged down from four hundred to three hundred and ninety dollars. Last Friday, Rika complained that she was treated badly at Starbucks. As a result, a barista provided a referral to a senior staff member who, in turn, referred her case to the manager. She'll follow the case up with the manager to be sure that it'll be dealt with seriously. In addition, she's been I'll woth a stomachache so I gave her a referral to a gastroenterologist. Recently, she posted on an online forum and suggested the government build an art gallery so as to boost tourism which was supported by many people on the forum. They asked the forum administrator for a referral to a district councilor. They'll follow the issue up with the district councilor. I too will follow up the matter being discussed. His suggestion of building an art museum so as to boost tourism is deemed necessary. Last Sunday, Joe and I went to a museum where we looked at every single huge nineteenth-century oil painting in the museum in minute detail so as not to miss any wonderful things. He'll be throwing a birthday party in a hotel rather than at his home so as not to disturb his neighbours.
2020-06-03 16:33:19

啱啱開始做返 操完肩已經痛到仆街

2020-06-03 16:37:12
2020-06-03 16:43:04
2020-06-03 16:45:24
2020-06-03 16:50:32
操唔痛既位 eg腳咪得
2020-06-03 17:00:56
2020-06-03 17:03:04
做d中低強度運動 會冇咁痛
2020-06-03 17:14:29
2020-06-03 17:23:56
有冇人操胸會DIP左先 成日最後先做冇力
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞