其實吹到咁多次風出嚟我諗肯定已經有prototype甚至pre-production units
我估M2 MBA已經係最細可行chassis
而因為唔似當年2015 12",M2 Air已經係fanless,所以市場角度Apple可能覺得真係唔值得做,尤其係見到iPhone mini慘淡退場
四架坦克2023-01-09 16:05:33
上面Gurman仲有提Mac Pro: A high-end configuration of the Mac Pro, a model with 48 CPU cores and 152 graphics cores, has been canceled. Instead, Apple plans to release a version with the M2 Ultra, making it unclear — beyond the machine’s expandability — why most users would buy it over the cheaper and smaller Mac Studio. In another disappointment, the new Mac Pro will look identical to the 2019 model. It will also lack one key feature from the Intel version: user-upgradeable RAM. That’s because the memory is tied directly to the M2 Ultra’s motherboard. Still, there are two SSD storage slots and for graphics, media and networking cards.