我反而想睇M1 pro 16gb ram vs m2 pro 16gb ram有咩分別
因為我諗緊買M1 pro袋底翻新機定M2 pro袋底
求其解毒片2023-01-20 14:52:19
我估全線已upgrade,正路iMac 24 3/4月會refresh埋,但唔係有iMac 27
我想睇埋iMac 24個價點,再決定買唔買mac mini M2 pro + studio display;studio display真係難食,唸起個厚度,蚊唔倒既電線,加$3000先有得升降...唔到最後一分鐘冇哂選擇都唔買
https://9to5mac.com/2023/01/16/will-apple-launch-m2-imac/ Based on what we know, there won’t be an M2 iMac, which means that the next new iMac will be equipped with the M3 chip. And since M2 was introduced last June, M3 is unlikely to be announced before WWDC 2023 in June. In other words, don’t expect a new iMac to be released in the first half of 2023. It seems more likely that the M3 iMac will arrive sometime between the second half of 2023 and the first half of 2024.