主要睇用家用途, 同RAM大小應該都有關係.
張圖個用家係16GB / 2TB 買返來一定唔會似我咁當ultrabook咁用, 可能人哋用開intel MAC 32GB換M1迫用16GB 然後read/write大增.
香港都唔覺有用家report好大read/write usage, 我當佢係標題黨用自己150TB 3%usage然後將150TB套落去 8 / 256 時就一年玩完.
"While we're looking into the reports, know that the SMART data being reported to the third-party utility is incorrect, as it pertains to wear on our SSDs" said an AppleInsider source within Apple corporate not authorized to speak on behalf of the company.