都係老招數,ally Castile + Austria + Burgundy or Aragon 幫我搞掂France, 我就打 Scotland
英國大試管2020-12-10 17:53:01
我未試過PU法國琴日果局最多都係割 Paris 順便解左"One Night in Paris"成就
春日野穹2020-12-10 18:06:56
england tradition ideas +10% infantry combat ability, burgundy +10% morale, castile +15% morale, 1444年屌打france正常 到france 拎到elan +20% morale 就會被反cup,所以要襯早打底,打完再trigger war of the roses換走個廢物henry vi
一直等TY2020-12-10 18:16:34
單拖打完第一場就 PU 左
英國大試管2020-12-10 18:35:11
btw 離題一問:你地係咪齊DLC?
我冇:Emperor, The Cossacks, Mare Nostrum, Rights of Man,
Mandate of Heaven, Cradle of Civilization, Dharma, Golden Century
君堡市長2020-12-10 20:21:45
我係除咗conquest of paradise 之外齊晒
Emperor Rights of Man Dharma 應該都要嘅,其他你只要唔係玩嗰個地區基本上可以唔要,或者佢啲features 有冇都幾雞肋