大概記得佢嘅speech話The world will remember this date. 而家太早定斷the result of this bombing but I bet the Japanese didn’t like it.
戰爭結束前或後Either way the bombs had been dropped, so blood is already on their hands
悲酥清風2023-07-25 04:42:27
其實二戰同冷戰 唔係中學有教架咩
阿呢2023-07-25 04:46:06
當年教history 講一戰多
旺仔牛奶2023-07-25 05:46:01
核聚變 fussion
核裂變 fission
刺激19952023-07-25 06:10:32
Sky_Croc2023-07-25 06:21:31
Heggem2023-07-25 06:27:44
Heggem2023-07-25 06:28:44
"I wrote the script in the first person, which I'd never done before. I don't know if anyone has ever done that, or if that's a thing people do or not… The film is objective and subjective. The color scenes are subjective; the black-and-white scenes are objective. I wrote the color scenes from the first person. So for an actor reading that, in some ways, I think it'd be quite daunting."