巴打 我今年26 如果我係香港讀完個education degree 同埋master 出黎教咗三年書 諗住過澳洲再讀個special education嘅master 之後應該係邊state到讀會大啲機會技術移民到? 同埋有冇話要喺返嗰個state到讀先會加分? 同埋邊個state education嘅位(Teaching English as Second language/ special education) 最缺人手?
另外我男朋友喺澳洲讀緊IT 嘅master,都諗住移民去澳洲,請問我應該跟佢以spouse visa 咁申請,定係分開申請會好啲?
戚家肺癆鬼2019-06-17 20:18:24
我唔賣比你2019-06-18 09:50:24
仲有兩星期考 OET ... 希望一切順利
由我2019-06-18 12:21:22
Good luck and all the best
由我2019-06-18 12:21:47
一般 3-9個月 都有,取決於council。
由我2019-06-18 12:30:25
澳洲既Special Education係指特殊教育。
SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHERS teach primary, middle or intermediate, and secondary school students with learning difficulties, hearing impairment and sight impairment, and promote students' social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.