Job Offer 要求只apply ICT occupations:
- offshore applicants applying under an ICT occupation must show evidence of a minimum 12 month job offer with a Queensland employer registered in Australia. The job offer must be related to your occupation, and evidence is required showing acceptance of the offer.
愛B號2018-06-08 21:53:21
艾迪巴虐2018-06-08 21:57:41
Post-it2018-06-08 22:07:15
戀x上你的床2018-06-09 09:36:32
case officer叫我做health check
做唔到x-ray 點算?
利申: 藍絲
要通知移民官,同佢講要delay個medical examination直到生左之後。
TheCourier2018-06-10 10:33:49
由我做個垃圾2018-06-10 14:47:13
當然係攞左Graduate Visa先,如果畢業之後無呢個簽證就基本上斷左所有移民機會。
由我做個垃圾2018-06-10 14:48:00
無辦法,法律要求必須完成 medical 先可以比你PR。你無辦法做 medical 只能拖到你可以完成 medical先 grant visa。