你問我答 澳洲移民 (4)

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2018-03-04 19:14:15
想問下 temporary assessment 可唔可以 fulfill 189 visa 嘅要求?

PS 依家得 60 分,好唔好交咗 EOI 先,定係儲多啲工作經驗先?
唔可以,因為你無 full registration,即係無 full skills assessment。遞左EOI都無用。
2018-03-04 20:43:37
2018-03-05 13:53:37
Master要最少兩年,同埋申請人本身有一個Bachelor degree。

Quantity Surveying既認可課程:http://www.aiqs.com.au/imis/AIQS_Website/Membership_Centre/Accredited_Courses/AIQS_Website/Public/Careers/Accredited_Courses.aspx?hkey=aa3810f4-c773-459b-a978-f9c0010c66db

2018-03-05 20:17:06
咁唯有乖乖地做完 practice 先遞 EOI。。。 希望到時policy冇變
2018-03-05 20:23:47
如果我未讀master已經有65分諗住through 189移民,其實仲有無需要去讀master加分?

2018-03-06 08:00:59

你滿足左基本要求(ie 評估完成,雅思最少4個6考出)之後入EOI先然後,希望QS 65分可以盡快邀請你申請189。

2018-03-06 13:38:13
有關於延長PR既事 打算今個月月尾去澳洲續期 如果可以 想問下你一啲意見 唔該哂
2018-03-07 16:23:13
因為我女朋友轉左去Vic, 我好想同佢一起轉校。心理證明咩都有,都係唔肯release.


2018-03-08 12:20:18
我本身讀Structural Engineering, 伸233214 Structural Engineer, 最近搵到份工做 Geotechnical Engineer,如果做1年野 個經驗加唔加到5分?

1間話 因為2 個係同一個group 都係civil engineering professional, 所以加到

2018-03-08 16:42:17
你個degree 係咪civil 先
如果係不如試下用233211 civil engineer 黎申請
咁你str 同 geo 既經驗都可以包到
2018-03-08 16:45:07
你可以睇下官方anzsco 對civil engineer 既job description, 其實都好general, 睇下包唔包到你既經驗
2018-03-08 16:57:36
巴打,想問下NSW 190係咪有ACCOUNTANT?
有無得CHECK NSW有無俾出過invitation俾ACCOUNTANT?
2018-03-08 21:50:59
請問知唔知Internal auditor行190去NSW要等幾耐?
而家190有75分, 189有70分

如果190得左, 係咪規定要即刻過NSW住兩年?
唔即刻過, 有咩後果?
唔喺NSW住頭兩年, 有咩後果?

2018-03-08 23:20:51
p.s. 人在澳洲,想搵agent。
2018-03-09 07:04:03
2018-03-09 10:13:31
degree 其實好focus structural 所以skill assessment civil 應該唔得

其實我咁問因為home affairs 咁寫

Your employment must have been in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation.
Closely-related occupations must be:
- in the same ANZSCO Unit Group or
- consistent with a career advancement pathway or
- determined by an assessing authority that it is closely related to your nominated occupation.

Geo 同 Struct 係同一group 2332 所以理論上係可以
但問身邊D人 無乜人試過
agent 又5050
2018-03-09 11:04:36
2018-03-09 12:52:50
2018-03-09 12:59:48

Applicants can claim points for up to ten years of skilled employment experience in the relevant period. Although skilled employment experience within the 10 years immediately before the time of invitation to apply for the visa may primarily involve work in the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation, it is also policy to award points to applicants if their career has advanced or the occupation has evolved in the relevant period. In these circumstances, to be awarded points, the claimed employment will need to be related to the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation, and at the skill level of the applicant’s nominated occupation.

Under policy, closely related occupations are those occupations that fall within one unit group classified under ANZSCO. Under ANZSCO, occupations are grouped together to form “unit groups”. Generally, all unit groups are at one skill level. Skill level is defined as a function of the range and complexity of the set of tasks performed in a particular occupation, and is generally measured by the level or amount of formal education and training, previous experience in a related occupation or on the job training. For example, if an applicant’s nominated occupation is Accountant (General) and the applicant has provided evidence of skilled employment in the occupations of Management Accountant (221112) and Taxation Accountant (221113), decision makers should consider these periods of employment as closely related for the purpose of awarding points.

For the purpose of awarding points, an applicant’s skilled employment experience can be in the nominated occupation or any closely related skilled occupation ... As the points test recognises extensive skilled employment as an important attribute for achieving good labour market outcomes, the policy intention is to ensure an applicant is not disadvantaged by limiting skilled employment experience ...

2018-03-09 13:08:03
2018-03-09 13:08:15
2018-03-09 13:10:08
請問知唔知Internal auditor行190去NSW要等幾耐? 唔知,因為NSW既190係隨機時間發放邀請,上次好似係上禮拜五。

如果190得左, 係咪規定要即刻過NSW住兩年? 無錯。
唔即刻過, 有咩後果? 唔喺NSW住頭兩年, 有咩後果? 可能入唔到籍,或者比移民局以無遵守當時190既承諾而取消你既PR。
2018-03-09 13:11:38

2018-03-09 13:12:47
我唔deal with學校所以我都唔知點幫你,所以都係要你同番學校溝通。
2018-03-09 13:13:39
唔好意思唔加個人聯絡,你有任何問題歡迎留言我會盡快覆。或者你可以係高登PM Coupet。
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞