[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(64) 置頂留空實驗

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2021-06-08 00:34:19
2021-06-08 02:49:41
乜鳩都冇,含淚買M1 MBP,完
2021-06-08 02:52:49
universal control其實幾好

2021-06-08 02:53:43
Flow + AirPlay to Mac + SideCar令到溝mac機同iPad去用會順手好多同埋多好多變化
2021-06-08 02:56:46
佢好似無提Universal Control要求咩hardware
2021-06-08 03:00:55
universal control requirement:
Available on MacBook Pro (2016 and later), MacBook (2016 and later), MacBook Air (2018 and later), iMac (2017 and later), iMac (5K Retina 27-inch, Late 2015), iMac Pro, Mac mini (2018 and later), and Mac Pro (2019); and iPad Pro, iPad Air (3rd generation and later), iPad (6th generation and later), and iPad mini (5th generation and later). Both devices must be signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID using two-factor authentication. To use wirelessly, both devices must have Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Handoff turned on and must be within 10 meters (30 feet) of each other. iPad and Mac must not be sharing a cellular and internet connection. To use over USB, you must trust your Mac on the iPad.
2021-06-08 03:02:20
Universal Control
Available on MacBook Pro (2016 and later)
MacBook (2016 and later)
MacBook Air (2018 and later)
iMac (2017 and later)
iMac (5K Retina 27-inch, Late 2015)
iMac Pro
Mac mini (2018 and later)
Mac Pro (2019)
iPad Pro
iPad Air (3rd generation and later)
iPad (6th generation and later)
iPad mini (5th generation and later).

Both devices must be signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID using two-factor authentication. To use wirelessly, both devices must have Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Handoff turned on and must be within 10 meters (30 feet) of each other. iPad and Mac must not be sharing a cellular and internet connection. To use over USB, you must trust your Mac on the iPad.

Available on MacBook Pro (2018 and later)
MacBook Air (2018 and later)
iMac (2019 and later)
iMac Pro (2017)
Mac mini (2020 and later)
Mac Pro (2019)
iPhone 7 and later
iPad Pro (2nd generation and later)
iPad Air (3rd generation and later)
iPad (6th generation and later)
iPad mini (5th generation and later)

Older iPhone, iPad, and Mac models may share content at a lower resolution to supported Mac models when “Allow AirPlay for” is set to “Everyone” or “Anyone on the same network” in Sharing preferences.
2021-06-08 03:06:05
原來2016打後嘅12吋MacBook同所有吋數MacBook Pro都有low power mode
12吋開埋low power咪慢到跳樓
2021-06-08 03:09:37
Send wired or wirelessly
AirPlay works both wirelessly and wired using USB. A wired connection is useful when you want to ensure that there’s no latency or you don’t have access to Wi-Fi.

土炮QuickTime mirroring終於可以壽終正寢
2021-06-08 03:18:39

New dictionaries for Hong Kong
Dictionaries for Hong Kong include a Traditional Chinese–English idiom dictionary, a Traditional Chinese–English dictionary of Cantonese colloquialisms, and a new Traditional Chinese dictionary.

iCloud Passwords extension for Edge

Swap out apps in Split View
Swap out one window for another in Split View. Click the green button for a window, select the option to change windows, and select any of your open windows.

Custom mouse pointers
Customize the outline and fill color of the mouse pointer so it’s easier to recognize when it moves or changes to an insertion point, crosshair, hand, or other shape.

Copy enhancements
You’ll have a better sense of timing when copying files thanks to a new pie chart progress window. You can even stop or cancel a long copy session and resume it later.

Automatic window resizing
Windows now resize to fit the new display as you move them from Mac to a secondary display, another Mac, or even an iPad when using Sidecar, making it easier than ever to use multiple displays.

Continuous dictation
With on-device dictation, you can dictate text of any length without a timeout (previously limited to 60 seconds)
呢個係M1 only
2021-06-08 03:23:23
2021-06-08 03:32:16
Apple: 吹下風 14 寸 Mac 大把傻仔等睇wwdc

M1 晶片 都唔夠數出兵 M1x 留返下年都仲得
2021-06-08 04:17:56
可以上mac mini 16+256了
2021-06-08 05:57:17
不過得8GB RAM
2021-06-08 07:21:38
2021-06-08 07:53:49
2021-06-08 08:01:37
Phase out 咗 Late 2013 MBP
2021-06-08 08:09:01
2021-06-08 08:31:32

現階段仲入唔入intel mac好?
2021-06-08 08:34:21
部2014 mbp就死啦
2021-06-08 08:48:20
可惜唔係16gb ram
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞