Biden is currently up by 28,833 votes in Pennsylvania.
HaHaHello2020-11-07 17:51:39
The most likely outcome of the USA Election 2020 is:
Biden 321: Trump 217.
Biden wins in landslide.
HaHaHello2020-11-07 17:56:44
Mark Meadows, Trump’s Chief of Staff, Has the Coronavirus
Mr. Meadows aided President Trump’s efforts to play down the virus throughout the summer. A Trump campaign adviser and four other White House aides also tested positive.
Without the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump can win the election easily in landslide.
書桓2020-11-07 20:59:11
Dont't think NC will flip, as shown in PA, only a few hundreds ballots arrived after election day(but postmarked by e day). A 70k+ lead should be save for Trump.
書桓2020-11-07 20:59:24
HaHaHello2020-11-07 21:01:16
There are still a lot early votes to be counted.
HaHaHello2020-11-07 21:02:06
We have to wait until Nov 13 when NC will restart the counting.
HaHaHello2020-11-07 21:12:28
10,746 new cases (new daily record) and 187 new deaths in Ukraine
Ukraine joins the countries that have over 10,000 new cases.
書桓2020-11-07 22:36:35
As far as I am concerned, these are mail-in ballots requested by voters but not yet returned + provisional ballot. Voters may change their mind after requesting mail-in ballot, e.g. to cast provisional ballot in person or not to vote at all. It is similar to Trump's "military ballot" in GA, which will only be a handful and will not flip the result.
HaHaHello2020-11-07 23:00:14
NC will accept mail-in ballots until Nov 12.
書桓2020-11-08 00:19:09
They must be postmarked by 3/11, as shown in other states, 99% of voters would not leave it so late to mail.