
949 回覆
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2020-04-22 14:00:58
2020-04-22 14:05:26
答how you doing/alright/great/fine會自然o的,有時問你how are you唔係真係問你過成點,純粹係打招呼
2020-04-22 14:05:51
2020-04-22 14:07:04
2020-04-22 14:07:55
2020-04-22 14:09:34

2020-04-22 14:09:52
2020-04-22 14:10:36
其實past perfect可以唔學,好少用

專注練好present perfect仲好
2020-04-22 14:10:55
2020-04-22 14:11:56
2020-04-22 14:26:50
2020-04-22 14:26:55
大概自己諗原因去解釋graph既fact 咁我係咪要轉tutor....
2020-04-22 14:28:25
2020-04-22 14:29:02
2020-04-22 14:29:16
2020-04-22 14:30:14
2020-04-22 14:51:25
everything sounds like an insult if you say it this way, "you absolute xxxxxx "

e.g. you absolute bucket
you absolute garden gnome
2020-04-22 14:58:06
2020-04-22 15:00:40
why the gardening items
2020-04-22 15:04:30
Just did some gardening yesterday so they sprang to mind
2020-04-22 15:12:59
China, widely known as denying to deny (known as係類似被稱為) the responsibility of spreading the Coronavirus, has been forcing its way to blame the U.S. Their headstrong official department has been evading the interrogations from the vast countries around the world and the press about the truth behind the country covering up the truth. China also sets it 無所指 up as affording medical aid internationally, with the claim that it is out of sincerity towards the globe, but clearly this good faith is far from being accepted.

From early April, China has been ramping up international assistance to the globe. With the worst of the virus behind it Although China is facing the worst outbreak ever, China offers ventilators and personal protective equipment which have later been proven invalid in most countries. Prior to Spanish complaint about the below-bar accuracy of Chinese testing kits, Europe has reported that the products purchased from China are unreliable with most of the patients. These facts have proven that China is acting out all these for another reason, probably shouting out for herself, than sole sincerity. these actions are calculated attempts, probably shouting out for herself, rather than humanitarian aids. than係比較大細或程度,但無論如何前後要平衡;rather than意思會比較好

The scandals of China are not only limited to the national realm, but also extends to the international public health category. The public health scandals of China are not only domestic, but also international. There are allegations against the collusion between China and World Health Organization (WHO). One conspicuous example is the sugarcoating comments from WHO on China’s actions. In turns, WHO is supporting supports China’s authoritarianism of , concealing the truth of the virus outbreak, and backs that its action up by positively picturing the bright side of China’s actions. This kind of positive picturing is brainwashing brainwashes the rest of the world who are which is not very clear about the misdeed of China amid the Coronavirus outbreak.

Insisting on the authoritarianism is nothing more than making things worse. China should cleanse its soul and own up to the truth, rather than make up the death tolls or hide the true data of the virus. At the worst of the virus outbreak, anymore than what is going on around now than冇比較對象, the best way is handing the national is to put dignity aside, and go hand-in-hand within with other countries to cope with the pandemic. This may sound fanciful because one of our countries is holding loads of tech but inveigling its way to hide them. Our first step to the global triumph will be getting China open up.
2020-04-22 15:26:00
thanks bro
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