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2020-04-22 05:31:50
2020-04-22 05:45:16
I miss u too
好好保重, 唔好中招呀你
2020-04-22 05:46:07
咁所以standard 係British english 同American english?字典 IPA 係兩隻都有咖嘛
但其實Canadian 同Australian 聽到係咪會嬲?
我試過同美國人( Elite class 嘅白人)講話自己啲英文唔夠好,唔standardised,佢同我講其實英文冇分啱同錯,冇人話American english 同british english 先係standard,American english 都好多種。我一直都覺得佢呢個idea 好mind blowing,我 confuse左好耐,諗極都唔明之後自己去煲啲教pronunciation 嘅channel,發現有時啲人聲稱自己教british english 會比人插到呀媽都唔認得,因為事實上british english 都有好多玩法,啲英國人會走出黎話唔一定要london english or queen english 先係british english
所以Standard 其實係跟邊套set,或者邊套先係
2020-04-22 05:47:27
I don’t have any class on ...
I don’t have any classes on ...
2020-04-22 05:48:34
係呀, 所以我都只係狂聽和imitate rp
2020-04-22 05:49:28
I don't have any class on
2020-04-22 05:57:14

China, widely known for denying their(her都ok,我慣用their with country) social responsibility during the Coronavirus crisis, is now pointing their finger at the U.S. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Chinese officials have been evading public interrogations and pulling wool over the eyes of millions. Furthermore, their tight control over the release of vital information signals the decline of freedom of press internationally. Right now, China is masking their irresponsible actions with their usual economic diplomacy strategies. However, the world comes to find out that even international medical aids can no longer justify China’s actions.

Since the beginning of April, China has been reinforcing international assistance to the world. With the worst of the virus behind it (呢到唔明你講咩), China offers medical ventilators and personal protective equipments as international relief effort, which have shown low functionality in most countries. Prior to Spanish complaint on the below-average accuracy of Chinese testing kits, Europe has reported that products purchased from China are unreliable when applied to patients. The above facts have demonstrated that there might be another story behind China’s “good samaritan”act. ( 呢到你個conclusion其實直接對應唔到你上面嘅evidence 即係點解比啲cheap野你=got something to hide?)
2020-04-22 05:57:44
佢啱呀,我唔明點解你一定要黑白分明,如果你讀linguistics 你會發現呢個世界只有灰色地帶,係冇對或錯 寫linguistics 啲essay時基本上你答乜都係啱

我講嘅standard form只係喺written english 上適用,sorry confuse咗你
2020-04-22 05:57:58
The influence of the Chinese scandal extends far into the international public health category. Allegations against the collusion between China and the World Health Organization (WHO) have been circulating among many Asian countries. (呢到純粹係我覺得啲外國人好似完全唔知條譚啲衰野 仲好嬲侵pull budget) One conspicuous example is the commemorating comments on China’s actions by the WHO. Instead of calling out China for deliberately withholding information, WHO director general Tedros calls attention to China’s achievement during the pandemic in hopes of obscuring what China has really done. This collusion between international organization such as WHO and China has laid support to China’s authoritarian approach. It empowers Chinese authoritarianism and allows it to penetrate the global political scene. For people who are unaware of China’s irresponsible actions in the midst of coronavirus, the fact that this kind of corruption in international NGO is not widely covered in media also acts to obscure public opinions and could potentially result in serious political consequences.

Empowering authoritarianism in today’s world only leads to further destruction of human rights. Other players in international politics should no longer tolerate China’s lies. Instead, pressure and actions from around the Globe are needed to force China to pick up their responsibility as a member of the world. At the verge of the biggest public health crisis in modern time, a system of collaboration and peer-review between countries is particularly important in order for us to move forward as one society. Our first step to the global triumph against coronavirus will be achieving a more open and free China.

盡左力 有無其他巴絲探討下
2020-04-22 06:13:45
我會咁諗係因為成日比人話我英文錯或者講得怪,但我啲英文係真係睇native speaker 嘅YouTube 呀電視學番黎,跟足啲鬼佬讀咖冇跟學校啲Missy 亂教咖。啲英文差嘅friend就會話我英文好,啲英文一般嘅friend 就話我錯,然後我就成日on 99咁比人糾正番去例如surface 要讀番sur-face唔係service,但之後又發現自己又冇錯,同埋睇YouTube 好多乜10大成日讀錯嘅英文字嘅片去學英文,成日都係啱同錯之間struggle 已經唔識分乜係 mispronounced 同accent
2020-04-22 06:17:08
Rp係 received english 呀嘛?
啱啱Google 完,學到嘢多謝絲打
2020-04-22 06:21:17
如果你指香港嘅朋友話你錯就唔使理佢啦,嗰啲人剩係識做grammar nazi
2020-04-22 06:25:05
receiced pronunciation
上youtube聽大畢列顛士頭婆,亂髮中左肺炎招嘅MP,Teresa May...甚至戴卓爾夫人的rp都好好聽
2020-04-22 06:26:34
**typo: received
2020-04-22 06:30:20

Geordie, Scouse, Brummie都各有特色
2020-04-22 06:53:57
2020-04-22 07:26:49
有人話每個地方都唔同 港式英文唔代表啲咩 但我覺得如果有得學點解要咁樣綁住自己
2020-04-22 07:29:18
我之前成日聽oxford online english
pronouncation都ok 啲音同符號點讀都識大半
唯讀係stress唔夠好 同埋最大嘅問題係成日講唔長啲句子一句起兩句止
2020-04-22 07:33:11
有[ ]係我改的 唔改哂成篇 我會有錯 求有人指証

China, widely known as denying the responsibility of spreading the Coronavirus, has been forcing its way to blame the U.S.

[China, notorious for the denial of the responsibility over the spreading the fatal coronavirus, has been defending against the accusations from the US.]

Their headstrong official department has been evading the interrogations from the vast countries around the world and the press about the truth behind the country.

[The Chinese diplomats have been sidestepping the interrogations on the press conferences as to the truth behind the facade.]

China also sets it up as affording medical aid internationally, with the claim that it is out of sincerity towards the globe, but clearly this good faith is far from being accepted.

[On the face of combating the virus, China also sets herself up as affording medical aid internationally, yet such generous gesture is still far from being accepted worldwide.]

From early April, China has been ramping up international assistance to .....products purchased from China to be unreliable with most of the patients.

[Having been casting an important role over the supply of medical equipments to the globe since early April, ventilators, PPE, and testing kits offered by China have been reportedly neither reliable nor accurate among European countries.]

These facts have proven that China is acting out all these for another reason, probably shouting out for herself, than sole sincerity.

[Its therefore evidently shown that China is potentially window dressing rather than giving a helping hand sincerely to the world.]

There are allegations against the collusion between China and World Health Organization (WHO).......and backs that up by positively picturing the bright side of China’s actions.

[Of the allegations suggests that the praise of containment measures by WHO on several occasions has been associated with supporting to authoritarianism of China where coverups of transmission had been forcibly implemented at the national level since November 2019.]

This kind of positive picturing is brainwashing the rest of the world who are not very clear about the misdeed of China amid the Coronavirus.

[The result of which would bring about the sugarcoating delusion to citizens who are not sure about the misdeed done by China amid the outbreak of the coronavirus.]
2020-04-22 08:15:02
做過 唔入腦
2020-04-22 08:34:30
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞