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2020-04-22 04:25:58
搭單想知好耐,點分一個字係讀錯定係 accent? 例如Th音當f音讀, com字頭讀cum,又或者係surface 讀成sur-face。睇過ielts speaking 唔會將accent consider as sth wrong,咁佢點分 同埋因為聽開唔同地方嘅英文嘢,啲accent 已經mix 到分唔到British, American or Australian English
2020-04-22 04:26:52
2020-04-22 04:30:08
Plato's Republic?
2020-04-22 04:31:51
仲可以試下同其他internationals做朋友 唔一定要本地人
2020-04-22 04:36:53
cockney果啲something > somefink
hello > 'ello
southern > souvern

2020-04-22 04:40:07
最常見嘅咪th-dropping, glottal stop, /t/ /d/ deletion呢啲,其實都好明顯吓,呢3個國家國內已經好多variations, 冇咩事唔好亂估廢事offend咗人哋

2020-04-22 04:47:43
啲外國人fd成日講啲嘢reference 係出自啲電影/電視劇/節目,歌,廣告,Twitter/ tumblr,仲要好多都係佢哋童年/青少年階段嘅嘢, 除非你喺嗰邊長大,唔係嘅話,可以話係我哋呢世都唔會get到/ 有共鳴
佢哋好人嘅會解釋返/即刻search個出處俾你,但成件事好尷尬,變咗party pooper咗
2020-04-22 04:48:32
Hey how’s going
2020-04-22 04:53:12
但係呢,咁我點先算Hong Kong accent而唔係讀錯 雖然我真係知同鬼佬講嘢佢地好多時都唔 mind,純粹academic 啲咁諗
例如啦Singlish 嘅th 音唔發h音當t 音讀,three 讀做tree,咁係singlish 唔係讀錯嘅話咁係咪by the same token, 香港人將three 讀 free 都可以計accent ? 或者係Economy 香港人讀做”2“conony 多過輕聲嘅'e'conony,但又好似其實冇th咁普遍地一齊有同一個讀法,咁又點計
2020-04-22 04:57:35
巴打, 我冇資格去改你的文章, 我只給一點我的意見吧, 大家交留下。
你可以句子冇錯, 但我覺得係sense of English的問題,我試下用你的意思, 但用我自己的寫法寫幾句吧

I write to show my interest in applying for the post of branch manager posted in the internal circular dated on 21st April 2020.
I have been working in LIHKG company from April 2010 and have been promoted to the post of supervisor in 2016. With my knowledge of computer science and my experience of being middle management, I am confident that I will be the right candidate to take the managerial role. In particular, I know every aspect of the merchandising department since I closely followed the work of this department in the past 3 years.
The most significant problem of the merchandising department is efficiency. Time is spent on administrative works rather than approaching clients….
2020-04-22 04:58:05
我知 好多人都係溝通到就得
但我想知點先係 Hong Kong accent,有冇rules 咁
2020-04-22 05:01:33
Hong Kong accent我覺得同British accent一樣係好vague既野

2020-04-22 05:08:58
2020-04-22 05:09:45
2020-04-22 05:14:31
In the last sentence of the first paragraph: but clearly this good faith is far from being accepted. [唔係好明點解你用accepted, 邊個accepted?]

The second paragraph: From early April, China has been ramping up international assistance to the globe. With the worst of the virus behind it, [唔明呢句] China offers ventilators and personal protective equipment which have later been proven invalid in most countries. [係咪應該話not meet the standard/below the standard? invalid呢個字好似有點唔啱]

Prior to [the] Spanish complaint about the below-bar accuracy [唔肯定係咪咁叫] of Chinese testing kits, Europe has reported [that] the products purchased from China to be [are] unreliable with most of the patients. [但係就算D物質不達標都不能推論到"別有用心"這一點] These facts have proven [It shows] that China is acting out all these for another reason, probably shouting out for herself, than sole sincerity.

獻醜, 大家討論下
2020-04-22 05:21:03
咁到底我將th音讀做f係咪可以當accent 唔計錯,定係所謂嘅accent 只係約定俗成,啲鬼佬明唔明係唔關啱定錯事,純粹係有幾familiar with that accent
有時教人(用英文帶班同義務偶爾幫Friend 嗰啲,唔強薑真係剩教英文) 好Struggle 好唔好correct 番佢啲pronunciation,定係由佢講Hong Kong accent,定係由佢跟我嗰套mix 到唔知係乜嘅Accent 我啲音真係細個睇勁多英國歐美澳洲英文嘢學番黎,因為死都唔想睇tbb啲垃圾,所以應該都算發音正確,學到好足,但我已經唔知自己幾時邊隻字用緊乜accent 係一般香港人聽到會覺得個feel 有少少鬼鬼地,英文幾好,但鬼佬一聽就會覺得我好得意,啲accent 好唔同, mix得好誇張
2020-04-22 05:24:38
比如話widely known as...
e.g. He is widely known as the protagonist in that movie.
用widely known for會好啲

forcing its way to blame the US
我會改做pushing a narrative of blaming the US
2020-04-22 05:25:21
其實冇人話過singlish/ chinglish 係啱,只不過係俾返個學名佢冠名, 因為唔係independent event, 係regional嘅event 但我哋學語言就係要學standard form, 即係字典/.../ 啲IPA
2020-04-22 05:27:02
First, you have to check whether "difference" is countable or uncountable. In this case, "difference" can be both countable and uncountable.
There is no difference between x and y.
There are no differences between x and y.
for the above, both sentences are ok.
There is a difference between x and y: x is yellow, but y is green.
There are some differences between x and y. First,... In addition,...

some nouns can only be uncountable, e.g. knowledge
so, you can say: I have no knowledge.
you can't say: I have no knowledges.
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