
949 回覆
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2020-04-22 13:15:39
2020-04-22 13:15:50
將啲synonyms antonyms group埋一類
考果時明明8 9成字係識但做落就錯

跟住有兩三個fill in the blank 是但錯一個成題零分
2020-04-22 13:18:57
2020-04-22 13:23:12
2020-04-22 13:25:54
anyone but CY啱

anyone but not CY會好奇怪,負負得正,者係CY都得?
2020-04-22 13:26:52
Attached is a file for you to check. 係倒裝句
2020-04-22 13:27:54
2020-04-22 13:28:46
2020-04-22 13:29:22
2020-04-22 13:29:58
2020-04-22 13:30:16
2020-04-22 13:31:57
我就係唔想講好多野但冇point 想explicit d 但咁樣變咗要識好多生字為前提
2020-04-22 13:32:02
2020-04-22 13:34:58
2020-04-22 13:35:59
2020-04-22 13:37:23
2020-04-22 13:38:32
potential reasons/assumption者係咩?

task 1跟足事實安全o的
2020-04-22 13:38:52
2020-04-22 13:39:53
2020-04-22 13:48:32
thanks bro
2020-04-22 13:58:53
即係I learn Sth. 宜家學緊,但仲未識
I have learnt Sth, 直至頭先,我學識咗某樣野
I had learnt Sth. 好耐以前已經學識

咁用have 定had learnt?
2020-04-22 13:59:25
Dear Boss,

I have read the internal circular that related to hire of the recruitment of a new branch manager in my office. I would like to apply for the position this vacancy as an internal candidate. The reason of why I am interested in the new postion is that I am the right person able to solve the main problems in the branch office. In addition, it is beneficial to my career development for working as a managerial role. 點解解決到問題就幫到你既事業發展?
As a short review of my background, I have worked for this organization company for a decade since my graduation. I know every aspect in operating and managing a merchandizing department since I have participated in every role of this sub-section. Furthermore, I have assisted the former merchandizing director for three years so I am experienced enough to lead a branch office individually.
The most significant disadvantage of my department is efficiency. Staffs The staff are wasting their time on improper communication with clients and suppliers. As a result, resources are being used on administrative works rather than approaching more clients. colleagues spend more time on administrative work rather than sales pitch. rather than句子要前後平衡,主語一樣 I suggest dividing the office in two sub division – Administration sub division and Sales sub division. Colleagues in Administration sub division only need to focus on Administrative duties, and vice versa. I believe that the merchandizing department will become more competitive after my measure has been addressed.
雖然唔清楚你既行業同公司,但呢段有o的危險,因為cover letter通常集中sell自己既優點同經驗。如果未請就提改革,會唔會俾人覺得你野心太大?呢個問題你就要自己諗
Last but not least, thank you for offering me a chance to co-operate with you for ten years. I would be grateful if I have a chance to contribute the company in a new position.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Wong
2020-04-22 14:00:26
我係上網search native english teacher咁搵
2020-04-22 14:00:38
我係上網search native english teacher咁搵
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞