“And the Lord spake unto you out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude(形象); only ye heard a voice.
Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire: Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,”
Deuteronomy 4:12, 15-16 KJV
呢到係摩西面對面見完神(出埃及記:33:11)之後嘅說話,中文翻譯咁申4:10 你在何烈山站在耶和華─你神面前的那日,耶和華對我說:你為我招聚百姓,我要叫他們聽見我的話,使他們存活在世的日子,可以學習敬畏我,又可以教訓兒女這樣行。
However,“The phrase "face to face" in the Hebrew (פָּנִ֣ים אֶל־פָּנִ֔ים) uses the plural form of the word פָּנֶה (paneh; "face").1 However, it would not necessarily be proper to translate it then "faces to faces," because the word is always found in the plural form in Hebrew.2 This is because Hebrew uses plurality to express compound objects ("a single object that consists of several parts").3
In the context of personal interaction, while the expression can mean literally facing one another to the face (e.g. Jer 32:4, 34:3), it also has the idea of "appearing before,"3 as when all Israel was "face to face" with God at Sinai (Dt 5:4). But the term "face" more figuratively was simply an expression of the "presence" of a person,4 including God (e.g. Ex 33:14-15).
The expression when used of interacting (seeing, speaking, etc.) with God refers to "a form of the LORD," (תְּמוּנָה; "likeness" or "representation")5 as was the case with Moses' interaction with God "face to face" (Num 12:8; cf. Ex 33:11, Dt 34:10). Such is known as a theophany.
Thus while seeing God's face (as in God's full glory) all men were incapable of doing and surviving (and so Moses did not even see Him so; Ex 33:18-23), God could manifest Himself in His creation in other ways that "localized" His presence, and one could interact with Him in a "face to face" manner, but not be expressing His full glory.”
睇埋“摩西 說:「求你顯出你的榮耀給我看。」 耶和華說:「我要顯我一切的恩慈,在你面前經過,宣告我的名。我要恩待誰就恩待誰;要憐憫誰就憐憫誰」; 又說:「你不能看見我的面,因為人見我的面不能存活。」 耶和華說:「看哪,在我這裏有地方,你要站在磐石上。 我的榮耀經過的時候,我必將你放在磐石穴中,用我的手遮掩你,等我過去, 然後我要將我的手收回,你就得見我的背,卻不得見我的面。」”
出埃及記 33:18-23
So how did JS saw the two personages literally face-to-face as shown in the first vision video?
親愛寶貝蜜糖甜心2020-04-09 21:40:14
我會針對你呢句「while the expression can mean literally facing one another to the face (e.g. Jer 32:4, 34:3), it also has the idea of "appearing before,"」,即係兩種解法都啱,但要分辨咩情況下用咩解法。
「出埃及記:33:11 耶和華與摩西面對面說話,好像人與朋友說話一般,摩西轉到營裡去,惟有他的幫手一個少年人嫩的兒子約書亞,不離開會幕。」
人與朋友說話一般係唔係好似你講嘅解法?你同你朋友面對面說話時,你朋友係唔係figuratively appearing before you?
「創世記:32:30 雅各便給那地方起名叫毘努伊勒。〔就是神之面的意思〕意思說:我面對面見了神,我的性命仍得保全。
使徒行傳:7:55 但司提反被聖靈充滿,定睛望天,看見神的榮耀,又看見耶穌站在神的右邊。56 就說:我看見天開了,人子站在神的右邊。」
你話all men were incapable of doing and surviving,但雅各同司提反又係見到啲咩?
呢啲明顯矛盾未解決到之前,我答唔到你呢條So how did JS saw the two personages literally face-to-face as shown in the first vision video?
PeaceXd2020-04-10 23:28:59
既然我哋都明「while the expression can mean literally facing one another to the face (e.g. Jer 32:4, 34:3), it also has the idea of "appearing before,"」即係佢有兩種解法。至於佢真正意思 唔係單單cherry picking 咁去了解,唔同語言都有唔同文法,所以要see bible as a whole 先可以知佢講乜。睇埋我上面講Hebrew uses plurality to express compound objects ("a single object that consists of several parts").
至於你嗰兩段點樣合理化 朋友同朋友 呢個phrase 冇指明邊個aspect 可以係語氣 態度 不過我唔亂咁揣測 睇埋其他verses我唔會覺得佢係講緊好似JS嗰隻face to face
係”神的榮耀” not in the fullness of his glory. It could have been be in parts , but not his literal face.
You同ye嗰度有啲模糊 唔係好明你想指出啲乜
親愛寶貝蜜糖甜心2020-04-11 00:07:27
see bible as a whole呢到我有所保留,因為bible根本就唔係whole,係後人集合啲分散嘅書變成一本書集,另外,我都認為緊我係seeing bible as a whole,你嘅whole同我嘅whole只係唔同睇法啫。
喺我眼中你都係先斷定人無法見到神,再"cherry pick"啲章節出嚟支持自己睇法,當遇到我引出極之明顯話係面對面時你又話係figuratively。
當雅各同摩西例子都咁明確係face to face時,你話係figuratively,我認為係唔可行嘅,一係你可唔可以查一查你講嘅Hebrew uses plurality to express compound objects係唔係只會出現喺神同人見面?因為如果原來神見人同人見人(Jer 32:4, 34:3)兩邊都用緊同一grammer,呢個grammer form就唔可以成為一個argument。
最後使徒行傳7:55係用嚟反駁你話人無法見到神嘅榮耀,當然你係話"Thus while seeing God's face (as in God's full glory) all men were incapable of doing and surviving",但full glory呢到可唔可以引一下聖經?就我看來,司提反親眼見到神嘅榮耀同人子但依然冇死。你可以argue司提反唔係見到full glory。但JS都冇話佢first vision見到full glory。所以似乎係好合乎新約例子。
親愛寶貝蜜糖甜心2020-04-11 00:13:14
寫漏咗,you ye係指呢到
“And the Lord spake unto you(你們以色列人) out of the midst of the fire: ye(你們) heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude(形象); only ye(你們) heard a voice.
Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire: Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,”
Deuteronomy 4:12, 15-16 KJV
You get the idea. 我係想指出,因為我argue緊摩西的確有面對面見過神,但冇話以色列人有呢個經歷,所以你引呢幾節出嚟並無support到你嘅論點。因為如果摩西都冇面對面見過神,呢到唔應該用you(all) ye(all),而係應該用we,因為摩西同以色列人都冇見過,「我哋」都冇見過
PeaceXd2020-04-11 20:44:14
Ok 但係唔會有人見到好似JS咁”face of God”
親愛寶貝蜜糖甜心2020-04-11 21:39:59
即係咁,雅各同摩西已經係好完美嘅例子,你話要figuraltive,ok,但你有冇查過Jer 32:4, 34:3嘅face to face同雅各摩西嘅face to face喺希伯來文中係唔係完全用緊一樣文法先?因為如果係一樣的話,你就唔可以拎嚟做arguement。
一開始Kwaku 否定immaterial 嘅存在 佢challenge anything that is immaterial and testable by material thing:
1) Light energy. Light is not a matter.That it can be converted to heat. It can be tested by all plants living on earth through photosynthesis which convert immaterial light enery into material chemical energy(food).
Personally, I believe immaterial beings of maybe higher dimensions, in which human as in a 3D world cannot reach, causes the big bang and rules the world and gives life to all living things from plants to animals. Though Im not here to proof this point.
2) Forces.
既然你都用 kwaku嗰條你同我講eternity Pastor Jeremy又識Greek同hebrew 我相信你都係個debate裏面搵到答案.
PeaceXd2020-04-12 18:50:59
Ps 你所講steven and jacob saw God 嘅問題裏便都有講
同埋如果可以搭埋 Q&A section 最尾嗰條問題
親愛寶貝蜜糖甜心2020-04-15 14:54:50
1. Kwaku講緊嘅經文入面嘅matter同你認知同科學講開嘅matter其實好唔同,我哋LDS講緊嘅matter唔係單純要有mass或由atoms組成,喺我哋認知中經文稱為matter嘅嘢可以話係所有可以同人同世界interact嘅嘢,所以你嘅light其實都係我哋稱為matter之一,經文:D&C131: 7~8 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes; 8 We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter.