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2020-08-25 09:39:36
2020-08-25 09:47:12
唔好咁做, caravan park 好x亂, 出晒名係white trash/gypsy/羅馬尼亞人, 好人好者點解要咁做, 係可以查下trailer park boys 呢個節目,大同小異
2020-08-25 11:18:04

2020-08-25 14:01:36
Thanks for the advice!
As I am studying in history education in Hong Kong, is there any chance to apply some jobs in British museum too? I have some teaching experiences too
And I want to know more about the prospects of China studies in uk or other European countries
Thank you !
2020-08-25 16:56:57
Is history education the same as art history or a normal history degree with a specific focus? If not, very difficult, unless is not curating related.
2020-08-25 17:12:25
It’s seem like I can’t get a job in UK... but thanks for your opinions And i am also a certified personal trainer Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks
2020-08-25 17:21:54
My flatmate is a PT, just start your social media ASAP, you can build up a follower base to go to your gym or train Asian guys/girls that are a bit soft and want to get toned

You just need to get into a gym as residential first, and expand your own client base on the side.

There are many jobs out there that you can do, but if you are really into the political field you can pm me about it.
2020-08-25 17:28:23
Thank you so much!! This is a good suggestion. Is it possible to get BC if I do PT? As my first priority is to stay in UK and get the BC. Thanks a lot
2020-08-26 00:14:35
倫敦zone 1/2先泊唔到喺街邊!其他可以嗎?(合法)
2020-08-26 05:34:29
2020-08-26 08:51:24
例如consultant 或者NGO
2020-08-26 09:04:22
2020-08-26 09:05:54
梗係香港做晒, 出左cert 先過到去啦。。。
2020-08-26 09:13:54
多, 但入National charity/national railway果種大型機構會有保障好多, 因為佢一直會reserve budget 做green impact

NGO要係咁申請funding, 一申請唔到就會cut PM
至於boutique consultancy, 一樣情況, 冇firm搵佢做都係可以摺埋

我估計2021-2022 政府focus會放係SME resilience fund/ COVID research fund, 你可以google 一下, 有個例子係future fund

我唔係做consulting, 但因為我工作性質, 要留意下出面行情
2020-08-26 09:16:22
2020-08-26 09:21:47
係香港畢業? 因人而異啦, 頹有頹做sales, bubble tea, 猛人有做ibanks,lawyer, 係唔係佢CV有問題呀? 定係佢呢輪先過英國,咁個大環境不景氣, 都冇計
2020-08-26 09:30:18
請問係英國讀完food science 之後難唔難搵到野做
2020-08-26 10:04:31
你講既national railway個類型既機構都應該係做EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment)?


2020-08-26 10:17:43
點解英國 IT 請人?
好多歐洲 IT 和高科技都將總部搬去愛爾蘭
係咪英國 IT 人去咗愛爾蘭做嘢
所以英國 IT 公司請人?
2020-08-26 11:19:59
2020-08-26 13:15:48
唔答你咪唔答你囉屌你老母閪, 你當自己係邊撚個呀?老奉呀? 點解你呢D人唔會俾黑警扑死
2020-08-26 14:14:56
屌你老母. 你都ON9. 唔好答囉. 關你柒事咩. DLLM. 仆街死全家喇你.
2020-08-26 16:08:11
總有人top school搵唔到
亦有人non G5 都搵到
BNO 之前本身果行請T2就一向有香港人
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞