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2020-08-24 10:07:24
唔知你咩area 既E commerce 難答你
2020-08-24 10:16:07
護士唔難搵工, 以前答過, NHS員工想搵錢要入London做野, 因為有london weighting allowance, 大約多£3000左右

£1700 after tax? 假設Glasgow/Liverpool/Newcastle/Reading, 租£400-550 including bills 一個月, 一星期出街食兩餐(一餐中菜£20, 一餐意大利麵£15), 跟手去開平價超市Aldi/Lidl 一星期£75-100

咁你都仲儲到錢, 西班牙/法國/意大利早訂機票都係來回£60-£80左右,chill到
2020-08-24 10:22:40
Hahahahaha 坐DLR輕鐵就到, 但City airport 唔係話好多班機, 冇咩用, cheap cheap holiday 就通常stansted, 出EU就Heathrow/Gatwick

香港都係飛Heathrow/Gatwick, Gatwick London Bridge火車好快到, Heathrow係Piccadilly line, 搭地鐵就到
2020-08-24 10:24:49
Reading, 除非你有小朋友,Cambridge根本冇咩工作機會, 只係一個鎮仔
2020-08-24 10:46:45
Operation(amazon, eBay, shopify) ,seo, google analytics 果d

Thanks brother
2020-08-24 11:15:24
倫敦工作,有渣車!如果住reading 會唔會戇鳩
2020-08-24 14:29:42


因此我都係問巴打有咩指標,等自己唔好撞咗入去啲太伏嘅 area 先,然後先再搵 long term 嘅住處。
2020-08-24 15:03:15
我本身都預咗冇 credit score 畀人 vetting,點都係交半年租先。
但租約可能同佢 bargin 簽夠一年,不過可以提早完約之類 clause。


我依家都唔係 mark 特定一個盤,而係 in general 了解咗玩法先,然後落咗地先真係搵。

2020-08-24 16:39:46
Cardiff 如何?同Liverpool一樣係海邊城市
2020-08-24 17:19:34
2020-08-24 18:09:57
2020-08-24 18:19:20
想問student visa 畢業後有兩年搵野做係唔係由2020/21開始
搵過資料都係見news/ u嘅notice
係immigration office/ visa website 唔見有相關内容
2020-08-24 18:30:16
2020-08-25 08:00:58
你shopify 點識用? 香港都有shopify? 係英國好hit, 但大多數係SMEs因為Covid pivot做online business, 我就唔係好sure 有咩position

Social Media Analytics 好有用, 另外AWS都熱門, 英國Amazon marketplace 會多路數過eBay
2020-08-25 08:01:53
唔會, 但你覺得一定會搵到公司車位?
2020-08-25 08:07:17
本身諗住去讀ir 或者international security and terrorism master
邊一個field 好d
2020-08-25 09:22:45
高質post 留名
2020-08-25 09:24:36
伸手黨仲要嫌三嫌四 介紹個網畀你 www.google.com
2020-08-25 09:26:24
Have you thought about Chinese studies/Globalisation/Middle East?
I think these three options are pretty legit.

If you are not British, you cannot apply for to M15 related work, not sure how terrorism is going to be a helpful focus for you, whereas trade wars and deglobalisation are more relevant these days.

In future, if you cannot enter politics, you can still try to be a civil servant in department of trade or be in the supply chain field.

UK politics is far more complicated than you can imagine, I know a guy who worked with Nicola Sturgeon, he started out on a grassroots level, joint SU/labour student club/trade union/NUS, championed for rent-free zone/anti-arm trade sort of things, he is soon starting a position at Brussels. Pretty standard path for most folks I know to be fair.

You have to really get involved as early as possible, volunteer/work for the MPs as well. As student representatives, it is often that you can be invited to speak on regional/council/parliamentary committees, alternatively, you can apply to be a trustee/observer of charities, just to build network locally or to have something on your CV. They love "diversity", you do have to make an effort to mix with the right "crowd".

Some other people I have seen applied to direct internships at the House of Common. With notable achievements, I personally know two people who got invited to a "masterclass" at Downing street this year as young leaders. I used to work in politics but I absolutely despise career politicians, it is not a life for everyone.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞