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2020-07-26 09:07:18
香港無CIPD 除左浸大兩個HR Master Programme (Level 7 認證)
2020-07-26 18:08:18
想問loughborough U 啲aerospace/mech field如何?
同bristol U比如何?
2020-07-26 20:10:36
loughborough本身都ok, 但呢行咁niche, 你要認真考慮一下畢業後既發展, Loughborough 就一定冇aerospace既工

我會推薦Northern Ireland/Scotland, 例如蘇格蘭,佢地係英國少數搞咁多arm trade convention/aerospace/renewable energy既地方,佢地真係有試驗火箭發射既相關technology

有間野叫Strathclyde, industrial connection好勁, 個校長係European 咩 high education association既chairman, 佢哋大學有個lab停左一架真正既戰機, 我唔知另一到係唔係都係會有呢d機會



如果你只不過係想mechanical engineering, 咁到到都一樣,無咩所謂
2020-07-26 22:55:14
但係ucas寫Lboro 個aerospace course + 1yr placement 有Lockheed Martin, airbus揀喎
2020-07-26 23:23:09
巴打你好,請教Digital Marketing 行頭情況點呢? 其實我原本打算唔做本行,直接住曼徹斯特做服務業或藍領。不過有朋友又話Digital Marketing 應該唔難搵,叫我去倫敦附近落腳試下先,但倫敦真係重皮好多,太長時間搵唔到都頗有壓力

2020-07-26 23:55:46
2020-07-26 23:58:34
想問下在香港已有車牌(自動波),去英國係咪要揸棍波?去英國先考易啲嗎?大概幾多錢? 唔該你先
2020-07-27 00:04:35

同埋想知如果想係番insurance industry係咪只可以考慮salesforce方面?多謝各位
2020-07-27 02:08:36
我就係做UX design,由2016年開始做,做過唔同公司,有咩問題可以問我。
2020-07-27 06:24:00
Did you check if they are responsible to find you that placement sin?
90% of the time it will become a compulsory requirement to graduate, yet you are responsible to find your own placement year. Are you confident in getting it? A mechanical student usually completes their first internship during year two summer.

To be honest, if you have somehow managed to find one, you can always apply for interruption of studies to take the gap year out, it will be exactly the same.

Strathclyde is famous in that field trust me. A year of placement will add credibility to your CV for sure, but you have to find it first.
2020-07-27 06:25:22
same, just convert your license to UK, mostly auto anyway, unless you want to learn 棍波, usually an hour driving lesson is like £30-40
2020-07-27 06:26:06
Why salesforce for the insurance industry? What is your current position?
2020-07-27 09:36:05
以前做back office有考到牌
有接觸過某幾間high-end international medical provider
2020-07-27 10:07:40
2020-07-27 10:45:31
“School age children of BN(O) visa holders will have access to public education ”

"Conditions and entitlements
• access to education including:
• schooling for under 18 child dependants
• education and training for young people aged 16-19
• the ability to apply for higher education courses"

上去gov.uk睇下 自己做下功課啦
2020-07-27 13:41:00
搭單問 本身疫情之前酒店業多唔多請亞洲人?thanks
2020-07-27 15:25:48
咁姐係點? 果面唔夠人 但就因為你唔夠SENIOR 同就唔請你?
2020-07-27 17:24:40
師兄想請問下我讀Aviation Managment 依家係香港機場做左幾年,如果想係英國做番依行困唔困難? 如果係嘅有邊啲城市推薦可以方便做番依一行?

另外幫朋友問Pastry 係英國難唔難換工?人工高唔高?
2020-07-27 17:49:06
師兄想請問下我讀Aviation Managment 依家係香港機場做左幾年,如果想係英國做番依行困唔困難? 如果唔難嘅有邊啲城市推薦可以方便做番依一行?

另外幫朋友問Pastry 係英國難唔難工?人工高唔高?
2020-07-27 20:34:57
Management level not many, part time staff ah hostess 都can既, 主要係簽證問題, 酒店呢行好少出工簽, 因為唔算skilled worker, 而家你有5+1就無咩所謂

Many students from hotel man degrees like the ones from Surrey will complete a year of placement, that’s where you will see the Asian faces (Surrey has many HK/Chinese students)
2020-07-27 20:52:25
明白 多謝解答
2020-07-27 21:01:57
2020-07-27 21:42:29
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞