如果Central London top 5 最唔理想嘅區係!?
雖然但是2020-08-05 00:59:10
獅子山下2020-08-05 02:05:45
I mean, what skills do you have? Tbh, a lot of companies are not updated at all with the new Tier 2 system in the coming January, they may have standing policies that they will not sponsor someone below a certain pay grade/management level.
You will need a lot of luck, I suggest master's as it gives you 2 more years after. If that still fails after 3 years, that's where working holiday comes into play.
N700A2020-08-05 02:28:44
單身人士住 Croydon / Crystal Palace 適唔適合?
換個問法,一般揀住嘅地方會考慮啲咩?會唔會避開 high street?
Hi man, I answered a similar question before, if you want to be in house, to be honest is not easy.
You can look at big firms like Mace or Morgan Sindall and see what kind of qualifications they need, Morgan really has so so many new residential constructions
雖然但是2020-08-06 00:48:40
獅子山下2020-08-06 01:36:19
Yes, need to become ordinary resident, you can Google SAAS funding to find out more
獅子山下2020-08-06 01:38:36
都話係講運氣真心, 如果佢一開始screening就問rights of work, 間野通常係唔想出Tier 2俾呢個position