CCP and Govt TACTICS -
In addition of aggression, they also play VICTIM. They will create an UGLY situation so that those photos and video can be sent everywhere, including international communities.
AIM: destroy the credibility of protestors. invalidate the peaceful motivation, change the heart , or at least shake up, of "yellow", reduce amount of "yellow".
# of people are very powerful image. How can there be 4-5 millions people coming out???
冇野講2019-09-23 23:40:01
其實係成個遊行點present 出嚟。例如一致全黑,全塲只唱glory to Hong Kong, 和平得來有陣式。Be focus and consistent. 民陣班友就算申請唔到不反對通知書都有contingency plan. 唔係一陣又話金鐘完一陣又話中環完。Organized啲。之前清𥇦呼籲幾點開始。乜野區出發應幾點搭乜車,全程報導。Let’s get prepared! 當正一個大show咁做。10.1 係我地搶風頭日子。Show比全世界人睇香港人嘅質素!