揸住白雪公主兩個版本既台詞,當中有一個英文字用得唔一樣就話係mandela effect,真係笑左
效應既重點唔係大定細 有mistake 就係有
大膽講句 可能係自然形成?
當然 如果我知點解我就唔會係度啦
甚至可能學巴打話齋 有未研究到既腦部記憶問題呢
唔信既 咪當比一眾巴打係度FF囉

A false memory is the psychological phenomenon wherein a person recalls something that did not happen. False memory is often considered in legal cases regarding childhood sexual abuse.
Similar false memories are sometimes shared by multiple people.[27][28] For example, a somewhat commonly reported false memory is that the name of the Berenstain Bears was once spelled Berenstein.[29][30] Another reported example is false memories of a movie starring the comedian Sinbad, called Shazaam.[27] One study examined people who were familiar with the clock at Bologna Centrale railway station, which had been damaged in the Bologna massacre of 1980. In the study, 92% falsely remembered that the clock had remained stopped since the bombing; in fact, the clock was repaired shortly after the attack but was again stopped 16 years later as a symbolic commemoration.[28]
In 2015 this phenomenon of collective false memory was dubbed the "Mandela Effect" by
self-described "paranormal consultant" Fiona Broome, in reference to a false memory she reports,