
5001 回覆
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2020-04-11 21:45:20
cases 78,991(+5,233)
deaths 9,875(+917)
2020-04-11 21:47:11
2020-04-11 21:47:51
5,234 new cases
2020-04-11 21:49:34
2020-04-11 21:49:47
2020-04-11 21:49:48
I also do not understand why the whole world has neglected San Marino, the worst hit country. The situation in U.S.A. is far better than San Marino.
2020-04-11 21:51:46
今朝見到 第二日就有 褔利國家係唔同d
2020-04-11 21:52:26
2020-04-11 21:52:37
2020-04-11 21:53:03
2020-04-11 21:53:50
This is the reason we should not neglect it. I am worrying the whole country will be destroyed.
2020-04-11 21:55:12
2020-04-11 21:56:11
2020-04-11 21:59:10
睇新聞話係第二高死亡率 人口得3萬幾人
2020-04-11 21:59:48
Just neglecting this issue and stick to the fact.
Vietnam has actually done a very excellent work. However, the western media have never mentioned Vietnam when they talked about the excellent work of Asian countries. They just always referred to Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.

To my heart, Singapore has not done a very good job. I say that not because I hate Singapore. To be honest, if Singapore is not always so hot, it is already a dead meat.
2020-04-11 22:02:57
Population: about 33,000
Cases: 356
Death: 35.

It is even worse than Vatican City which has 8 cases (population is about 800), but no one die yet.
2020-04-11 22:03:50
Not too familiar with the current situation in Vietnam. Any interesting strategies they are currently using, that we probably should take note of?
2020-04-11 22:05:10
2020-04-11 22:05:29
沒事兒 沒事兒
2020-04-11 22:06:09
2020-04-11 22:07:49
2020-04-11 22:08:25
2020-04-11 22:09:14
推 mudee: 馬來西亞封城 一堆馬來華人逃往新加坡 又爆了一波吧 他 04/11 08:31
→ mudee: 們華人就是病毒來源啊 04/11 08:31
→ mudee: 新加坡不是把在台的口罩產線拉回新加坡了嗎? 因為臺灣不能 04/11 08:32
→ mudee: 出口口罩 就把機具運回他們新加坡了 04/11 08:32
2020-04-11 22:11:21
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞