2020-04-15 21:51:12
They do not know how to use the face masks!
One of the reasons the health advisers in the West did not recommend healthy people to wear masks is that they worried the general public could not use the face masks correctly.
I have sent the teaching material of using face masks produced by the Hong Kong Government to my friends and relatives in the West.
2020-04-15 22:08:23
法屬聖馬丁+3 Confirmed,Total:35
佛得角+45 Confirmed,Total:56
芬蘭+8 Deaths,Total:72
冰島+7 Confirmed,Total:1727
英國+4603 Confirmed,Total:98476, +761 Deaths,Total:12868
馬達加斯加+2 Confirmed,Total:110
印度+68 Confirmed,Total:11906, +2 Deaths,Total:405
畿內亞+41 Confirmed,Total:404
圭亞那+1 Confirmed,Total:48
阿塞拜疆+56 Confirmed,Total:1253
塞爾維亞+408 Confirmed,Total:4873, +5 Deaths,Total:99
馬里+4 Confirmed,Total:148
海峽群島+5 Confirmed,Total:440
北馬其頓+66 Confirmed,Total:974, +1 Death,Total:45
沙特阿拉伯+493 Confirmed,Total:5862, +6 Deaths,Total:79
巴林+143 Confirmed,Total:1671
多哥+4 Confirmed,Total:81
塞內加爾+15 Confirmed,Total:314
克羅地亞+37 Confirmed,Total:1741, +2 Deaths,Total:34
瑞典+482 Confirmed,Total:11927, +170 Deaths,Total:1203
肯亞+9 Confirmed,Total:225, +1 Death,Total:10