[D369-] 抗俄衛國 153: 習大大 all in or not all in

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2023-03-06 23:59:20
真係好鬼多一關於烏克蘭 就勁多
烏克蘭網球好手擊敗俄羅斯 又係一早block左#2
2023-03-06 23:59:39
有時戰局變化唔大但局住要每日一篇就變咗無野搵野嚟寫。出依啲post 其實都係social media team 出,唔同美國國防報啲briefing. 美國國防部可能1-2個月先brief 一次記者,就會多啲野講
2023-03-06 23:59:59
2023-03-07 00:00:12
快啲撤啦, 無謂死守.
2023-03-07 00:01:15

2023-03-07 00:50:54

2023-03-07 00:58:23
2023-03-07 01:16:18
而家佢地要帶風向, 但扮到好中立咁
講到成個連登仔都覺得烏軍玩緊COD, 得佢知烏軍有死傷咁
2023-03-07 01:21:05

1. 決定守就守, 決定撤就撤, 唔好毋寧兩可, 今日話撤聽日話守 (雖然我覺得係故意搞亂opensource的煙幕, 冇辦法從opensource搵到真確的戰略與戰術調動, 烏軍內部應該一早協調好哂, 有基準去決定撤退定增援防守).

2. 決定佐戰略後, 戰術層面, 後勤就要作出相應配合:
- 如果決定守, 就要counter offence先, 解除flank對補給線的威脅, 另外就要保持足夠增援, Wagner Group加人, 咁烏軍亦要同時倒增援.
- 如果決定撤退, 就要保持撤退路線暢通, 先安排撤離居民, 再慢慢將防線後撤.
2023-03-07 01:24:19
秋意龍係劉正分身, 佢老婆係黑警/SS, 結案

我一早Block 9哂呢群人. 成個連登好乾淨.

仲有, 真實戰場的戰局, 唔會因為propaganda而改變.
2023-03-07 01:29:42
link pls
2023-03-07 01:31:23
Update on Bakhmut from the Ukrainian correspondent Yuriy Butusov (t.me/ButusovPlus/23…):

"The situation in Bakhmut

Ukrainian forces hold most of the city, including the center. Although some of our units were withdrawn from the city, this is more a matter of rotation and not a general order to withdraw. A significant number of our troops are still fighting here. There are people and equipment.

The enemy captured the eastern part of the city, up to the Bakhmutka River. The main attack of the Russians is not in the city, but from the north, bypassing the city. The battle is over the supply path that remains. This path is under enemy fire. The enemy is encouraging our troops to withdraw from Bakhmut, as a real threat of encirclement has been created. But the enemy is advancing slowly, and that is why the Ukrainian command is sure that there are still opportunities to hold the escape routes for a while, slowing down the pace of advance and inflicting even more losses on the Russians.

Holding the city for us in conditions of limited communication is not profitable now from the point of view of tactics. This is a matter of strategy - the Ukrainian command will hold the city until the last moment, as always. Unlike Kherson, Balaklia, Izyum, Lyman, and Kupyansk, which the Russians fled from, the Ukrainians are not leaving the city without long resistance.

The enemy is forced to pay dearly, and slowly moves from woodline to woodline, from house to house.

Everyone who fights in the city in unfavorable conditions hopes that the time of this heroic resistance is used to create reliable, well-equipped and camouflaged defense lines to cover Siversk, Chasiv Yar, Kostyantynivka, Druzhkivka, Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, the lines to which these combat-capable troops will be withdrawn in time. These will be reliably entrenched to be able to defeat the enemy.

Ukrainian soldiers demonstrate high combat capability. And where there is effective management, intelligence, organization, support, at least some ammunition for artillery and mortars, the Russians are being defeated there. We have an advantage due to higher quality, more motivated and more resilient people. But war is a clash of two systems, and everything depends not only on soldiers."

Twitter 瓜咗,直接copy & paste

2023-03-07 01:31:43
我喺連登忽然間load唔到twitter preview,
要click入去先睇到, 你地有冇呢個問題? (電腦)
2023-03-07 01:36:53
2023-03-07 01:40:01
twitter 出咗事,share 唔到link
2023-03-07 01:44:11
我從來唔用share link function.

你share link, 同你copy個website地址係唔同,
多左堆數字同英文. 我唔知decyption之後裏面有咩資訊,
會唔會包括我account資料. 我平時share twitter都係copy website就算
唔會用佢俾既share function.
2023-03-07 01:49:12
話說, 話烏軍喺巴赫姆平均得4小時命嗰段新聞,
有冇人有link? 呢兩日無自己睇, 淨係聽youtube講,
2023-03-07 01:50:25

我同佢講真實戰場, 佢一開始講到烏軍個個都得4個鐘命, 2個source都係話有個美國海軍陸戰隊講, 我話1. 佢無講烏軍得4個鐘命, 2. 就算佢真係咁講可能佢個邊既前線特別差, 其他前線烏軍都有拍片講情況並唔係咁, 之後佢就係咁屌

之前都有同佢片, 佢成日on99四周圍挑機, 又唔知自己衝出來柒, 講講下佢就會潛左水
2023-03-07 01:53:05

NYP 當笑料睇算啦
2023-03-07 02:02:18
2023-03-07 02:04:00
有個烏克蘭前線前美軍返來, 係ABC做個訪問
2023-03-07 02:05:05
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞